Pregnant-child diagnosed


New member
Hi there:
My little Holly Ann is 4 months old and we have no problem with her sleeping well. As of yet she does not cough in her sleep or much during the day. She had a little bit of a stuffy nose that lasted about a week and that did not seem to bother her much at all. We went to the DR. yesterday for her check-up and she is doing great. She weighs 13lbs. 8oz. and is 23 1/2 inches long. We are so blessed with her progress. She is in the 50th percentile for height and weight. All cases are different but I am praying for all to be well with your little one. The guilt still comes to me at times two months post-diagnoses but then I just realize that God sent me this little girl to love and raise for him and that is what my husband and I plan to do. She is great and the light of my life. E'mail me and I will send you some pics. We do nebulizer treatments and chest therapy once a day and now she will just go to sleep during her therapy so that makes it so much easier. God bless you guys and your new baby to be. With love in Christ: Kristan


New member
Hi there:
My little Holly Ann is 4 months old and we have no problem with her sleeping well. As of yet she does not cough in her sleep or much during the day. She had a little bit of a stuffy nose that lasted about a week and that did not seem to bother her much at all. We went to the DR. yesterday for her check-up and she is doing great. She weighs 13lbs. 8oz. and is 23 1/2 inches long. We are so blessed with her progress. She is in the 50th percentile for height and weight. All cases are different but I am praying for all to be well with your little one. The guilt still comes to me at times two months post-diagnoses but then I just realize that God sent me this little girl to love and raise for him and that is what my husband and I plan to do. She is great and the light of my life. E'mail me and I will send you some pics. We do nebulizer treatments and chest therapy once a day and now she will just go to sleep during her therapy so that makes it so much easier. God bless you guys and your new baby to be. With love in Christ: Kristan


New member
Hi there:
My little Holly Ann is 4 months old and we have no problem with her sleeping well. As of yet she does not cough in her sleep or much during the day. She had a little bit of a stuffy nose that lasted about a week and that did not seem to bother her much at all. We went to the DR. yesterday for her check-up and she is doing great. She weighs 13lbs. 8oz. and is 23 1/2 inches long. We are so blessed with her progress. She is in the 50th percentile for height and weight. All cases are different but I am praying for all to be well with your little one. The guilt still comes to me at times two months post-diagnoses but then I just realize that God sent me this little girl to love and raise for him and that is what my husband and I plan to do. She is great and the light of my life. E'mail me and I will send you some pics. We do nebulizer treatments and chest therapy once a day and now she will just go to sleep during her therapy so that makes it so much easier. God bless you guys and your new baby to be. With love in Christ: Kristan


New member
Hi there:
My little Holly Ann is 4 months old and we have no problem with her sleeping well. As of yet she does not cough in her sleep or much during the day. She had a little bit of a stuffy nose that lasted about a week and that did not seem to bother her much at all. We went to the DR. yesterday for her check-up and she is doing great. She weighs 13lbs. 8oz. and is 23 1/2 inches long. We are so blessed with her progress. She is in the 50th percentile for height and weight. All cases are different but I am praying for all to be well with your little one. The guilt still comes to me at times two months post-diagnoses but then I just realize that God sent me this little girl to love and raise for him and that is what my husband and I plan to do. She is great and the light of my life. E'mail me and I will send you some pics. We do nebulizer treatments and chest therapy once a day and now she will just go to sleep during her therapy so that makes it so much easier. God bless you guys and your new baby to be. With love in Christ: Kristan


New member
Hi there:
My little Holly Ann is 4 months old and we have no problem with her sleeping well. As of yet she does not cough in her sleep or much during the day. She had a little bit of a stuffy nose that lasted about a week and that did not seem to bother her much at all. We went to the DR. yesterday for her check-up and she is doing great. She weighs 13lbs. 8oz. and is 23 1/2 inches long. We are so blessed with her progress. She is in the 50th percentile for height and weight. All cases are different but I am praying for all to be well with your little one. The guilt still comes to me at times two months post-diagnoses but then I just realize that God sent me this little girl to love and raise for him and that is what my husband and I plan to do. She is great and the light of my life. E'mail me and I will send you some pics. We do nebulizer treatments and chest therapy once a day and now she will just go to sleep during her therapy so that makes it so much easier. God bless you guys and your new baby to be. With love in Christ: Kristan


