Preparing family


New member
No new info from me. My Emily who just turned 2 was diagnosed 4 days after birth and had MI. It was not caught on late ultra sounds. She did not need surgery and did fine. She took applesause and enzymes on a spoon the day she was diagnosed. I just about fell over watching her mouth open for the spoon. Actually, I think we used a tongue depressor first, but she has always done well with spoon feeding.

I would think that inducing would not necessarily reduce the need for surgery if MI is present...but remember, MI doesn't always need surgery. Our doctors used a lot of irragation and some suction to releive abut 8 days old it had cleared.

Anyway, I just really wanted to say welcome and congratulations! We;ll be waiting to welcome your new one.

By the way, I also have a 5 year old with no cf so if you want to chat about preparing or helping siblings...please feel free to PM me.


New member
No new info from me. My Emily who just turned 2 was diagnosed 4 days after birth and had MI. It was not caught on late ultra sounds. She did not need surgery and did fine. She took applesause and enzymes on a spoon the day she was diagnosed. I just about fell over watching her mouth open for the spoon. Actually, I think we used a tongue depressor first, but she has always done well with spoon feeding.

I would think that inducing would not necessarily reduce the need for surgery if MI is present...but remember, MI doesn't always need surgery. Our doctors used a lot of irragation and some suction to releive abut 8 days old it had cleared.

Anyway, I just really wanted to say welcome and congratulations! We;ll be waiting to welcome your new one.

By the way, I also have a 5 year old with no cf so if you want to chat about preparing or helping siblings...please feel free to PM me.


New member
No new info from me. My Emily who just turned 2 was diagnosed 4 days after birth and had MI. It was not caught on late ultra sounds. She did not need surgery and did fine. She took applesause and enzymes on a spoon the day she was diagnosed. I just about fell over watching her mouth open for the spoon. Actually, I think we used a tongue depressor first, but she has always done well with spoon feeding.

I would think that inducing would not necessarily reduce the need for surgery if MI is present...but remember, MI doesn't always need surgery. Our doctors used a lot of irragation and some suction to releive abut 8 days old it had cleared.

Anyway, I just really wanted to say welcome and congratulations! We;ll be waiting to welcome your new one.

By the way, I also have a 5 year old with no cf so if you want to chat about preparing or helping siblings...please feel free to PM me.


New member
No new info from me. My Emily who just turned 2 was diagnosed 4 days after birth and had MI. It was not caught on late ultra sounds. She did not need surgery and did fine. She took applesause and enzymes on a spoon the day she was diagnosed. I just about fell over watching her mouth open for the spoon. Actually, I think we used a tongue depressor first, but she has always done well with spoon feeding.

I would think that inducing would not necessarily reduce the need for surgery if MI is present...but remember, MI doesn't always need surgery. Our doctors used a lot of irragation and some suction to releive abut 8 days old it had cleared.

Anyway, I just really wanted to say welcome and congratulations! We;ll be waiting to welcome your new one.

By the way, I also have a 5 year old with no cf so if you want to chat about preparing or helping siblings...please feel free to PM me.


New member
No new info from me. My Emily who just turned 2 was diagnosed 4 days after birth and had MI. It was not caught on late ultra sounds. She did not need surgery and did fine. She took applesause and enzymes on a spoon the day she was diagnosed. I just about fell over watching her mouth open for the spoon. Actually, I think we used a tongue depressor first, but she has always done well with spoon feeding.

I would think that inducing would not necessarily reduce the need for surgery if MI is present...but remember, MI doesn't always need surgery. Our doctors used a lot of irragation and some suction to releive abut 8 days old it had cleared.

Anyway, I just really wanted to say welcome and congratulations! We;ll be waiting to welcome your new one.

By the way, I also have a 5 year old with no cf so if you want to chat about preparing or helping siblings...please feel free to PM me.


New member
I'm not sure about the being induced part, but ultrasounds found an "echogenic" or bright spot in his bowel when I was about 20 weeks pregnant with Parker. He never was diagnosed with MI, but he did have some trouble stooling and not wanting to eat after he was born (in NICU for only 6 days because of this). The docs that did the ultrasounds had told me that there was not blockage to see. They were right. I'm not sure what the difference is between a true MI and what Parker had, but they could tell this from the ultrasound (either way I had prepared myself for the worst).
3rd, Parker had enzymes on his applesauce at 4 days old. You'll be amazed at how well they can do this (plus they don't need many of the little beads at first).
Hope that helps and hopefully the delivery and post-delivery goes well.


New member
I'm not sure about the being induced part, but ultrasounds found an "echogenic" or bright spot in his bowel when I was about 20 weeks pregnant with Parker. He never was diagnosed with MI, but he did have some trouble stooling and not wanting to eat after he was born (in NICU for only 6 days because of this). The docs that did the ultrasounds had told me that there was not blockage to see. They were right. I'm not sure what the difference is between a true MI and what Parker had, but they could tell this from the ultrasound (either way I had prepared myself for the worst).
3rd, Parker had enzymes on his applesauce at 4 days old. You'll be amazed at how well they can do this (plus they don't need many of the little beads at first).
Hope that helps and hopefully the delivery and post-delivery goes well.


