I am a 23 year old mom with CF. I was wondering about other mothers with CF. How were your pregnancies? What were your birth experiences like? Did you try to nurse? Were you able to keep up your calories? How have you handled hospitalizations and antibiotics. What did you do right or wish you hadn't done?I gave birth at home with a midwife. My pregnancy was the healthiest time of my whole life up to that point. I began nursing my baby at the beginning and we've been nursing ever since (baby's about to be 1 year old)! I've nursed through one hospitalization - took my baby with me. I realize that I am very alternative in my views, but my doctors have been very supportive and my health has been good (upto and I think because of some of my alternative decisions). I have a CT scan and a sinus surgery coming up and I wonder if anyone has any advice on how to handle that with the baby. I don't mind answering questions about my choices if you have them. Hepcat<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">