Problem with pharmacy



Does any one have some ideas on what to do about this? I get my boys meds from the cf hospitals pharmacy. They just told me they will no longer have the pulmozyme because it is a specialty drug and that I will need to give them more then a weeks notice if I entend on getting it any longer. They have also insteated a policy of needing to have 24 to 48 hrs notice to refill any meds. Anyway they have been doing a very poor job at filling the meds. Many times they neglect to fill all of the meds I request. Other times they don't put the meds that are ment to be in the fridge in the fridge. I've spoke with them about this many times and they tell me it is because I have too many meds. I take 15 meds at times and my pharmacy does not have these problems. But since I've addressed the problems with the head phamacist and they were no help who would I need to speak with? I am going to transfer my sons scrips to another pharmacy if it can't be fixed and I may need to anyway.


New member
You having too many meds is NOT an excuse for them to be giving you sucky service. A pharmacy is meant to supply meds, no matter how many or what, to whoever needs them. If their sad little reason is that you have too many... I suggest you go to a pharmacy that can do what a pharmacy is supposed to do.


New member
I would def switch. I used to work in a pharmacy till last year. We didn't always stock the cf drugs but we ordered them for the next day. $2000 worth of Pulmozyme is kind of pricey to keep on hand. Any pharmacy should be able to get it the next day unless it is Fri or Sat. If any thing was left out of the fridge the pharmacy would take a loss and reorder and wouldn't forget the next time.


Thats what I am gonna have to do. I am sure they will have a bunch of mad parents other then just me cause since they are downstairs from the cf clinic we goto the most of the parents at our clinic use them. Atleast now I don't feel like I'm being nutz for wanting to switch.


New member
We use Eckerds Pharmacy & most meds they stock, but not all. I know Pulmozyme, Tobi etc that I needs to give them enough notice to order it. My oral meds arent usually a problem. I take many meds including ones for Epilepsy. My husband is on meds for high blood pressue & my daughter needs allergy meds so when I go in to pick up I can have any number of meds for any of us. I have never had a problem. In fact because of my sizeable prescriptions I stand out. There have been many times that they didnt have enough of something that they normally stock to fill my whole prescription, but they give me what they have at no charge until the rest comes in. I am fortunate to live in a small area so it doesnt take much to know people & it really helps. You cant afford to have problems so I would switch if at all possible.


New member
I had trouble getting my sons pulmozyme from a wal mart pharmacy. they told me that they could not order it anymore because he was the only one they had that takes it and it cost to much. I switched to Wal greens and have had no problems getting it. They even send me an email letting me know it is there when I need it.
Becca mom of son w/cf


New member
You could always try to CF services pharmacy. They have been pretty quick getting me my daughter's stuff. And they always have CF meds in stock.


New member
I have had good luck with Walgreens mail order and CF Services pharmacy, both were quick and easy. I would NOT suggest Walmart mail order to ANYONE though, we have had too many BIG mess-ups from them!!


New member
I found a new CF pharmacy called Foundation Care. They provided me with a new nebulizer my doctor prescribed, called an eFlow. They provide all my medications whenever I need them. They are very nice and helpful when I have issues. I'd recommend them for you. Here's there number: 877-291-1122.