New member
I'm not sure about the being induced part, but ultrasounds found an "echogenic" or bright spot in his bowel when I was about 20 weeks pregnant with Parker. He never was diagnosed with MI, but he did have some trouble stooling and not wanting to eat after he was born (in NICU for only 6 days because of this). The docs that did the ultrasounds had told me that there was not blockage to see. They were right. I'm not sure what the difference is between a true MI and what Parker had, but they could tell this from the ultrasound (either way I had prepared myself for the worst).
3rd, Parker had enzymes on his applesauce at 4 days old. You'll be amazed at how well they can do this (plus they don't need many of the little beads at first).
Hope that helps and hopefully the delivery and post-delivery goes well.


New member
I'm not sure about the being induced part, but ultrasounds found an "echogenic" or bright spot in his bowel when I was about 20 weeks pregnant with Parker. He never was diagnosed with MI, but he did have some trouble stooling and not wanting to eat after he was born (in NICU for only 6 days because of this). The docs that did the ultrasounds had told me that there was not blockage to see. They were right. I'm not sure what the difference is between a true MI and what Parker had, but they could tell this from the ultrasound (either way I had prepared myself for the worst).
3rd, Parker had enzymes on his applesauce at 4 days old. You'll be amazed at how well they can do this (plus they don't need many of the little beads at first).
Hope that helps and hopefully the delivery and post-delivery goes well.


New member
I'm not sure about the being induced part, but ultrasounds found an "echogenic" or bright spot in his bowel when I was about 20 weeks pregnant with Parker. He never was diagnosed with MI, but he did have some trouble stooling and not wanting to eat after he was born (in NICU for only 6 days because of this). The docs that did the ultrasounds had told me that there was not blockage to see. They were right. I'm not sure what the difference is between a true MI and what Parker had, but they could tell this from the ultrasound (either way I had prepared myself for the worst).
3rd, Parker had enzymes on his applesauce at 4 days old. You'll be amazed at how well they can do this (plus they don't need many of the little beads at first).
Hope that helps and hopefully the delivery and post-delivery goes well.


New member
Congratulations! My husband and I found out our son had CF, also when I was pregnant and via an amnio. I was also having ultrasounds every couple of weeks. Because of a possible blockage I was induced at 36 weeks.

Our son, Aiden, now 2 1/2, did have to have surgery for a mecomium ilius, which was actually a blessing because when they were in surgery it was discovered he had a malrotation of his intestine (not CF related), which they had to repair. The surgery went great!

We had no problem giving our son applesauce from day one. You would think he would hate applesauce by now, but he still loves it. We first started dipping our finger in applesauce and then sprinkling the enzymes on our finger, he would then suck it the applesauce and ensyzems off, then we moved to a spoon...he did fine both ways. Aiden has continued to do wonderful!

Again, congratulations and I wish you and your family the best of luck!


New member
Congratulations! My husband and I found out our son had CF, also when I was pregnant and via an amnio. I was also having ultrasounds every couple of weeks. Because of a possible blockage I was induced at 36 weeks.

Our son, Aiden, now 2 1/2, did have to have surgery for a mecomium ilius, which was actually a blessing because when they were in surgery it was discovered he had a malrotation of his intestine (not CF related), which they had to repair. The surgery went great!

We had no problem giving our son applesauce from day one. You would think he would hate applesauce by now, but he still loves it. We first started dipping our finger in applesauce and then sprinkling the enzymes on our finger, he would then suck it the applesauce and ensyzems off, then we moved to a spoon...he did fine both ways. Aiden has continued to do wonderful!

Again, congratulations and I wish you and your family the best of luck!


New member
Congratulations! My husband and I found out our son had CF, also when I was pregnant and via an amnio. I was also having ultrasounds every couple of weeks. Because of a possible blockage I was induced at 36 weeks.

Our son, Aiden, now 2 1/2, did have to have surgery for a mecomium ilius, which was actually a blessing because when they were in surgery it was discovered he had a malrotation of his intestine (not CF related), which they had to repair. The surgery went great!

We had no problem giving our son applesauce from day one. You would think he would hate applesauce by now, but he still loves it. We first started dipping our finger in applesauce and then sprinkling the enzymes on our finger, he would then suck it the applesauce and ensyzems off, then we moved to a spoon...he did fine both ways. Aiden has continued to do wonderful!

Again, congratulations and I wish you and your family the best of luck!


New member
Congratulations! My husband and I found out our son had CF, also when I was pregnant and via an amnio. I was also having ultrasounds every couple of weeks. Because of a possible blockage I was induced at 36 weeks.

Our son, Aiden, now 2 1/2, did have to have surgery for a mecomium ilius, which was actually a blessing because when they were in surgery it was discovered he had a malrotation of his intestine (not CF related), which they had to repair. The surgery went great!

