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I was blessed with my beautiful baby boy who just turned 2 in Jan. Latley I have had thoughts of number 2 running in my mind. I never thought that we would be able to have one child in the first place. I was blessed that my health did not take a hugh hit from pregnancy and now I wonder. I have always wanted 2 kids but with my CF I always said no there is no way. Why would I put my body through that again, I was lucky once. Why would I do something that could cause me to have less time with my son and husband and new child if we decided to have one. I know the studies that pregnancy does not drop the health of alot of women but I am scared that it will for me. I know in the end its a personal decision but I was wondering what others thought. If you have a child, how did your health do? Did you think about another and if you had another how much more wear on your body was it to have 2 instead of one. I look at my day sometimes and think I could never handle two, and think Im crazy for thinking about another. But in the back of my mind I guess the hope for another one is still there at times. I guess I was just wanting to hear from others how they weighed the choices out.