New member
Hi there! We have a three year old son and our new baby was diagnosed with CF on August 20 of this year. I'm truly sorry for you diagnoses as my husband and I have been trying to decide whether are not we want to have another child in a few years. We know that our daughter has one DF508 mutation but we have not done genetic testing to find the other mutation yet. She is pancreatic insufficient and takes enzymes with her breatstmilk and she does take one nebulizer treatment a day and we do chest therapy once a day. She is doing great, Praise the Lord. We didn't sit down and have a long talk with our 3 year old we just answer his questions. He knows that Holly Ann has takes her treatments to help her breathe better and that she takes enzymes to help her tummy feel better. My three year old is very smart and he is doing well with everything. When he is older we will explain more but right now I don't see why it is neccesary to do so. God Bless You Guys!


New member
Hi there! We have a three year old son and our new baby was diagnosed with CF on August 20 of this year. I'm truly sorry for you diagnoses as my husband and I have been trying to decide whether are not we want to have another child in a few years. We know that our daughter has one DF508 mutation but we have not done genetic testing to find the other mutation yet. She is pancreatic insufficient and takes enzymes with her breatstmilk and she does take one nebulizer treatment a day and we do chest therapy once a day. She is doing great, Praise the Lord. We didn't sit down and have a long talk with our 3 year old we just answer his questions. He knows that Holly Ann has takes her treatments to help her breathe better and that she takes enzymes to help her tummy feel better. My three year old is very smart and he is doing well with everything. When he is older we will explain more but right now I don't see why it is neccesary to do so. God Bless You Guys!


New member
Hi there! We have a three year old son and our new baby was diagnosed with CF on August 20 of this year. I'm truly sorry for you diagnoses as my husband and I have been trying to decide whether are not we want to have another child in a few years. We know that our daughter has one DF508 mutation but we have not done genetic testing to find the other mutation yet. She is pancreatic insufficient and takes enzymes with her breatstmilk and she does take one nebulizer treatment a day and we do chest therapy once a day. She is doing great, Praise the Lord. We didn't sit down and have a long talk with our 3 year old we just answer his questions. He knows that Holly Ann has takes her treatments to help her breathe better and that she takes enzymes to help her tummy feel better. My three year old is very smart and he is doing well with everything. When he is older we will explain more but right now I don't see why it is neccesary to do so. God Bless You Guys!


New member
Hi there! We have a three year old son and our new baby was diagnosed with CF on August 20 of this year. I'm truly sorry for you diagnoses as my husband and I have been trying to decide whether are not we want to have another child in a few years. We know that our daughter has one DF508 mutation but we have not done genetic testing to find the other mutation yet. She is pancreatic insufficient and takes enzymes with her breatstmilk and she does take one nebulizer treatment a day and we do chest therapy once a day. She is doing great, Praise the Lord. We didn't sit down and have a long talk with our 3 year old we just answer his questions. He knows that Holly Ann has takes her treatments to help her breathe better and that she takes enzymes to help her tummy feel better. My three year old is very smart and he is doing well with everything. When he is older we will explain more but right now I don't see why it is neccesary to do so. God Bless You Guys!


New member
Hi there! We have a three year old son and our new baby was diagnosed with CF on August 20 of this year. I'm truly sorry for you diagnoses as my husband and I have been trying to decide whether are not we want to have another child in a few years. We know that our daughter has one DF508 mutation but we have not done genetic testing to find the other mutation yet. She is pancreatic insufficient and takes enzymes with her breatstmilk and she does take one nebulizer treatment a day and we do chest therapy once a day. She is doing great, Praise the Lord. We didn't sit down and have a long talk with our 3 year old we just answer his questions. He knows that Holly Ann has takes her treatments to help her breathe better and that she takes enzymes to help her tummy feel better. My three year old is very smart and he is doing well with everything. When he is older we will explain more but right now I don't see why it is neccesary to do so. God Bless You Guys!


