Prevacid for my infant


New member
Hi, I just started my 5 mo old on Prevacid and it is a pill. We have to break it in half and put it with liquid to give to her. Today I tried with her milk...not the best. Anyone else have to give this to their infant? How do you do it? What can I mix it with? Can I just put it with applesauce like her enzymes? That would be easy... Just not sure what it can go in. Any advice would be helpful!


New member
Hi, I just started my 5 mo old on Prevacid and it is a pill. We have to break it in half and put it with liquid to give to her. Today I tried with her milk...not the best. Anyone else have to give this to their infant? How do you do it? What can I mix it with? Can I just put it with applesauce like her enzymes? That would be easy... Just not sure what it can go in. Any advice would be helpful!


New member
Hi, I just started my 5 mo old on Prevacid and it is a pill. We have to break it in half and put it with liquid to give to her. Today I tried with her milk...not the best. Anyone else have to give this to their infant? How do you do it? What can I mix it with? Can I just put it with applesauce like her enzymes? That would be easy... Just not sure what it can go in. Any advice would be helpful!


New member
Hi, I just started my 5 mo old on Prevacid and it is a pill. We have to break it in half and put it with liquid to give to her. Today I tried with her milk...not the best. Anyone else have to give this to their infant? How do you do it? What can I mix it with? Can I just put it with applesauce like her enzymes? That would be easy... Just not sure what it can go in. Any advice would be helpful!


New member
Hi, I just started my 5 mo old on Prevacid and it is a pill. We have to break it in half and put it with liquid to give to her. Today I tried with her milk...not the best. Anyone else have to give this to their infant? How do you do it? What can I mix it with? Can I just put it with applesauce like her enzymes? That would be easy... Just not sure what it can go in. Any advice would be helpful!
<br />Thanks!


New member
Oh, well I just read it is supposed to dissolve I could just mix it w/ a tiny bit of water and them pour it in a nipple for her to drink. Nevermind...I guess I answered my own question.
If anyone else has other ideas I am still open to hearing them!


New member
Oh, well I just read it is supposed to dissolve I could just mix it w/ a tiny bit of water and them pour it in a nipple for her to drink. Nevermind...I guess I answered my own question.
If anyone else has other ideas I am still open to hearing them!


New member
Oh, well I just read it is supposed to dissolve I could just mix it w/ a tiny bit of water and them pour it in a nipple for her to drink. Nevermind...I guess I answered my own question.
If anyone else has other ideas I am still open to hearing them!


New member
Oh, well I just read it is supposed to dissolve I could just mix it w/ a tiny bit of water and them pour it in a nipple for her to drink. Nevermind...I guess I answered my own question.
If anyone else has other ideas I am still open to hearing them!


New member
Oh, well I just read it is supposed to dissolve I could just mix it w/ a tiny bit of water and them pour it in a nipple for her to drink. Nevermind...I guess I answered my own question.
<br />If anyone else has other ideas I am still open to hearing them!


Staff member
We were told not to mix meds with milk because DS might associate the taste with his formula and refuse to eat. When we started him on adeks we did the nipple trick -- put some in a nipple, at first mixed with a little orange juice, but he sucked it right down.

With his vitamin k tablet he took once a week. I got a pill crusher -- just used it to grind up the tablet and sprinkled it on babyfood bananas and he took it right down.


Staff member
We were told not to mix meds with milk because DS might associate the taste with his formula and refuse to eat. When we started him on adeks we did the nipple trick -- put some in a nipple, at first mixed with a little orange juice, but he sucked it right down.

With his vitamin k tablet he took once a week. I got a pill crusher -- just used it to grind up the tablet and sprinkled it on babyfood bananas and he took it right down.


Staff member
We were told not to mix meds with milk because DS might associate the taste with his formula and refuse to eat. When we started him on adeks we did the nipple trick -- put some in a nipple, at first mixed with a little orange juice, but he sucked it right down.

With his vitamin k tablet he took once a week. I got a pill crusher -- just used it to grind up the tablet and sprinkled it on babyfood bananas and he took it right down.


Staff member
We were told not to mix meds with milk because DS might associate the taste with his formula and refuse to eat. When we started him on adeks we did the nipple trick -- put some in a nipple, at first mixed with a little orange juice, but he sucked it right down.

With his vitamin k tablet he took once a week. I got a pill crusher -- just used it to grind up the tablet and sprinkled it on babyfood bananas and he took it right down.


Staff member
We were told not to mix meds with milk because DS might associate the taste with his formula and refuse to eat. When we started him on adeks we did the nipple trick -- put some in a nipple, at first mixed with a little orange juice, but he sucked it right down.
<br />
<br />With his vitamin k tablet he took once a week. I got a pill crusher -- just used it to grind up the tablet and sprinkled it on babyfood bananas and he took it right down.


New member
my daughter has been taking the liquid suspension form of prevacid since 3 months....i would ask if that is available for you!


New member
my daughter has been taking the liquid suspension form of prevacid since 3 months....i would ask if that is available for you!


New member
my daughter has been taking the liquid suspension form of prevacid since 3 months....i would ask if that is available for you!


New member
my daughter has been taking the liquid suspension form of prevacid since 3 months....i would ask if that is available for you!


New member
my daughter has been taking the liquid suspension form of prevacid since 3 months....i would ask if that is available for you!