Pregnant Again


New member
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums. I wanted to ask those parents with multiple children, how has it been taking care of your healthy and your CF kids? My husband and I are both carriers, and our daughter was born with CF before we knew. ( She is 5 now and is doing awesome) We would have loved having a large family but have been wrestling with the pros and cons of more children. Do we knowingly try for more even though we have the genes subjecting a child to an illness? If we have a healthy child will they get less attention? And how will 2 week hospital visits work with a 2nd child? How do you guys cope? Any advice or comments would be so appreciated. thanks everyone.


New member
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums. I wanted to ask those parents with multiple children, how has it been taking care of your healthy and your CF kids? My husband and I are both carriers, and our daughter was born with CF before we knew. ( She is 5 now and is doing awesome) We would have loved having a large family but have been wrestling with the pros and cons of more children. Do we knowingly try for more even though we have the genes subjecting a child to an illness? If we have a healthy child will they get less attention? And how will 2 week hospital visits work with a 2nd child? How do you guys cope? Any advice or comments would be so appreciated. thanks everyone.


New member
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums. I wanted to ask those parents with multiple children, how has it been taking care of your healthy and your CF kids? My husband and I are both carriers, and our daughter was born with CF before we knew. ( She is 5 now and is doing awesome) We would have loved having a large family but have been wrestling with the pros and cons of more children. Do we knowingly try for more even though we have the genes subjecting a child to an illness? If we have a healthy child will they get less attention? And how will 2 week hospital visits work with a 2nd child? How do you guys cope? Any advice or comments would be so appreciated. thanks everyone.


New member
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums. I wanted to ask those parents with multiple children, how has it been taking care of your healthy and your CF kids? My husband and I are both carriers, and our daughter was born with CF before we knew. ( She is 5 now and is doing awesome) We would have loved having a large family but have been wrestling with the pros and cons of more children. Do we knowingly try for more even though we have the genes subjecting a child to an illness? If we have a healthy child will they get less attention? And how will 2 week hospital visits work with a 2nd child? How do you guys cope? Any advice or comments would be so appreciated. thanks everyone.


New member
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums. I wanted to ask those parents with multiple children, how has it been taking care of your healthy and your CF kids? My husband and I are both carriers, and our daughter was born with CF before we knew. ( She is 5 now and is doing awesome) We would have loved having a large family but have been wrestling with the pros and cons of more children. Do we knowingly try for more even though we have the genes subjecting a child to an illness? If we have a healthy child will they get less attention? And how will 2 week hospital visits work with a 2nd child? How do you guys cope? Any advice or comments would be so appreciated. thanks everyone.


New member
I'm pretty sure you'll get mixed responses, but as for us...we just started our second pregnancy. Originally, our plan was for IVF when our daughter was three years old; however, life had different plans. With our daughter, we didn't know we were carriers. This time, since we do, we have gone back and forth about whether or not we should find out. Ultimately, I'm not sure I could do anything about it even if this child were sick (especially seeing how wonderful and healthy my little girl is) so we're going to pass. I have a innate feeling that this baby is going to be just fine, and there's a 75% chance that I'm right. My husband and I both feel that yes, we know it's hard having a child with CF, but in the same respect, it's the only parenting we know, so we're praying for the best and preparing for the worst.

Well, I hope that helps.


New member
I'm pretty sure you'll get mixed responses, but as for us...we just started our second pregnancy. Originally, our plan was for IVF when our daughter was three years old; however, life had different plans. With our daughter, we didn't know we were carriers. This time, since we do, we have gone back and forth about whether or not we should find out. Ultimately, I'm not sure I could do anything about it even if this child were sick (especially seeing how wonderful and healthy my little girl is) so we're going to pass. I have a innate feeling that this baby is going to be just fine, and there's a 75% chance that I'm right. My husband and I both feel that yes, we know it's hard having a child with CF, but in the same respect, it's the only parenting we know, so we're praying for the best and preparing for the worst.

Well, I hope that helps.


New member
I'm pretty sure you'll get mixed responses, but as for us...we just started our second pregnancy. Originally, our plan was for IVF when our daughter was three years old; however, life had different plans. With our daughter, we didn't know we were carriers. This time, since we do, we have gone back and forth about whether or not we should find out. Ultimately, I'm not sure I could do anything about it even if this child were sick (especially seeing how wonderful and healthy my little girl is) so we're going to pass. I have a innate feeling that this baby is going to be just fine, and there's a 75% chance that I'm right. My husband and I both feel that yes, we know it's hard having a child with CF, but in the same respect, it's the only parenting we know, so we're praying for the best and preparing for the worst.