New member

I am so sorry that you are going through this as well. I know perfectly well what your wife is feeling and all I can say...after just a week after dx, that time will heal and we need to find an outlet that isn't directly connected to our guilt. I will be seeing a counselor that specializes in this type of counseling, but in the meantime, just talking with others and sharing with my family has helped.
Please tell your wife to chat with us or email any of us when she is up to it, it REALLY did help me since last Friday alone!
I also have a couple of local contacts through my genetic counselor that are willing to talk with me and my husband and let us meet their child and that helps as well. I learned after infertility that the best way to heal is reach out for support of those who understand.
Take care of each other!


New member

I am so sorry that you are going through this as well. I know perfectly well what your wife is feeling and all I can say...after just a week after dx, that time will heal and we need to find an outlet that isn't directly connected to our guilt. I will be seeing a counselor that specializes in this type of counseling, but in the meantime, just talking with others and sharing with my family has helped.
Please tell your wife to chat with us or email any of us when she is up to it, it REALLY did help me since last Friday alone!
I also have a couple of local contacts through my genetic counselor that are willing to talk with me and my husband and let us meet their child and that helps as well. I learned after infertility that the best way to heal is reach out for support of those who understand.
Take care of each other!


New member

I am so sorry that you are going through this as well. I know perfectly well what your wife is feeling and all I can say...after just a week after dx, that time will heal and we need to find an outlet that isn't directly connected to our guilt. I will be seeing a counselor that specializes in this type of counseling, but in the meantime, just talking with others and sharing with my family has helped.
Please tell your wife to chat with us or email any of us when she is up to it, it REALLY did help me since last Friday alone!
I also have a couple of local contacts through my genetic counselor that are willing to talk with me and my husband and let us meet their child and that helps as well. I learned after infertility that the best way to heal is reach out for support of those who understand.
Take care of each other!


New member

I am so sorry that you are going through this as well. I know perfectly well what your wife is feeling and all I can say...after just a week after dx, that time will heal and we need to find an outlet that isn't directly connected to our guilt. I will be seeing a counselor that specializes in this type of counseling, but in the meantime, just talking with others and sharing with my family has helped.
Please tell your wife to chat with us or email any of us when she is up to it, it REALLY did help me since last Friday alone!
I also have a couple of local contacts through my genetic counselor that are willing to talk with me and my husband and let us meet their child and that helps as well. I learned after infertility that the best way to heal is reach out for support of those who understand.
Take care of each other!


New member

I am so sorry that you are going through this as well. I know perfectly well what your wife is feeling and all I can say...after just a week after dx, that time will heal and we need to find an outlet that isn't directly connected to our guilt. I will be seeing a counselor that specializes in this type of counseling, but in the meantime, just talking with others and sharing with my family has helped.
Please tell your wife to chat with us or email any of us when she is up to it, it REALLY did help me since last Friday alone!
I also have a couple of local contacts through my genetic counselor that are willing to talk with me and my husband and let us meet their child and that helps as well. I learned after infertility that the best way to heal is reach out for support of those who understand.
Take care of each other!


New member
Hi, Just want to introduce myself and offer an ear if you are interested in chatting. I am 29 with cf. I was diagnosed when I was 2 1/2 yrs old. I have had a great life so far... college, etc. We thought my husband wasn't a carrier due to screening for 89 mutations before conception. I got my son genetically tested this Fall just to make sure he didn't have cf and they found 2 mutations. The 2nd mutation is very mild. He is currently classified as a-typical. He is 4 months old. I have had a difficult time with this news but am doing much better. Its better to know I keep reminding myself.
Amay30, I feel for you guys. We talked of having a 2nd child a lot during my pregnancy because being pregnant was so good for my cf and I enjoyed it so much. After Isaac arrived we continued to talk of a 2nd child here and there. Now that we know of his 2 mutations it puts a damper on things a bit. We are getting hubby extensively screened so we can be sure we aren't dealing with yet another mutation and another cfer ha!

You rolled the dice - 50/50 chance. You can't be surprised with the results. It's like the flip of a coin. You made your decision and now have a beautiful life to show for it. I hope things get easier ~ I would find it difficult to.

Did you consider PGD?


