Praying for Eva (65_redroses)


New member
Oh Dear Sweet Eva,
You are so special!!!!!!! I have been reading your journal all day and have not been able to stop. As Heather has said, you have a physical and internal beauty and who ever reads your story is captivated by your story. '

We are all there with you sweetie, holding you in sprit...... You have a beautiful family and friends..And so many people hearts you have touched and I pray a miracle happens and you are with us much longer in this journey. And if not , I will be forever grateful that I was honored to get to know you through this great cyber space.

There is a such thing as loving someone you have never met before, and I know I love you, and you will never be forgotton. My heart and soul reaches out to you and your family. And I will look forword to the day where ever it may be to meet you and hold you....

I know you are going to be one of the most special angels , that will always be looking after all our loved ones, and if they leave this earthly journey before we do.They will have you there to look out after them,and that for the first time ever has given me a little comfort!!!!!!!
All my love , and all Angels ,and the Lord himself is with you precious holding you ,,,,,,,,,,,, Karla <img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">

PS..........I wished this had been posted in the prayer or even the family topic. I would hate for anyone to miss out on getting to know Eva and her family and friends...... Just a thought...... <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh Dear Sweet Eva,
You are so special!!!!!!! I have been reading your journal all day and have not been able to stop. As Heather has said, you have a physical and internal beauty and who ever reads your story is captivated by your story. '

We are all there with you sweetie, holding you in sprit...... You have a beautiful family and friends..And so many people hearts you have touched and I pray a miracle happens and you are with us much longer in this journey. And if not , I will be forever grateful that I was honored to get to know you through this great cyber space.

There is a such thing as loving someone you have never met before, and I know I love you, and you will never be forgotton. My heart and soul reaches out to you and your family. And I will look forword to the day where ever it may be to meet you and hold you....

I know you are going to be one of the most special angels , that will always be looking after all our loved ones, and if they leave this earthly journey before we do.They will have you there to look out after them,and that for the first time ever has given me a little comfort!!!!!!!
All my love , and all Angels ,and the Lord himself is with you precious holding you ,,,,,,,,,,,, Karla <img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">

PS..........I wished this had been posted in the prayer or even the family topic. I would hate for anyone to miss out on getting to know Eva and her family and friends...... Just a thought...... <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh Dear Sweet Eva,
You are so special!!!!!!! I have been reading your journal all day and have not been able to stop. As Heather has said, you have a physical and internal beauty and who ever reads your story is captivated by your story. '

We are all there with you sweetie, holding you in sprit...... You have a beautiful family and friends..And so many people hearts you have touched and I pray a miracle happens and you are with us much longer in this journey. And if not , I will be forever grateful that I was honored to get to know you through this great cyber space.

There is a such thing as loving someone you have never met before, and I know I love you, and you will never be forgotton. My heart and soul reaches out to you and your family. And I will look forword to the day where ever it may be to meet you and hold you....

I know you are going to be one of the most special angels , that will always be looking after all our loved ones, and if they leave this earthly journey before we do.They will have you there to look out after them,and that for the first time ever has given me a little comfort!!!!!!!
All my love , and all Angels ,and the Lord himself is with you precious holding you ,,,,,,,,,,,, Karla <img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">

PS..........I wished this had been posted in the prayer or even the family topic. I would hate for anyone to miss out on getting to know Eva and her family and friends...... Just a thought...... <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh Dear Sweet Eva,
You are so special!!!!!!! I have been reading your journal all day and have not been able to stop. As Heather has said, you have a physical and internal beauty and who ever reads your story is captivated by your story. '

We are all there with you sweetie, holding you in sprit...... You have a beautiful family and friends..And so many people hearts you have touched and I pray a miracle happens and you are with us much longer in this journey. And if not , I will be forever grateful that I was honored to get to know you through this great cyber space.

There is a such thing as loving someone you have never met before, and I know I love you, and you will never be forgotton. My heart and soul reaches out to you and your family. And I will look forword to the day where ever it may be to meet you and hold you....

I know you are going to be one of the most special angels , that will always be looking after all our loved ones, and if they leave this earthly journey before we do.They will have you there to look out after them,and that for the first time ever has given me a little comfort!!!!!!!
All my love , and all Angels ,and the Lord himself is with you precious holding you ,,,,,,,,,,,, Karla <img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">

