Preparing for Pregnancy-Gene Testing


New member
I should also mention that I'm really glad we know about his cf because this way we are able to do the Vest and give him cf vitamins all as preventative measures. I wanted to mention that so you don't think we're betting on him being non symptomatic for ever.

Funny we were able to get him a Vest by getting another one for me and just getting the fabric portion in his size. Otherwise with his lack of symptoms the insurance co would likely have not covered it.


New member
I should also mention that I'm really glad we know about his cf because this way we are able to do the Vest and give him cf vitamins all as preventative measures. I wanted to mention that so you don't think we're betting on him being non symptomatic for ever.

Funny we were able to get him a Vest by getting another one for me and just getting the fabric portion in his size. Otherwise with his lack of symptoms the insurance co would likely have not covered it.


New member
I should also mention that I'm really glad we know about his cf because this way we are able to do the Vest and give him cf vitamins all as preventative measures. I wanted to mention that so you don't think we're betting on him being non symptomatic for ever.

Funny we were able to get him a Vest by getting another one for me and just getting the fabric portion in his size. Otherwise with his lack of symptoms the insurance co would likely have not covered it.


New member
I should also mention that I'm really glad we know about his cf because this way we are able to do the Vest and give him cf vitamins all as preventative measures. I wanted to mention that so you don't think we're betting on him being non symptomatic for ever.

Funny we were able to get him a Vest by getting another one for me and just getting the fabric portion in his size. Otherwise with his lack of symptoms the insurance co would likely have not covered it.


New member
I should also mention that I'm really glad we know about his cf because this way we are able to do the Vest and give him cf vitamins all as preventative measures. I wanted to mention that so you don't think we're betting on him being non symptomatic for ever.
<br />
<br />Funny we were able to get him a Vest by getting another one for me and just getting the fabric portion in his size. Otherwise with his lack of symptoms the insurance co would likely have not covered it.


New member
Gene Testing Update:
So, I know it has been 5 mos since I last posted. It took us this long to get it all figured out with the insurance company. My husband Scott FINALLY got the test. He got it at a local lab that sent his blood to Ambry. Supposedly it is going to be picked up 100% by insurance since we got his blood drawn at the lab they specified. We have to wait 6 long weeks to find out if Scott is a carrier. We are anxious but also believe that whatever is meant to be will be. If he does have it maybe we are meant to adopt, if he doesn't then that is just more reason for me to keep running and exercising so I can keep my self in good shape.
My lung function is at 84% right now, which is the best it has been in a while. I hope it stays that way!


New member
Gene Testing Update:
So, I know it has been 5 mos since I last posted. It took us this long to get it all figured out with the insurance company. My husband Scott FINALLY got the test. He got it at a local lab that sent his blood to Ambry. Supposedly it is going to be picked up 100% by insurance since we got his blood drawn at the lab they specified. We have to wait 6 long weeks to find out if Scott is a carrier. We are anxious but also believe that whatever is meant to be will be. If he does have it maybe we are meant to adopt, if he doesn't then that is just more reason for me to keep running and exercising so I can keep my self in good shape.
My lung function is at 84% right now, which is the best it has been in a while. I hope it stays that way!


New member
Gene Testing Update:
So, I know it has been 5 mos since I last posted. It took us this long to get it all figured out with the insurance company. My husband Scott FINALLY got the test. He got it at a local lab that sent his blood to Ambry. Supposedly it is going to be picked up 100% by insurance since we got his blood drawn at the lab they specified. We have to wait 6 long weeks to find out if Scott is a carrier. We are anxious but also believe that whatever is meant to be will be. If he does have it maybe we are meant to adopt, if he doesn't then that is just more reason for me to keep running and exercising so I can keep my self in good shape.
My lung function is at 84% right now, which is the best it has been in a while. I hope it stays that way!


New member
Gene Testing Update:
So, I know it has been 5 mos since I last posted. It took us this long to get it all figured out with the insurance company. My husband Scott FINALLY got the test. He got it at a local lab that sent his blood to Ambry. Supposedly it is going to be picked up 100% by insurance since we got his blood drawn at the lab they specified. We have to wait 6 long weeks to find out if Scott is a carrier. We are anxious but also believe that whatever is meant to be will be. If he does have it maybe we are meant to adopt, if he doesn't then that is just more reason for me to keep running and exercising so I can keep my self in good shape.
My lung function is at 84% right now, which is the best it has been in a while. I hope it stays that way!