New member
Hi, Just want to introduce myself and offer an ear if you are interested in chatting. I am 29 with cf. I was diagnosed when I was 2 1/2 yrs old. I have had a great life so far... college, etc. We thought my husband wasn't a carrier due to screening for 89 mutations before conception. I got my son genetically tested this Fall just to make sure he didn't have cf and they found 2 mutations. The 2nd mutation is very mild. He is currently classified as a-typical. He is 4 months old. I have had a difficult time with this news but am doing much better. Its better to know I keep reminding myself.
Amay30, I feel for you guys. We talked of having a 2nd child a lot during my pregnancy because being pregnant was so good for my cf and I enjoyed it so much. After Isaac arrived we continued to talk of a 2nd child here and there. Now that we know of his 2 mutations it puts a damper on things a bit. We are getting hubby extensively screened so we can be sure we aren't dealing with yet another mutation and another cfer ha!

You rolled the dice - 50/50 chance. You can't be surprised with the results. It's like the flip of a coin. You made your decision and now have a beautiful life to show for it. I hope things get easier ~ I would find it difficult to.

Did you consider PGD?


New member
Hi, Just want to introduce myself and offer an ear if you are interested in chatting. I am 29 with cf. I was diagnosed when I was 2 1/2 yrs old. I have had a great life so far... college, etc. We thought my husband wasn't a carrier due to screening for 89 mutations before conception. I got my son genetically tested this Fall just to make sure he didn't have cf and they found 2 mutations. The 2nd mutation is very mild. He is currently classified as a-typical. He is 4 months old. I have had a difficult time with this news but am doing much better. Its better to know I keep reminding myself.
Amay30, I feel for you guys. We talked of having a 2nd child a lot during my pregnancy because being pregnant was so good for my cf and I enjoyed it so much. After Isaac arrived we continued to talk of a 2nd child here and there. Now that we know of his 2 mutations it puts a damper on things a bit. We are getting hubby extensively screened so we can be sure we aren't dealing with yet another mutation and another cfer ha!

You rolled the dice - 50/50 chance. You can't be surprised with the results. It's like the flip of a coin. You made your decision and now have a beautiful life to show for it. I hope things get easier ~ I would find it difficult to.

Did you consider PGD?


New member
Hi, Just want to introduce myself and offer an ear if you are interested in chatting. I am 29 with cf. I was diagnosed when I was 2 1/2 yrs old. I have had a great life so far... college, etc. We thought my husband wasn't a carrier due to screening for 89 mutations before conception. I got my son genetically tested this Fall just to make sure he didn't have cf and they found 2 mutations. The 2nd mutation is very mild. He is currently classified as a-typical. He is 4 months old. I have had a difficult time with this news but am doing much better. Its better to know I keep reminding myself.
Amay30, I feel for you guys. We talked of having a 2nd child a lot during my pregnancy because being pregnant was so good for my cf and I enjoyed it so much. After Isaac arrived we continued to talk of a 2nd child here and there. Now that we know of his 2 mutations it puts a damper on things a bit. We are getting hubby extensively screened so we can be sure we aren't dealing with yet another mutation and another cfer ha!

You rolled the dice - 50/50 chance. You can't be surprised with the results. It's like the flip of a coin. You made your decision and now have a beautiful life to show for it. I hope things get easier ~ I would find it difficult to.

Did you consider PGD?


New member
Hi, Just want to introduce myself and offer an ear if you are interested in chatting. I am 29 with cf. I was diagnosed when I was 2 1/2 yrs old. I have had a great life so far... college, etc. We thought my husband wasn't a carrier due to screening for 89 mutations before conception. I got my son genetically tested this Fall just to make sure he didn't have cf and they found 2 mutations. The 2nd mutation is very mild. He is currently classified as a-typical. He is 4 months old. I have had a difficult time with this news but am doing much better. Its better to know I keep reminding myself.
Amay30, I feel for you guys. We talked of having a 2nd child a lot during my pregnancy because being pregnant was so good for my cf and I enjoyed it so much. After Isaac arrived we continued to talk of a 2nd child here and there. Now that we know of his 2 mutations it puts a damper on things a bit. We are getting hubby extensively screened so we can be sure we aren't dealing with yet another mutation and another cfer ha!

You rolled the dice - 50/50 chance. You can't be surprised with the results. It's like the flip of a coin. You made your decision and now have a beautiful life to show for it. I hope things get easier ~ I would find it difficult to.

Did you consider PGD?