'Preventative' Antibiotic


New member
How many of your children take 'preventative' antibiotics? Just interested. Our daughter has been taking one since she was six weeks old.

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
joe hasn't had that. he only has antibiotics when he is unwell, coughing and full up with a cold. janet uk<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Do you mean she is constantly on an antibiotic but she has no active infection/change in sypmtoms?

How old is she now? ie... how long has she been on the antibiotic? what is it? oral?


New member
OOOOOOO Never mind.....I guess i was having a stupid moment...LOL<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">


New member
Not sure I understand the reasoning on this but you might want to ask your doctor. From what I could find they do it alot in europe but the findings in general are somewhat contradictory. I guess it would be based on whether feel the benefits outway the risks. Type in "continuous antibiotic use cystic fibrosis" and you can read a few studies.

Is she culturing something specific? Our clinic only treats for certain bacteria. While staph isn't considered a big deal unless they are exibiting symptoms or problems, they do treat first culture of pseudomonas. I do believe quite a few kids do cycles of or constant antibiotics for pseudo.

If there isn't anything like pseudomonas or other more agressive bacterias showing up in her 3 month sputums, I wouldn't do it myself. A few reasons: one being constant antibiotic use can render one immune to that or other antibiotics; it can disrupt the normal flora in the guts and cause issues; and it seems a bit overzealous to me if one is healthy and not having any health/weight issues.

I would ask for their reasoning and do some of your own research and then decide. If she is on one constantly I would use acidophilus to build up good gut flora.



New member
I do take oral antibiotics since I was 12 years old. I stopped it once for a while in my mid twenties, but in my feeling I got more infections during that time, so I started to take it again. I took "Eusaprim" for about 15 yeas and since then "Cefuroxim 500 mg" 3 times a day. From time to time i do take Zithromax or Ciprobay instead, as the other one is not against Pseudomonas. My last IV was 2 years ago, my lung function is around 42 % and I have worked fulltime until about 2 years ago.
My liver and kindneys are still okay, but I did always have problems with thrush.



New member
My son was on Bactrim propholactically???, for the first 4 years of his life. It wasn't for lung issues though, it was to prevent cholangitis, he has biliary atresia as well as CF. It was a lower maintenance dose. My other son was on Keflex for long term to prevent urinary tract infections, it seemed to do the trick. Before the antibiotic he was getting UTI's constantly. I don't know how I would feel about preventitive antibiotics for lung issues.


New member
My doctors like to put me on preventative antibiotics a lot, but sometimes I'll just tell them "no" if it is getting to be too much.


New member
My daughter is also on a preventative antbiotic called (Flucloxacilan). She too has been on it since 6wks, and her doc's intend to keep her on it ntil age 5.
Their reason for doing this method was, that they found it kept CF kids healthier lung wise ie<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">revented them from developing bugs at a young age, so therefor they have a better start at life.
Although, its not 100% prevenative, you still can develop staph etc but your chances are slimmer.


New member
Samantha is on Zithromax M-W-F. But it is used more to prevent inflammation in the lungs.

As a probiotic, we give her liquid Kefir through the g-tube, especially when she is on IV's.

Mockingbird, we (Sami and I) love your inchworm!

Maria (mom to Sami, three years old w/cf)


New member
i used to be on preventative antibiotics until the age of 16. worked like a charm, my health was SO good back then. once i moved to the adult clinic where they dont do this, my health went down the drain. ive ended up having to take just as many antibiotics now to fix up infections than when i was taking them as a preventative! not to mention i always have some kind of low grade infection now because im not taking anything continually to keep it in check.


New member
My son has never been on preventative antibiotics but reading all of these posts has got me a little concerned. I always thought if you were on an antibiotic over a long period you would become immune. Is that not right? And what exactly does the anitbiotic prevent? It drives me crazy how every clinic does a different thing....I wish they were all more alike in the medicines they prescribe. My son is 2 years old and I am just wondering if I should mention this to doc.?