

New member
Hi, I am a 22 year old Cf patient with CF related Diabetes. I must add that I am very healthy for having both. I have recently decided to start trying to get pregnant. Me and my husband have been trying for about 5 months without any luck. I am seeing an OBGYN who deals with CF patients who are pregnant. It is so frustrating that some people get pregnant quickly and I am having trouble. In March if we are not pregnant, my dr. is going to give us something to help move it along. Does anyone have any tips or tricks that helped them. I know that Cervical Mucus is very thick and that's a big problem. Any tips on how to overcome this?Thanks


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Hi there..I am a 30 yr old female with CF and also CF related diabetes...but didnt get it till the birth of my daughter....almost 6 yrs ago. I was 22 when my hubby and I started trying to have a baby. It became very stressful...we didnt have any luck either. I had finally just decided that if I were meant to have would happen...although I didnt like it. I wanted to have a child so badly. We tried unsuccessfully for about a year and a half. When we quit trying so hard...within 6 mos I was pregnant. I know its aggravating...I have been there. I can honestly say....I believe that the stress made my body crazy...and didnt allow me to become pregnant. The doctors even said that stress can do that. My advice....take your time. Dont rush it.....if its meant to will happen! Good Luck....take care...God BlessDea


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Thank you for the advice. I am glad to see that females with CF are able to have children. We are not losing hope, but I am into the instant gratification and I want it to happen now! Don't we all! THanks again, it brings my hopes up. I have heard about the guanefisen thing. have you heard this, does it really work. I took robitussin three times a day the week before ovulation and all I got was a terrible head cold from the mucus thinning out. I was sick for two days with a cough from thinning the mucus. It worked in my lungs, but not down there!


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Hi,I am a 22 year old who is trying to have a child. My husband and I have been also trying to have chidren. We have been trying for almost 2 years. I would slo like to know if anyone has any advice. We have tried then took a break then tried again. Now we are starting all the test at the obgyn to see what they can help with. Any help would be graetly appticated. Thank you


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We have been trying for about 5 months. Been married for almost 7 and started trying about that time. Officially, though 5 months. NOthing yet. I can't imagine 2 years of it. I am in the 2 week wait period. I am due for my period on Friday. hopefully she'll not show! it would be so awesome, my b-day was on the 22 of Dec. and that would be funny if the baby was conceived on that day. Anyway, I am now trying nothing. except timing. I did the robitussin stuff, the pills three times a day and it didn't work. I only did it one month, but they got expensive. I am going to see if I can get the perscription stuff that helps thin mucus. I go to my OBGYN in march and he is going to start tests if we aren't preg. by then. Good luck to you. I am glad that there is someone here who knows what it's like. I sure hope you are blessed soon! I'll keep you in my prayersMika


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My husband may have CF which would explain why we haven't been able to concieve, 95% of males with this disease are sterile! We just went to the doctor today so we still have to <i>take</i> the test <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> I'm just freaking out because this is something that I've never heard of before and it's jsut such a shocking reality.


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HI, I am 25 year old CF patient. My husband and I have been trying since July to get pregnant. We have been counting days and ovulation for about 2 months. I finally bought an ovulation test kit. It is frustrating and scary to think about all the negative things. One thing that is a big thing is stress. Try not to worry about things and have FUN trying.


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I am 22 and my husband and I have been trying since aboiut August. I am currently trying the robitussin thing. I take the plain robitussin 4 times a day and hopefully it will thin the mucus, that is what my dr. thinks is the problemGood luck to you !It is stressful, especially when peopel around us are getting pregnant and we are still trying!Hang in there!Mika


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for both men and women who have cf why have kids?Do you want to have a kid go through the same thing as you did growing up?Reason i ask my hubby wants kids and has been battling this same question, I have thought of going to a sperm bank and doing it that way, so that we can enjoy the experiance of pregency.


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Maybe you are clear on this but just to mention it. A person with CF does not give birth to a child with CF, the partner has to be a carrier of the gene or also have the disease. Yes, CF is bad at times but there are so many other worse things out there. To everyone trying, may life bring the joy you are seeking. 26 female w/CF


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CF is a recessive trait, meaning that both parents have to carry the recessive gene in order to conceive a baby with CF. If a person with CF has a baby with a person that does not carry the recessive gene, then the baby would just get the CF recessive gene, this is called a carrier. If two people who do not have CF but both are carriers of the recessive gene, then there is a one in four chance the baby will have CF. If one person with CF has a baby with another person with CF then all the genes will be recessive and that baby would have CF too. My sister who has CF was un- aware of this information untill I explained it, so I thought I would share it with others who may be confused about it. I figured out the numbers by using pedigree diagrams which are taught in Biology <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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Even if there is a fear of having a child with CF...what is wrong about how we live. I'm 23/f and looking to get in the family way once I finish school and get married. My boyfriend and I have been advised to get him genetically tested to see if he is a carrier, then to get genetic counseling. Quite frankly I believe that I am a much stronger and better person for having Cystic Fibrosis. I look around at "normal" people around and feel that by having a disease I have gained a maturity that will take them a lifetime to get to. Good luck to all those trying to conceive, I too will be looking forward to any information anyone can offer!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


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hi, my name is Anissa, did the robitussin help you to conceive? I will be taking it in a couple of days and can't wait to see what it does............ please let me know.



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Hello, everyone.
As someone who is also trying to conceive, I have joined various message boards online. A great site that will help you chart your ovulation and offer support is It is a wealth of information on how to increase your chances of getting pregnant. I have also gotten in on some pretty good live chats with people. Worth a try! Good luck!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">