
New member
last night, before i went to bed, i was having trouble falling asleep b/c i felt like my heart was just POUNDING in my chest. like i'd just finished doing albuterol, only i hadn't. i finally got to sleep, but then woke up a few hours later feeling the same way. i checked my blood sugar, but it was 90. not enough for me to be feeling low. i tried to stay calm, because i didn't want to give myself a panic attack. i went to the bathroom and had a glass of water and juice (in case blood sugar was a little low.) i counted my pulse, it was fine, only 105 beats/minute. but my whole chest just felt like it was pounding...i took a valium and went to bed and was fine in the morning.

anyone else had crazy heart pounding like this before??

laura <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Yes, I have. do I have any idea what causes it...no. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> I'm a swell lot of help aren't I? I too would be interested if anyone knows the cause.....


New member
I've also had that same thing, but again, no help, as long as it goes away I haven't investigated more!! Sorry!


New member
Same here. I kind of assumed it had to do with my airways. Like if I had been coughing hard or alot of activity & my hear had to work hard without adequate O2. Sorry cant help more.....


New member
This is so weird you wrote this today!

I just got back from the doctors because last night before going to bed not only was I having palpations, but I was having fluttering feeling in my chest. I was taking my pulse during the fluttering and my heart was skipping a beat. It was like my heart was cramping.

The doc did an ECG and that looked good, but she is sending me to a cardiologist so they can figure out what is going on.

I will keep you updated on what they say!



New member
ARe you talking about pounding like tachycardia ( <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://womenshealth.aetna.com/WH/ihtWH/r.WSIHW000/st.36134/t.36219.html">http://womenshealth.aetna.com/.../st.36134/t.36219.html</a> ) pounding?


New member
I took a cialis a little earlier and then some viagra later the day I had some serious heart beating issues, but I guess that should be expected. Was a good time though.


New member
I've also experienced this from time to time when my heart literally looks like its going to jump out of my chest! I usually just ignore it, cause my Echos and EKGs have always (the 2-3 times I've had them) turned out normal.

My bigger worry, and I don't know if you also have this, is that my resting HR is like 100. Urgh...... that is ALL THE TIME.

Anyway, sorry if off-topic. I hope you get your answers.


New member
lol, sean
I can just get it from too much caffeine.
my husband had it from lung damage -- and he said tachycardia combined with a mitral valve prolapse could feel real weird.
wouldn't know myself....


New member
your fear of causing a panic attack...the pounding as you describe it sounds like you WERE having a panic attack which can arise later in a day when you had another stresser. Good to mention to your doctor in any event.


New member
Mine is always like that.

This is what I figure causes it:

We all know our lungs dont work good.

This means that in each breath, we probably do not get the same amount of o2 as those with healthy lungs.

Therefore, well what I think, our hearts need to work harder and circulate the blood faster to compensate for our lungs, to insure that the rest of our bodies get enough o2.

This may be wrong.

I also know that drugs like ventolin will increase your heart rate.


New member
Laura, upon further reflection concerning your fast pounding heart and sleeping, I think it might have just been you woke up from having a sex dream involving me. I know I get many PM's on here and they tell me the same thing, so next time try to think of something besides me when you go to sleep k? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I have a history of anxiety.

And when it's acting up again, I get the heart thing. And I've had the exact same thing - it's hard to sleep.

The anxiety causes the heart palps, the heart palps cause anxiety, and it just never stops.

It's a rough cycle <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> But you're not a lone.


New member
I second the theoryabout caffine causeing heart palptations. This happened to me and I thought it was old-age, but one of the nurses at work said backoff the caffine. I did and it worked-tho I still drink the real coffee working nights.
so here is an experience that I rarely share. It was shortly after Ben and I were married. 2 months I believe. Anyway, we had just finished being each others company, <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> and were getting ready for bed. I layed down and all of a sudden my heart started beating out of my chest at a crazy speed. I tried to count, but it was going to fast. Ben tried to ocunt but he could not keep up. WE called the U, my hospital and they said to get to the nearest ER. I headed to the nearest hospital, told Ben I thought it had stopped, he felt again and it was still out of control. When I got to the ER they hooked me up to the monitor and my heart was racing at 215 beats per minute. Yes, 215 BPM. It was insane. They said the only way to get it to calm down was to stop it. Yes, I said stop my heart. They put an IV in me told me they would be injecting me with a certain medicine that would stop my heart and that it would start back up again on its own at a slower pace. I was a bit nervous to say the least. All of a sudden I was talking to Ben and then instantly I felt this jolt and I flatlined. Yes, I saw myself flatline. It was insanity. Then in the same instant I was talking again adn watching my heartrate pick up speed. It stayed around 80 BPM after that. Since then there are times that I feel it is beating out of my chest, just not going that fast. It often happens when I have hemoptysis. I hate that feeling. Wish I could explain what it is.


New member
I have that experience sometimes. I don't know what it is, but it seems to happen at night most of the time - like sometimes I will wake up with my heart pounding.


New member
Well, this may or may not apply to you, but I have that problem due to Grave's disease. Tachycardia caused by hyperthyroidism. My dad has Grave's, and it's hereditary. Basically, it means your thyroid is busted. Other symptoms include hair loss (i.e. sheding more than normal), insomnia, and moodiness. In thyroid storm, it can cause fevers, nausea, and it will even damage the nerves in your eyes, causing them to buldge. It can be fatal if not treated.

My doc caught mine because I had a high heart rate at my last appointment (120's to 130's). If you're having any other symptoms, have your doc order a thyroid pannel to check it out. I think the normal range for the thyroid levels is 60-130. My first test came back in the 230's. They're running a second test just to be sure.

Not trying to scare you, but if you think this might be the cause, have it checked. I don't believe Grave's is CF-related, but it is genetic.


New member
I've experienced an odd fluttering. It usually happened during amusement park rides and serious stress in my life. I usually got light-headed and very pale looking as well. My doctor couldn't figure out what was going on since he couldn't duplicate the conditions. He just told me to avoid crazy rides. The last time it happened was about three years ago.