preschool question


New member
Ok i have a question.. my son is 3.5 wcf he is currently going to preschool.. when i first signed him up it was a small preschool and he was only in contact with about 6-8 kids.. they currently bought a bigger building and are doing daycare/preschool/occupational therapy/development therapy.. for kids birth right up to like 6th grade and there is well over 100 kids there, ever since they moved to the bigger building he has missed more time than hes been there due to virus after virus..... should i keep him there or should i take him out??? i want him to get the social skills but on the other hand i feel i should find a smaller preschool for him to go to.. he also HATES going which makes it hard as well, his speech is delayed but he is getting speech therapy one on one in a different place, i just dont know what to do... any advice?????


New member
It's so hard to know what's right when it comes to exposing our cf toddlers. I have a 2yr old girl w/ cf and I worry sometimes that I'm not allowing her to be exposed enough. She stays home w/ me full time which is fine but she loves other kids and I'm sure they would be more fun than staying home w/ mom. As I read your question I felt like you kind of answered it yourself. Honestly, it doesn't sound like it's for you any longer. It can't hurt to take a look around to see if there isn't something more suitable. I certainly understand your confusion and sympathize with how hard it is to strike a balance.

Best of luck with your decision

Jenn (mom to Kim 2yrs w/cf)


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>Ok i have a question.. my son is 3.5 wcf he is currently going to preschool.. when i first signed him up it was a small preschool and he was only in contact with about 6-8 kids.. they currently bought a bigger building and are doing daycare/preschool/occupational therapy/development therapy.. for kids birth right up to like 6th grade and there is well over 100 kids there, ever since they moved to the bigger building he has missed more time than hes been there due to virus after virus..... should i keep him there or should i take him out??? i want him to get the social skills but on the other hand i feel i should find a smaller preschool for him to go to.. he also HATES going which makes it hard as well, his speech is delayed but he is getting speech therapy one on one in a different place, i just dont know what to do... any advice?????<hr></blockquote>

IMHO, I would take him out, CF aside. He isn't happy going and the program isn't what you had originally signed on for. If he is getting sick that often (again, CF aside), then I would wonder how well they enforce their sick kids policy, and how well they clean everything there (toys, etc). I would ask him why he doesn't like going ... is he feeling lost in the new crowd? Is he being picked on because of his speech delay? Is he just not ready for school in general? Asking him will make it much easier to make the decision on what to do, and what to look for if and when you are looking for a new school.

Good luck with your decision!!


New member
I realize that you don't want your child to be sick, but....what about when he goes to grade school? Are you going to leave him home then too. I don't want to tell your business but maybe just give some advise from a child of a "over protective" parent. The child needs interaction and assuming your pre school is any good he will have a good head start on the other kids. Remember CF isn't the death sentence it used to be, think life long!

Luke 29/cf,a wife, a masters degree and a big brother who just got engaged


New member
He's a baby! Why put him in any school yet? He can have just as much fun at home with you, that part is up to you, it would be fun for both of you and he could see other children every day if you arrange it. The world is too quick to make us all feel like we have to push them away as early as possible. Enjoy your time at home with him.


New member
I disagree. I started preschool at the age of three and I don't consider it to be the age of a baby. Yes it is young, but nobody said this boy was going from 9-5 anyway! It is important to introduce children to the world at a young age. If the mom was to wait another year the child would be 4+1/2 in preschool. I know that there are plenty of kids of that age in preschool but they're not babies at that age. If it sounds like Im rambling-I am, Im a bit tired at the moment-you'll hae to excuse me!


i too had to make that same decision and i went ahead and pulled my daughter out of preschool and kept her home with me, i worked with her at home on reading and writing and ABC and all sorts of things. she is now in the 3rd grade and doing fine, she has lots of friends and does very well!!! Good Luck with your decision, I know that it is a hard one!!! Do what you feel in your heart!

kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Pull him out of that program, if you guys hate it. It's not the program it was when you started, and he hates it. But I wouldn't suggest homeschooling. Not unless it's COMPLETELY and entirely necessary.