Well, I had my "further testing" and need further testing.
The echo (ultrasound of heart) showed light pulmonary hypertension, which the dr said makes sense with chronic lung infections. I'm a bit weirded out, though, because I thought my high PFTs, though admittedly not crazy high like they used to be, kept my heart "safe". Maybe--haha definitely--I don't really understand how this all works. I also have a leaky mitral valve, which is "not a concern."
The stress test didn't go so well. Abnormalities in the last 4 minutes. Could be false positive...for what I'm not sure. I was extremely out of breath toward the end and felt like throwing up. Dr had to coax me to do the last 30 seconds. The target max HR programmed into the computer was 183, and I don't know what the formula used was, but it is not 200-age as I am 37. I don't know where my HR was when I ended the test, but I stopped focusing in the 160s. Compared to last year, that is kinda low for me to be such a mess.
The next test is an echo-stress test--exercise with simultaneous imaging.
I asked what would be the result of the testing if I do have right-side heart issues/hypertension. "Good information for your pulmonologist to have."
Anyone have any insight?