We started with Prevacid five weeks ago, but after four days on it, my daughter (age 7) vomited just after taking it. I called the doctor's office and his nurse felt that it was an atypical reaction and suggested we continue to take it the next morning. She had the same reaction.
The doctor switched her to Prilosec and again, she started vomiting after being on it for about three weeks. But this time I realized it wasn't the medications, per se, that caused this. All three times, my daughter had a terribly stuffed nose and she tends to sniff all that stuff down her throat -- so she had a belly full of mucus.
I tell you all this because I had a long conversation with the nurse about when to take the pill. She said that the stomach needs to be empty and as much as possible, it should be given around the same time every day. The nurse suggested giving it to my daughter just before bed -- but many nights she has a snack before bed, so we'd either have to keep her up late for the pill, or give it the next morning, so it wouldn't be consistent. So she suggested that on those days when my daughter has that dreadful cold, we should give it mid-morning. That works over the summer -- but impossible during the school year.
The Prevacid only requires 15 minutes before eating, which works into our morning routine better. And now that I understand <i>why</i> she was vomiting, I may ask the doctor to switch her back (but it is WAY more expensive under our insurance plan.)
Over the summer, on mornings that my daughter has camp, etc, I bring a glass of water and the prilosec into her room and wake her so that she can take it. Then I let her go back to sleep for another 25 minutes or so. Then she gets dressed and it's time for her to eat. I hate waking her that early, but it's actually reduced the stress of starting the day for her. Lying in bed and waking up gradually does her a world of good.
I don't know if my daughter's reaction to prevacid or prilosec was typical (her reaction to medication has NEVER been typical!), but the nurse stressed several times that the stomach needed to be empty. She said it won't properly coat the stomach if there's food in there, so that made sense to me... Thankfully, my daughter can take a pill with water -- or even without -- so I don't know about having to take it with applesauce or anything. I'm sure a spoonful or two won't make a difference.