Prednisone withdrawal effects


New member
My doctor gave me a regimen of prednisone to take for 2 and a half week. It went like this :
Using 5mg caplets
8 caplets x 3 days6 caplets x 3 days4 caplets x 3 days3 caplets x 3 days2 caplets x 3 days1 caplets x 3 daysExcept that instead of doing 2 caplets for 3 days, I did 2 caplets x 1 day and 1 caplet x 2 days because I was tired of the side effects (makes me become moody and irritable). I didn't intend to take the last caplet I took, but I had to take it because of how weak and tired I was. Plus my lung inflammation had really flared up. I had good trouble breathing.I want to know, for those of you who take similar regiments from time to time, how much time do the withdrawal effects last for you? I've been sleeping a LOT in the last 4 days.
I'm considering not taking prednisone again. It has really bad effects on my mood and the withdrawal effects make taking it worse than not taking it because of how the inflammation flares up when I go off it.


You really need to stick to the plan your doctor gave you. Prednisone has to be weaned slowly. In fact, whenever Andrew is on a burst he not only ends with a few days of just one, he even goes into every-other-day doses. Prednisone is a nasty drug. We avoid it at all costs, too>