prenatal confirmation of CF fetus.


New member
I agree. This is not the time or the place for running your mouth about creating the perfect child. I understand a persons right to choose and I support it , however, you have taken it a step to far. I just want you to know that there is no such thing as a PERFECT CHILD. I think it would be best if you and your wife looked into adopting a dog ( a fine breed that is).Hilter tried to create the perfect race and look what happened to him.Please try to support this woman while she struggles to come to terms with this news. My son is now 14 months old and thriving and who knows what great things lie ahead for him. Im sure this world is a better place because he's in it.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


New member
To the man who posted . You have no connection now or ever to this site in regards to Cystic Fibrosis. You have made it pretty clear that you will never have a child with CF. I am politely asking you to leave. This is a place where we all come for support.


New member
I am the very proud mother of a very special 19 year old with CF. Her life is tough but good. I did not have any testing with my 2nd pregnancy because I could not have had a termination and I didn't want a amnio or cvs because I didn't want to take any risks. We were lucky, she is a carrier only. But my reason for posting is to say that I wouldn't want to knock the family who choose that they couldn't cope with living with a child with CF and by sharing their choice, it may help someone else who is struggling with their decision and if this is what they choose, then it is probably the best outcome for them. We weren't all made to cope with being the parent of a CF child. I have never once wished that I did not have my child with CF and actually many pretty special things have come out of it and made her what she is and us as a family and I'm bloody proud of us all! Diff'rent courses for different horses!!


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>My wife and I also had a prenatal confirmation that our fetus had CF just weeks ago. While the decision was difficult, we and our doctor decided to terminate the pregnancy. No one should have to go through life with such a horrible disease.<hr></blockquote>Did you even stop to think about the families on this board? There are kids and adults with CF on here, and moms and dads and families with CF children. And did you hear?...I said "ADULTS with CF!" These children and adults are not "disabled", they are EXTREMELY special and I'm sorry you will not be able to experience this. I'm wondering if you will someday regret your decision. If you saw my son's smile or heard his laugh or the beauty in my friend's little girl and her sweetness...or the amazing words that come out of the young adults (and ADULTS) on this board...They have a mental capability that we will never come close to understanding. And, I can't IMAGINE that any doctor that knew anything about CF would aid in this decision. All of the doctors I've spoken with (and that others have spoken with) are extremely positive about babies born with CF today. I can't begin to imagine any doctor helping me with this decision. Were you here looking for support for this decision? This is the wrong board. We are families that want support from eachother because we do have "imperfect" children (some with CF and some without) and we can't IMAGINE life without them!!!


New member
Damn straight, I'm special! lol I'm not against abortion, I think it's always a woman's right, but I hate people that abuse it. If you're going to abort every CF fetus you create, I say try something else. Adoption or sperm donor because obviously both your eggs and swimmers are carriers of this "horrible disease." Which makes you imperfect, I would like to point out. But anyway, abortion isn't even my point here. My point is really that, CF can be a pain in the ass, sure. But if you are shallow disgusting people that will abort every fetus that has anything "wrong with it," you need to leave this site and not come back. Because if you were sitting in front of me I'd probably cough up something really green, hard, and sticky and spit it in your face. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">I hate shallow people. You know what's kind of funny?I have CF, I was on IV antibiotics about a week or two ago, when I started my job. And my job? You ready for this? I have my own disability, and I work all day Mon-Fri with Deaf children. Now I could get started on this because I've learned a lot about Deaf culture, but Deafness is not a disability. It's a language barrier and nothing else. But, some of the kids I work with are actually disabled. There's one boy on O2 all the time, there's one girl who's partially blind as well. There are a bunch of girls who are developmentally slow. And I love those kids. I have my very own problems that I deal with every day, and then I choose to go deal with Deaf kids who have their very own disabilities. I don't know what that makes me, but I know it makes me better than you. Thank you, and good day. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Let's put an end to the shallow turn this thread has taken. Someone is just trying to stir up trouble. This thread was not about abortion. It is about a family who just found out that their unborn child (who they are keeping) has cf. They are looking for advice and information - not controversy. I might suggest to Paula and her family that they start a new posting for this advice and information. This one is tainted now. If someone wants to stir up the abortion issue - then start your own thread. That's not what this was supposed to be about!JMom of a CFerI love him, I love him, I love him!!!!!