Probiotics side effects?


New member
I have an 18-month-old son, 24 lbs., PI, severe reflux that we control with a couple of medications, chronic constipation that we control with Miralax. None of this has changed in several months. Same medications. Slightly different doses as he's gained weight.

At our last clinic appointment, we talked to the doctor about probiotics, and she suggested that we try it for him since it can't hurt. He spent two weeks on antibiotics this month, as well, last dose being four days ago. I've been giving him 1 pack of Culturelle for kids once or twice a day for the last two months. (1 pack has 1 billion cells, so 1/10 the adult dose.)

Over the last two months, his vomiting has increased, and has been daily since Saturday. Outside of his antibiotics, the only thing we've changed in his entire diet is this addition of a probiotic.

I cannot find information on whether or not it could be the probiotic doing this to him or not. Has anyone else increase problems on probiotics?

Thank you.


Super Moderator
Our son has nearly identical problems. He takes at least 1 a day and up to 6 a day of Culturelle and I've never noticed a problem from that. He has had 2 stomach bugs that caused vomitting. Other than that, he seems to vomit when he is starting to back-up, EVEN though he is on Miralax (1.5-2 adult doses) and is still pooping. Took nearly a year to figure out when it was happening. We then gave Milk-of-Magnesia to jump start and up Mirlax to the 2 doses and possibly 3. But the 2 stomach bugs had me for a loop b/c I assumed it was his other stuff--by second one I kinda figure it out. I'd call the GI though and get their take. Even with second bug I called and said this is what is going on; I think it is a stomach bug, but want to make sure you don't think we need Xrays, etc. etc. Our son is now 3.5, but has had these problems since an infant and this has been regular course for about a year. Good luck!
Hugs and prayers,


Super Moderator
My husband reminded me of two things: We had to do a course of Flagyl b/c all the constipation (I think) had led to a bacterial overgrowth. It is a NASTY drug and he vomitted from it and it took 2 of us holding him down, but until that we couldn't get a handle on things and within 3 days many of the issues went away, less vomitting, less draino sounds, better eating, no smelly breath. Also, it takes about a year for the GI track to "relearn" how to pass stools, so that part takes some time with the Miralax. DH had read your post and said "it sounds like someone's little one has the EXACT problem DS had." Good luck!


New member
Aboveallislove - We're giving milk of magnesia today to see if he needs to be cleaned out or not. Do you know what test they can do to confirm bacterial overgrowth?

Thank you!


Super Moderator
They didn't do any test to confirm. They did after all the other tests were negative and in retrospect (i.e. the next appointment) from what they said it sounded like they didn't know what was wrong and just did it as a "shot in the dark." Apparently there are too many bacteria to test the stool for all and see if there is a bacterial overgrowth. Not saying to push for Flagyl b/c it is nasty but to keep in mind if things don't improve and you see other symptoms.

Also, make sure to check with GI re milk of magnesia re dosing etc. We were cautioned not to use too often, but got an okay for 5 days in row no more than 1x per month.

Finally, another thing with DS: He would get back-ups from the drink supplements. He was originally on high-calorie Elecare and then Carnation Plus and Boost Plus. Well, when we got a "old stock" delivery of a Boost without Fiber the back-up stopped. The nutritionist, GI, and CF doctor all said that the drink shouldn't cause constipation but EVERY TIME he got it with the fiber he was backed up again. And with no fiber pure liquid. Took lots of experimenting but finally do a 3 (no fiber) to 1 fiber mix per day and it has good consistency stools, unless he overdoes it on breads, etc.

Hang in there,


New member
The GI prescribed the Milk of Magnesia, so we have the dosing (although I'm starting a little slower than he suggested since my little guy sometimes reacts more strongly to some of these things.) My DS doesn't eat. He's 100% liquid through a bottle still. (We're working on it.) I stopped the probiotic today to see if that would help. Even if he shouldn't have a reaction to it, maybe he is anyway. That was the new thing we added that slowed him down and starting all the vomiting, so I'm going to try to reintroduce it later if taking him off it now helps.

