potty question


New member
I hate talking about poop. Too much of my life has been spent describing my stools, but I must ask.

I am constipated. It's pregnancy related, but probably combined with CF. I have always been regular and had well formed stools, so this is out of the ordinary. I might go a little tiny drop every day, but nothing that really feels cleansing! I have taken citrucil and prune juice, but to no avail. I have increased my water intake as well. We're heading into about three weeks of this.

I am getting worried about a bowel obstruction though. I had one when I was 6 (looong time ago!), and I remember it was extrmemly painful. I am not in pain at all, I just feel very full and I am getting a lot of heartburn. I also feel full two bites after I eat something. My abdomen is very tight, which I am sure is because it is full of sh*t and baby....

so, first question:
What would symptoms be of a bowel obstruction?
second - what else can i do to get the juices moving! I would really like to go!!


New member
I remember a few people mentioning a product called GoLytely - emily65roses was one that mentioned it. Might look back at old posts.


Staff member
Ugh! Remember those days well when pregnant w/ds. NOTHING seemed to work -- increased fiber, fruit, water. Since it's most likely pregnancy related can you use stool softeners or --- tmi -- an enema. I'd contact your cf doctor and see what they suggest using. Why be miserable? Especially since you still have a while to go before birth. L


New member
Okay, first question "What does a bowel obstruction feel
like?" ...HE*L!!!  I have had several and I felt like I
was in labor or what I imagine labor to feel like <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">]. The ones
requiring hospitalization are SERIOUS pain, I mean keeled over,
sorta like the worse cramps and heartburn combined that I have
ever felt. My stomach gets extremely bloated ( I look like I'm
about 5 months pregnant). Lastly and my most favorite part :/
 the vomiting. If you have an obstruction, whether it be a
full obstruction or partial, your food cannot get through and the
only way for it to get out of your stomach it is the same way it
came in. (This can include liquids if you drink even a little too
Thankfully, I have always had partial obstructions and many were
able to be cleared at home. With these ones I only  had a
severely sharp pain in my colon area. (The ones that require
hospitalization are the ones with the heartburn/cramping pain and
vomiting, because once you have begun to vomit you will begin to
dehydrate before it will ever clear- Thankfully I have always
cleared them even in the hospital with fluids and laxatives and not
surgery). With the ones I have been able to clear at home, I have
used a laxative called Magnesium Citrate. You can get it at any
drug store (you don't need a perscription like I think you might
with GoLightly).  It is in a glass bottle (Green or red). If
they have the red kind, I suggest getting the red. The stuff is
really sour and the red is cherry flavored, its a little better
than the green (citrus flavored). Drink the WHOLE bottle in one
sitting with a glass or two of  water and wait a few hours.
Okay, so I hope you can fix things before anything happens! Good
luck , Take Care!<br>
Edited: Oh! and if this seems to be a reoccurring problem during
your pregnancy, maybe you could ask your doc. about a daily
"laxative", that's really gentle called Miralax, I take
this stuff daily and have for the past 6 years. It's not anything
what you think of when you think of a laxative. No cramps, no
runns..nothin. Just helps retain water in your bowels> Ask your
doc because I am not sure if you can take it while preggers. It's
generic name is Glycolax. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><br>
and you might want to check with your doc if you decide to take the
mag citrate. I am not sure what's ok to take if your pregnant. I've
never been preg. and lotsa things caution if taking while pregnant
(althought I am not sure if the mag citrate and the miralax do).


New member
I would add a warm pad on your stomach to relax you. I am not sure while you are pregnant if a heating pad is ok I would think not but a hot water bottle might work. I would not want to put anything electric on my stomach for more than a minute


New member
Could you be taking in too many enzymes? Perhaps now that you are pregnant you are digesting better and might need less enzymes?

exercise helps to increase movements so get walking and start drinking more water (I know you mentioned this but perhaps it is not enough)


New member
I'm sure you already know, but you definately do NOT want to be straining while pregnant, so I would call your OB right away. They can RX you something like senekot to help.

Also, I go through these phases too since being pregnant (maybe a little different since I don't have CF). Every night I take calcium WITH MAGNESIUM. That helps keep me regular. Also, If i am feeling backed up, I drink a glass of warm warm water. Like I was going to make tea with it or something. Sometimes that warm water (not mixed with anything else) can help loosen the stool enough to make some headway.

But I would still put a call into your doc


New member

Just wanted to say, NO NO NO NO AND NO to laxatives when you are pregnant. It is very rare that a doctor will ever allow that in pregnant women. Check with your doctor, in the meantime, I would drink a lot of apple juice, etc.

I don't even remember why to be honest pregnant women should not take laxatives, I just know they drilled it in my head for the boards.
