Pregnancy and CF


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hi i'm Sarah. 23 w/cf and my daughter is 2 1/2 now and my pregnancy went fine till my 3rh trimaster i couldn't breath well and so i had my daughter at 35 weeks. but she was very healthy for being 5 weeks early.


New member
Hi Sarah, if you read this, I would really like to talk to you. Seems like you and I have some things in commen. By the way, my baby was 5 weeks early too, and weighed 5 pounds 9 ounces. Ive seen you on here a lot and would really like you to email me, sorry if I sound desperate, dont mean to. :0)


New member
Obviously, one has to weigh the realities of the desire to be pregnant rationally. We know (or at least most of us, but I am awestruck at the girls who make the news who do NOT) htat pregnancy is a means to an end. The end of course being motherhood, caring for a child for the entirety of your lifetime. I, too, had that urger, desire or whatever you want to call it from an early age. I think that because of CF in our lives, we have a heightened awareness of the preciousness of life. Women who have experienced infertility (as far as I have encountered) NEVER complain about pregnancy and birth. They are overwhelmingly grateful.

I'm sure that there is nothing like brimming over with new life. Nothing. There is nothing like knowing that you have been chosen to bring a soul into the world or like feeling and knowing that creation is happening inside you. It is amazing.) and there cant possibly be anything better in life then having a beautiful child created from you and the person you love and having them call you "mommy" and "daddy", seeing your spouse hold your kid, nothing can be better then that, c'mon now

Birth. Birth is hard work, but if you let your body do what it was made to do, you will be able to not only get through it, but even ENJOY it! I've known moms that truly love to give birth - I havn't yet due to the fact that i am only 17, and when i hear these stories about how they never want to have kids, i think their NUTS.

There is a very rational reason for all of this - especially factoring in CF. Pregnancy and birth are our last best hope that our bodies will do SOMETHING right. And you know what, they can. Not everyone's can of course (not even every healthy woman), but the odds are actually in our favor if our health is generally good and stable. Not to preach or persuade, but simply to encourage. Take good care of yourself. If you find that when the time comes that you really to desire, NEED, motherhood as much as a pregnancy (a good test is whether you would be just as happy to mother a non-biological child as biological), be encouraged that there is a good chance that you CAN.


New member
I had my daughter when I was 19, at 36 weeks. During my last trimester, I could barely breathe and did end up in the hospital on IV antibiotics for a staph, all of this was before I knew I had CF, but my symptoms sound very similar to many of yours. (I did not know I had CF til I was 36)...Other than the breathing problmes, the other major "problem" I had was that I had to eat, ALL THE TIME, or I felt nauseous. I started my pregancy at 102lbs (I'm 5'4") and ended it at 174lbs...lost all the weight and then some in 4 weeks after the birth.

As far as the infertility aspect of it goes, we tried for YEARS to have another baby (again, pre-diagnosis), but I guess it wasn't in the cards. My beautiful "baby" girl is now 16 years old, just won a scholarship to study in Japan this summer, and will be a senior next school year...I'm sooo very proud of her...and although she is a carrier of CF, her sweat test was negative. (We immediately had her tested after my diagnosis). My husband and I had decided about 6 months ago that we were done trying and that we were looking forward to the "empty nest" and traveling and watching our daughter grow...and we're still both okay with that decision, especially with the new diagnosis.

Even though I was very sick during the last trimester, I truly did LOVE being pregnant, and it's probably something I would have done every year if my body would have cooperated!

Congratulations on your pregnancy - I wish you all the best!

36 w/CF


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I am truly grateful of my pregnancy and so far so good. I'm 11 weeks along now and hoping for the best on test results. I heard the baby's heartbeat a few days ago during an appointment and it was truely the best thing I have ever experienced in my life. Having CF has made me extremely thankful and grateful for things that I never really cared about before. My CF doctor did take me off all of my perscriptions except Albuterol solution (at night) and Albuterol inhaler (in the morning) and I can take enzymes and ADEKs. It has been a little tough, and my coughing has increased at night. I am walking a mile every other day on my treadmill and it has helped a lot with my breathing. I am curious to see how the third trimester goes, all I can do is be as strong as I can for me and my child and belive in myself that I was given this oppertunity for a reason.

26 w/cf, married


New member
Hi Janice,
Congratulations! I remember like yesterday the first time I heard my son's heartbeat, it was amazing!! I am now 40 and my son is almost 15. I had him when I was 25, just about your age. I did really well throughout the pregnancy, the third trimester was a little challenging, but I was working full time. I did find I was a lot more tired and more short of breath when my belly got big with him pressing up on my lungs, but he was born naturally at 38 weeks and it went fine. I would say keep exercising as long as you can, be sure to rest when you are tired, eat well and try to take really good care of yourself! Best of luck, keep us posted as to how you are doing.

40 w/cf


New member
I'm glad you are doing well in your pregnancy so far. I also did very well when I had my daughter. I was 24 when I had her and I am now 31. I carried her low so I never had problems with my lungs at all. However, I did begin having high blood sugars toward the last couple of months. My labor was induced 3 weeks early, but I did fine as well as my daughter (who is CF free). I also had a natural birth. During my pregnancy I was actually the healthiest I had been for a long time. Unfortunately, 6 mos after I gave birth, I did develop CF related diabetes. But I wouldnt change anything, because I have a beautiful healthy daughter. Good luck to you throughout the rest of your pregnancy...and I would be glad to answer any questions you might have.


New member
Thanks so much for the encouraging words! It's so nice to know that women with CF are able to have normal pregnancies and healthy, beautiful babies.

26 w/cf


New member
Congrats on your upcoming arrival. I am 31 and have two beautiful girls(6 and 6 months) I was very scared on my first pregnancy but it went wonderful. I delivered both at 39 weeks, the first one I had a "tune-up" at 32 weeks, and the second one at 38 weeks(this one because I had not been hospitalized in 2 years. I drank a lot of carnation instant breakfast and ate lots of high calorie food, in several small meals and gained 30 lbs with the first and only 18 with the second. My oldest weighed 6lbs 9oz, and the second weighed 7lbs 4 ozs. I loved beigh pregnant and followed exactly what my doctors said and therefore breezed through both pregnancys. So don't worry and enjoy it, and one more piece of advice GET LOTS OF SLEEP.