pre-mix Hypertonic saline solution


New member
I've been reading that there is a pre-mixed vial of 7% HS. Is this true? Our doctor did not know about it and asked me to verify this. We don't mind mixing it up, but it's easier to travel with if it came in vials. Not to mention that the reminder is stored in our fridge for the next 2-3 therapy sessions. Something doesn't seem sterile to me.

Also, what is a compound pharmicists I've read about?

Any help with this would be appreciative.

mom to Faith 10 yrs old, recently diagnosed 11/05


New member
My doc wanted to give me 7% but i have 6% now cause they had that premixed. She said 6 was ok too.
I can't really help cause i'm in the Netherlands.. but i think we don't have 7% here, could be that you do ahve it in the US. I hope so for you, it would be much easier then having to prepair it each time.



New member
I called our mail-in pharmacy and they said they need the NDC# and they could help locate it or see who would carry it so they could pay for it. If anyone knows this number from a premixed 7% HS (or even 6%), could you please let me know what you have.

Thank you so much!!



New member
I am not aware of 7% coming in already made vials. I know the CF pharmacy has 3%, 5% & 10% in already made vials then you have to mix the 3% & 10% to get your 7%. I also know that people have had pharmacy premix it, but still am not aware of it "coming" like that.


New member
There is no NDC# yet. That is why insurance companies won't pay for the pre-mixed yet. I get mine from Foundation Care. It cost $150 for 2 months supply. I just called them and they are not sure when there will be a NDC #.


New member
I called the Foundation Care and they can pretty much do everything. Steph is right, insurance doesn't pay for it, but it's only $0.60 a vial. So I can pay $18.00 for a 30 day supply and it's free shipping. That might be worth it since I think we may only need it on average 2 times a week. It's just for convenience. Thanks!



New member
THere is a premixed H saline that you can get from a company called Foundation Care. My CF clinic is ordering it from them for me. Not sure on cost cause I am just getting started. But it is a company that sells it premixed, which is really nice

Jennifer 34 years old with Cf and CFRD


New member I one of the only ones that doesn't mix their hypertonic themselves? Mine came in an IV bag, premixed. All I have to do is draw it out through a needleless system.


New member
mine comes pre-mixed, but I have to get it at a certain pharmacy because they mix it there, that's where the compound pharmacist comes in. It's only $20 for a month supply.