We had no problem giving our son applesauce from day one. You would think he would hate applesauce by now, but he still loves it. We first started dipping our finger in applesauce and then sprinkling the enzymes on our finger, he would then suck it the applesauce and ensyzems off, then we moved to a spoon...he did fine both ways. Aiden has continued to do wonderful!

Again, congratulations and I wish you and your family the best of luck!


New member
Congratulations! My husband and I found out our son had CF, also when I was pregnant and via an amnio. I was also having ultrasounds every couple of weeks. Because of a possible blockage I was induced at 36 weeks.

Our son, Aiden, now 2 1/2, did have to have surgery for a mecomium ilius, which was actually a blessing because when they were in surgery it was discovered he had a malrotation of his intestine (not CF related), which they had to repair. The surgery went great!

We had no problem giving our son applesauce from day one. You would think he would hate applesauce by now, but he still loves it. We first started dipping our finger in applesauce and then sprinkling the enzymes on our finger, he would then suck it the applesauce and ensyzems off, then we moved to a spoon...he did fine both ways. Aiden has continued to do wonderful!

Again, congratulations and I wish you and your family the best of luck!


New member
Congratulations! My husband and I found out our son had CF, also when I was pregnant and via an amnio. I was also having ultrasounds every couple of weeks. Because of a possible blockage I was induced at 36 weeks.

Our son, Aiden, now 2 1/2, did have to have surgery for a mecomium ilius, which was actually a blessing because when they were in surgery it was discovered he had a malrotation of his intestine (not CF related), which they had to repair. The surgery went great!

We had no problem giving our son applesauce from day one. You would think he would hate applesauce by now, but he still loves it. We first started dipping our finger in applesauce and then sprinkling the enzymes on our finger, he would then suck it the applesauce and ensyzems off, then we moved to a spoon...he did fine both ways. Aiden has continued to do wonderful!

Again, congratulations and I wish you and your family the best of luck!


New member
Congratulations! My husband and I found out our son had CF, also when I was pregnant and via an amnio. I was also having ultrasounds every couple of weeks. Because of a possible blockage I was induced at 36 weeks.

Our son, Aiden, now 2 1/2, did have to have surgery for a mecomium ilius, which was actually a blessing because when they were in surgery it was discovered he had a malrotation of his intestine (not CF related), which they had to repair. The surgery went great!

We had no problem giving our son applesauce from day one. You would think he would hate applesauce by now, but he still loves it. We first started dipping our finger in applesauce and then sprinkling the enzymes on our finger, he would then suck it the applesauce and ensyzems off, then we moved to a spoon...he did fine both ways. Aiden has continued to do wonderful!

Again, congratulations and I wish you and your family the best of luck!


New member
Congratulations! My husband and I found out our son had CF, also when I was pregnant and via an amnio. I was also having ultrasounds every couple of weeks. Because of a possible blockage I was induced at 36 weeks.

Our son, Aiden, now 2 1/2, did have to have surgery for a mecomium ilius, which was actually a blessing because when they were in surgery it was discovered he had a malrotation of his intestine (not CF related), which they had to repair. The surgery went great!

We had no problem giving our son applesauce from day one. You would think he would hate applesauce by now, but he still loves it. We first started dipping our finger in applesauce and then sprinkling the enzymes on our finger, he would then suck it the applesauce and ensyzems off, then we moved to a spoon...he did fine both ways. Aiden has continued to do wonderful!

Again, congratulations and I wish you and your family the best of luck!


New member
Congratulations! My husband and I found out our son had CF, also when I was pregnant and via an amnio. I was also having ultrasounds every couple of weeks. Because of a possible blockage I was induced at 36 weeks.

Our son, Aiden, now 2 1/2, did have to have surgery for a mecomium ilius, which was actually a blessing because when they were in surgery it was discovered he had a malrotation of his intestine (not CF related), which they had to repair. The surgery went great!

We had no problem giving our son applesauce from day one. You would think he would hate applesauce by now, but he still loves it. We first started dipping our finger in applesauce and then sprinkling the enzymes on our finger, he would then suck it the applesauce and ensyzems off, then we moved to a spoon...he did fine both ways. Aiden has continued to do wonderful!

Again, congratulations and I wish you and your family the best of luck!


New member
Congratulations! My husband and I found out our son had CF, also when I was pregnant and via an amnio. I was also having ultrasounds every couple of weeks. Because of a possible blockage I was induced at 36 weeks.

Our son, Aiden, now 2 1/2, did have to have surgery for a mecomium ilius, which was actually a blessing because when they were in surgery it was discovered he had a malrotation of his intestine (not CF related), which they had to repair. The surgery went great!

We had no problem giving our son applesauce from day one. You would think he would hate applesauce by now, but he still loves it. We first started dipping our finger in applesauce and then sprinkling the enzymes on our finger, he would then suck it the applesauce and ensyzems off, then we moved to a spoon...he did fine both ways. Aiden has continued to do wonderful!

Again, congratulations and I wish you and your family the best of luck!