Hi - We went for Jason's annual check at the cf clinic. He has had a pretty good year. His check up went well - xrays good, pft's up from last time, looks good, lungs sound good. We will await blood and culture results. Then whild J was out at the bathroom, the dr. mentioned that sometimes patients or their families choose to do a course of iv antibiotics while doing well - some studies have shown this to be proactive he said. He said it is an option. Then of course Jason walked back in the room and we changed topics. Jason has had one round of iv antibiotics - 2 years ago - other than upon diagnosis as a baby. His small airway numbers kept going down so we did a bronch and resulting ivs based on culture results.
I am confused. I remember when he was first diagnosed in 1999, it was common for CF Tune Ups. Then they seemed to stop doing them. Now the dr. says it is an option. Does anyone still do preventative iv's? Why and why not? Thanks for you responses.
I am confused. I remember when he was first diagnosed in 1999, it was common for CF Tune Ups. Then they seemed to stop doing them. Now the dr. says it is an option. Does anyone still do preventative iv's? Why and why not? Thanks for you responses.