Well, I hope that helps.


New member
I'm pretty sure you'll get mixed responses, but as for us...we just started our second pregnancy. Originally, our plan was for IVF when our daughter was three years old; however, life had different plans. With our daughter, we didn't know we were carriers. This time, since we do, we have gone back and forth about whether or not we should find out. Ultimately, I'm not sure I could do anything about it even if this child were sick (especially seeing how wonderful and healthy my little girl is) so we're going to pass. I have a innate feeling that this baby is going to be just fine, and there's a 75% chance that I'm right. My husband and I both feel that yes, we know it's hard having a child with CF, but in the same respect, it's the only parenting we know, so we're praying for the best and preparing for the worst.

Well, I hope that helps.


New member
I'm pretty sure you'll get mixed responses, but as for us...we just started our second pregnancy. Originally, our plan was for IVF when our daughter was three years old; however, life had different plans. With our daughter, we didn't know we were carriers. This time, since we do, we have gone back and forth about whether or not we should find out. Ultimately, I'm not sure I could do anything about it even if this child were sick (especially seeing how wonderful and healthy my little girl is) so we're going to pass. I have a innate feeling that this baby is going to be just fine, and there's a 75% chance that I'm right. My husband and I both feel that yes, we know it's hard having a child with CF, but in the same respect, it's the only parenting we know, so we're praying for the best and preparing for the worst.
<br />
<br />Well, I hope that helps.


New member
Congrats! I also had nothing different with my two pregnancies...Same heartburn with both! The only thing different was my OBYGN had me on month ultrasounds to watch baby #2 tummy.

I also decided on not testing the baby while she was inside of me. I refused all of it! However as soon as she was born we had the full Ambry kit ready to go. Two weeks after she was born we had her results. No cf!

I did decide while I was pregnant with #2 that two was enough for my family. Regardless if #2 had CF or not. So, I had my tubes tied.

Enjoy your pregnancy, and free to contact me.



Mommy to Johnny two in a half w/cf...and Bailey 4months


New member
Congrats! I also had nothing different with my two pregnancies...Same heartburn with both! The only thing different was my OBYGN had me on month ultrasounds to watch baby #2 tummy.

I also decided on not testing the baby while she was inside of me. I refused all of it! However as soon as she was born we had the full Ambry kit ready to go. Two weeks after she was born we had her results. No cf!

I did decide while I was pregnant with #2 that two was enough for my family. Regardless if #2 had CF or not. So, I had my tubes tied.

Enjoy your pregnancy, and free to contact me.



Mommy to Johnny two in a half w/cf...and Bailey 4months


New member
Congrats! I also had nothing different with my two pregnancies...Same heartburn with both! The only thing different was my OBYGN had me on month ultrasounds to watch baby #2 tummy.

I also decided on not testing the baby while she was inside of me. I refused all of it! However as soon as she was born we had the full Ambry kit ready to go. Two weeks after she was born we had her results. No cf!

I did decide while I was pregnant with #2 that two was enough for my family. Regardless if #2 had CF or not. So, I had my tubes tied.

Enjoy your pregnancy, and free to contact me.



Mommy to Johnny two in a half w/cf...and Bailey 4months


New member
Congrats! I also had nothing different with my two pregnancies...Same heartburn with both! The only thing different was my OBYGN had me on month ultrasounds to watch baby #2 tummy.

I also decided on not testing the baby while she was inside of me. I refused all of it! However as soon as she was born we had the full Ambry kit ready to go. Two weeks after she was born we had her results. No cf!

I did decide while I was pregnant with #2 that two was enough for my family. Regardless if #2 had CF or not. So, I had my tubes tied.

Enjoy your pregnancy, and free to contact me.



Mommy to Johnny two in a half w/cf...and Bailey 4months


New member
Congrats! I also had nothing different with my two pregnancies...Same heartburn with both! The only thing different was my OBYGN had me on month ultrasounds to watch baby #2 tummy.
<br />
<br />I also decided on not testing the baby while she was inside of me. I refused all of it! However as soon as she was born we had the full Ambry kit ready to go. Two weeks after she was born we had her results. No cf!
<br />
<br />I did decide while I was pregnant with #2 that two was enough for my family. Regardless if #2 had CF or not. So, I had my tubes tied.
<br />
<br />Enjoy your pregnancy, and free to contact me.
<br />
<br />Love,
<br />
<br />Sarah
<br />
<br />Mommy to Johnny two in a half w/cf...and Bailey 4months