New member
Gene Testing Update:
<br />So, I know it has been 5 mos since I last posted. It took us this long to get it all figured out with the insurance company. My husband Scott FINALLY got the test. He got it at a local lab that sent his blood to Ambry. Supposedly it is going to be picked up 100% by insurance since we got his blood drawn at the lab they specified. We have to wait 6 long weeks to find out if Scott is a carrier. We are anxious but also believe that whatever is meant to be will be. If he does have it maybe we are meant to adopt, if he doesn't then that is just more reason for me to keep running and exercising so I can keep my self in good shape.
<br />My lung function is at 84% right now, which is the best it has been in a while. I hope it stays that way!


Active member
6 weeks, wow! Well the wait will go fast and be worth it.
You have a good attitude towards everything. Keep us updated on your journey.


Active member
6 weeks, wow! Well the wait will go fast and be worth it.
You have a good attitude towards everything. Keep us updated on your journey.


Active member
6 weeks, wow! Well the wait will go fast and be worth it.
You have a good attitude towards everything. Keep us updated on your journey.


Active member
6 weeks, wow! Well the wait will go fast and be worth it.
You have a good attitude towards everything. Keep us updated on your journey.


Active member
6 weeks, wow! Well the wait will go fast and be worth it.
<br />You have a good attitude towards everything. Keep us updated on your journey.


New member almost had a complete mess up with the test! I called Ambry today just to check and make sure they got it. While i was on the phone I decided to check if they had the right test ordered. They didn't! LabCorp here in Austin had sent them the form with one of the cf carrier screening tests that didn't cover all the gene mutations. I was so upset! However, after many phone calls and some major pleading I got it all worked out. The test will be done the right way and we may even have results in two weeks, four at the max! This is just another story of how cf is a full time job! You have to be on top of your health care ALL the time. It can be pretty exhausting. I often wonder what I would do if I was really sick and didn't have the energy to deal with the insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, nurses, etc. I am lucky to have my family. So many careless mistakes are made that affect our health and our futures. Maybe I will start a patient advocacy business someday...


New member almost had a complete mess up with the test! I called Ambry today just to check and make sure they got it. While i was on the phone I decided to check if they had the right test ordered. They didn't! LabCorp here in Austin had sent them the form with one of the cf carrier screening tests that didn't cover all the gene mutations. I was so upset! However, after many phone calls and some major pleading I got it all worked out. The test will be done the right way and we may even have results in two weeks, four at the max! This is just another story of how cf is a full time job! You have to be on top of your health care ALL the time. It can be pretty exhausting. I often wonder what I would do if I was really sick and didn't have the energy to deal with the insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, nurses, etc. I am lucky to have my family. So many careless mistakes are made that affect our health and our futures. Maybe I will start a patient advocacy business someday...


New member almost had a complete mess up with the test! I called Ambry today just to check and make sure they got it. While i was on the phone I decided to check if they had the right test ordered. They didn't! LabCorp here in Austin had sent them the form with one of the cf carrier screening tests that didn't cover all the gene mutations. I was so upset! However, after many phone calls and some major pleading I got it all worked out. The test will be done the right way and we may even have results in two weeks, four at the max! This is just another story of how cf is a full time job! You have to be on top of your health care ALL the time. It can be pretty exhausting. I often wonder what I would do if I was really sick and didn't have the energy to deal with the insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, nurses, etc. I am lucky to have my family. So many careless mistakes are made that affect our health and our futures. Maybe I will start a patient advocacy business someday...


New member almost had a complete mess up with the test! I called Ambry today just to check and make sure they got it. While i was on the phone I decided to check if they had the right test ordered. They didn't! LabCorp here in Austin had sent them the form with one of the cf carrier screening tests that didn't cover all the gene mutations. I was so upset! However, after many phone calls and some major pleading I got it all worked out. The test will be done the right way and we may even have results in two weeks, four at the max! This is just another story of how cf is a full time job! You have to be on top of your health care ALL the time. It can be pretty exhausting. I often wonder what I would do if I was really sick and didn't have the energy to deal with the insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, nurses, etc. I am lucky to have my family. So many careless mistakes are made that affect our health and our futures. Maybe I will start a patient advocacy business someday...


New member almost had a complete mess up with the test! I called Ambry today just to check and make sure they got it. While i was on the phone I decided to check if they had the right test ordered. They didn't! LabCorp here in Austin had sent them the form with one of the cf carrier screening tests that didn't cover all the gene mutations. I was so upset! However, after many phone calls and some major pleading I got it all worked out. The test will be done the right way and we may even have results in two weeks, four at the max! This is just another story of how cf is a full time job! You have to be on top of your health care ALL the time. It can be pretty exhausting. I often wonder what I would do if I was really sick and didn't have the energy to deal with the insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, nurses, etc. I am lucky to have my family. So many careless mistakes are made that affect our health and our futures. Maybe I will start a patient advocacy business someday...