PS..........I wished this had been posted in the prayer or even the family topic. I would hate for anyone to miss out on getting to know Eva and her family and friends...... Just a thought...... <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh Dear Sweet Eva,
<br />You are so special!!!!!!! I have been reading your journal all day and have not been able to stop. As Heather has said, you have a physical and internal beauty and who ever reads your story is captivated by your story. '
<br />
<br />We are all there with you sweetie, holding you in sprit...... You have a beautiful family and friends..And so many people hearts you have touched and I pray a miracle happens and you are with us much longer in this journey. And if not , I will be forever grateful that I was honored to get to know you through this great cyber space.
<br />
<br />There is a such thing as loving someone you have never met before, and I know I love you, and you will never be forgotton. My heart and soul reaches out to you and your family. And I will look forword to the day where ever it may be to meet you and hold you....
<br />
<br /> I know you are going to be one of the most special angels , that will always be looking after all our loved ones, and if they leave this earthly journey before we do.They will have you there to look out after them,and that for the first time ever has given me a little comfort!!!!!!!
<br />All my love , and all Angels ,and the Lord himself is with you precious holding you ,,,,,,,,,,,, Karla <img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">
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<br />PS..........I wished this had been posted in the prayer or even the family topic. I would hate for anyone to miss out on getting to know Eva and her family and friends...... Just a thought...... <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Oh please don't apologize....... I'm sure you have more on your mind right now than I can imagine...... I just think so many people are going to miss out on this precious one.........
If you have the time ,,,,,,,, maybe you could go to the moderator,,,,,,, and they can move all the responce's to one of the other area's......

I know I would had missed her if I hadn't seen it on the home page...... I was telling my sister about her, and when I went to the home page it wasn't there ,,,,,,,,,and we looked awhile before I said ,maybe it's in the Adults section............
That's the only reason I know people might miss her.......... And I'll tell you ,, her story has moved me more than anyone I have ever known..........

My prayers to you,,,,,,, please keep us posted on Eva,,,,,,,,Karla


New member
Oh please don't apologize....... I'm sure you have more on your mind right now than I can imagine...... I just think so many people are going to miss out on this precious one.........
If you have the time ,,,,,,,, maybe you could go to the moderator,,,,,,, and they can move all the responce's to one of the other area's......

I know I would had missed her if I hadn't seen it on the home page...... I was telling my sister about her, and when I went to the home page it wasn't there ,,,,,,,,,and we looked awhile before I said ,maybe it's in the Adults section............
That's the only reason I know people might miss her.......... And I'll tell you ,, her story has moved me more than anyone I have ever known..........

My prayers to you,,,,,,, please keep us posted on Eva,,,,,,,,Karla


New member
Oh please don't apologize....... I'm sure you have more on your mind right now than I can imagine...... I just think so many people are going to miss out on this precious one.........
If you have the time ,,,,,,,, maybe you could go to the moderator,,,,,,, and they can move all the responce's to one of the other area's......

I know I would had missed her if I hadn't seen it on the home page...... I was telling my sister about her, and when I went to the home page it wasn't there ,,,,,,,,,and we looked awhile before I said ,maybe it's in the Adults section............
That's the only reason I know people might miss her.......... And I'll tell you ,, her story has moved me more than anyone I have ever known..........

My prayers to you,,,,,,, please keep us posted on Eva,,,,,,,,Karla


New member
Oh please don't apologize....... I'm sure you have more on your mind right now than I can imagine...... I just think so many people are going to miss out on this precious one.........
If you have the time ,,,,,,,, maybe you could go to the moderator,,,,,,, and they can move all the responce's to one of the other area's......

I know I would had missed her if I hadn't seen it on the home page...... I was telling my sister about her, and when I went to the home page it wasn't there ,,,,,,,,,and we looked awhile before I said ,maybe it's in the Adults section............
That's the only reason I know people might miss her.......... And I'll tell you ,, her story has moved me more than anyone I have ever known..........

My prayers to you,,,,,,, please keep us posted on Eva,,,,,,,,Karla


New member
Oh please don't apologize....... I'm sure you have more on your mind right now than I can imagine...... I just think so many people are going to miss out on this precious one.........
<br />If you have the time ,,,,,,,, maybe you could go to the moderator,,,,,,, and they can move all the responce's to one of the other area's......
<br />
<br />I know I would had missed her if I hadn't seen it on the home page...... I was telling my sister about her, and when I went to the home page it wasn't there ,,,,,,,,,and we looked awhile before I said ,maybe it's in the Adults section............
<br />That's the only reason I know people might miss her.......... And I'll tell you ,, her story has moved me more than anyone I have ever known..........
<br />
<br />My prayers to you,,,,,,, please keep us posted on Eva,,,,,,,,Karla


New member
I just reposted. Unfortunately (I say that because it would have been more awesome
to have known her more personally) I have only known her through blog, but I knew there wereI many here that know her and would want to give her love.


New member
I just reposted. Unfortunately (I say that because it would have been more awesome
to have known her more personally) I have only known her through blog, but I knew there wereI many here that know her and would want to give her love.


New member
I just reposted. Unfortunately (I say that because it would have been more awesome
to have known her more personally) I have only known her through blog, but I knew there wereI many here that know her and would want to give her love.


New member
I just reposted. Unfortunately (I say that because it would have been more awesome
to have known her more personally) I have only known her through blog, but I knew there wereI many here that know her and would want to give her love.


New member
I just reposted. Unfortunately (I say that because it would have been more awesome
<br />to have known her more personally) I have only known her through blog, but I knew there wereI many here that know her and would want to give her love.