<br />In addition to what others are saying, I think it is very important and beneficial to make sure your son does a lot of aerobic exercise.
<br />If he already does lots of sports, make sure he keeps it up, and does modified workouts when he is sick or on the rebound.
<br />If he doesn't do a lot of sports, have him start slow and work up to more. Hydrate and rest too.
<br />Several years ago, I was tired and out of breath walking a block. Although my PFTs are worse now than then, I recently ran four miles. Plus I am having fewer exacerbations. Your son's fitness level/cardiovascular health can strongly influence how he feels--not to mention provide major (and enjoyable) mucus clearance.
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<br />In addition to what others are saying, I think it is very important and beneficial to make sure your son does a lot of aerobic exercise.
<br />If he already does lots of sports, make sure he keeps it up, and does modified workouts when he is sick or on the rebound.
<br />If he doesn't do a lot of sports, have him start slow and work up to more. Hydrate and rest too.
<br />Several years ago, I was tired and out of breath walking a block. Although my PFTs are worse now than then, I recently ran four miles. Plus I am having fewer exacerbations. Your son's fitness level/cardiovascular health can strongly influence how he feels--not to mention provide major (and enjoyable) mucus clearance.
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