Prayers and Thoughts


New member
Hey all, I'm just posting to let you know that Martha, the wife of one of my friends from the US Jesse, is supposed to be going into surgery for her double lung transplant right now. She got her third call this past afternoon, so please send your prayers and thoughts her way in hopes that things go according to plans this time around.

Thanks everyone!


New member
I would try to call in to Art Bell/George Noory on CoasttocoastAm and have his listeners send positive energy her way. Oddly enough, it seems to help a ton. I wish her the best.


New member
Thanks Liz.....Jesse use to post on here, Didnt he? For a bit anyway. I know he was preoccupied with Martha! Please keep us updated!


Martha, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Liz, keep us posted!


New member
Thanks for the post, Liz. Let us know how it goes. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> How are you doing????

And what Sean said - believe it or not, I've heard it's true......


New member
Ohhh, I will be thinking of her!!! I wore her tshirt on my vacation and felt very proud to wear it! I was thinking of her and will continue to do so. Thanks for letting us know.


New member
Yes, Jesse used to post on here, but has been so preoccupied with Martha lately. She's in Pittsburg getting the transplant, and he's been in Tennesse waiting for the news to fly out. I haven't heard anything yet, so I'm assuming that he's finally flown out there, and she is still in surgery. I'll update when I know more!

Thanks for all the good wishes and prayers guys. Martha, you're in my thoughts as well! Lets hope for an excellent procedure, and a speedy recovery!


New member
I think I recall him on here. He didn't post often, right, but did give an introduction about himself.... I think I remember.

I'll be thinking of both of them!!


New member
I believe his username was Andrusjc. Something to that effect. You're right Julie - he posted an introduction. He's the one who brought me to this site.


New member
Sending very good thoughts and prayers to Martha that all goes well today.

I am familiar with Pittsburgh (having been raised near there). She is in good hands.



New member
No news yet. I suppose no news is good news? At the very least, the fact that I haven't heard from him means that he caught a plane to Pittsburg, and he wasn't doing that if the lungs weren't a match, and it wasn't a go. I'll update as soon as I find anything out.


New member
This is the message posted on Jesse's website yesterday. Just to let you know everything went great, and she's out of surgery:

"Martha was out of surgery yesterday at 1:30 PM, everything went very well according to the surgeon! Martha is now in the ICU and last night when I saw her she was still pretty much out of it, but responded to my voice. She was fighting the ventalator so they were keeping her heavily medicated. She is not out of the woods yet and the doctor excpected nothing more than the typical cf transpant problems. Today will be a critical day so we shall see what happens.

Martha was head to toe tubes, although I have seen other transplant patients in ICU after transplant I was still overwhelmed when I Saw her.

The staff at the hospital is taking excellent care of her a ICU nurse is with her 24 hours a day...they are amazing people. The surgeon and her pulmanologist are checking on her hourly as well.

Thanks to everyone for the good thoughts and prayers...they were answered yesterday! I only have limited access to a public computer, but I will try to post updates for my friends here as often as possible!"

Amy - to answer your question, she's in the States - Pittsburg, and to my knowledge, they do transplants where I live, in Toronto, and a few other provinces I think.