Problems w/ joints or bones?

My 5 year old daughter Laci, and I were at the Emergency Room or 3 and a half hours last night. She was completely fine all day and then she started complaining that her knee hurt. Then it went from complaining about it, to her not being able to bend it. Then it went fom not being able to bend it to her having to lay down on the couch with an ice pack because it was so bad. Then it went even further, bringing excruciating pain to the point where she was screaming crying and he knee started swelling up. So I brought he to the ER and they took x-rays and said that her bones looked fine and maybe she just sat on it the wrong way or pulled something? but would that make it swollen? she seems a little bit better today but still not 100%. I'm keeping her home from school and hopefully following up with her team of CF Doctors today. Has anybody ever heard of anything like this relating to CF??
My 5 year old daughter Laci, and I were at the Emergency Room or 3 and a half hours last night. She was completely fine all day and then she started complaining that her knee hurt. Then it went from complaining about it, to her not being able to bend it. Then it went fom not being able to bend it to her having to lay down on the couch with an ice pack because it was so bad. Then it went even further, bringing excruciating pain to the point where she was screaming crying and he knee started swelling up. So I brought he to the ER and they took x-rays and said that her bones looked fine and maybe she just sat on it the wrong way or pulled something? but would that make it swollen? she seems a little bit better today but still not 100%. I'm keeping her home from school and hopefully following up with her team of CF Doctors today. Has anybody ever heard of anything like this relating to CF??
My 5 year old daughter Laci, and I were at the Emergency Room or 3 and a half hours last night. She was completely fine all day and then she started complaining that her knee hurt. Then it went from complaining about it, to her not being able to bend it. Then it went fom not being able to bend it to her having to lay down on the couch with an ice pack because it was so bad. Then it went even further, bringing excruciating pain to the point where she was screaming crying and he knee started swelling up. So I brought he to the ER and they took x-rays and said that her bones looked fine and maybe she just sat on it the wrong way or pulled something? but would that make it swollen? she seems a little bit better today but still not 100%. I'm keeping her home from school and hopefully following up with her team of CF Doctors today. Has anybody ever heard of anything like this relating to CF??


New member
Hi there,
This happened once to my son as well; off to the ER we went. When I dosed w/advil, per their recommendations, it subsided. I think you will get more info from the CF doctors in terms of why this happens and what can be done about it.



New member
Hi there,
This happened once to my son as well; off to the ER we went. When I dosed w/advil, per their recommendations, it subsided. I think you will get more info from the CF doctors in terms of why this happens and what can be done about it.



New member
Hi there,
<br />This happened once to my son as well; off to the ER we went. When I dosed w/advil, per their recommendations, it subsided. I think you will get more info from the CF doctors in terms of why this happens and what can be done about it.
<br />
<br />hth,
<br />Kathy


New member
I have been suffering from similar situations my whole life. It seems that I have a joint flare-up when I am about to get an exacerbation. Prednisone and Ibprofin have helped temendously...and when it isn't enough, a little Vicodin and heat does wonders.


New member
I have been suffering from similar situations my whole life. It seems that I have a joint flare-up when I am about to get an exacerbation. Prednisone and Ibprofin have helped temendously...and when it isn't enough, a little Vicodin and heat does wonders.


New member
I have been suffering from similar situations my whole life. It seems that I have a joint flare-up when I am about to get an exacerbation. Prednisone and Ibprofin have helped temendously...and when it isn't enough, a little Vicodin and heat does wonders.


New member
There are certain joint/bone issues associated with CF. I have had bouts of achy joints accompanied by a red, raised, painful rash since I was about 12. It has improved over time (less frequency), but seems to come about during stressful times, perhaps correlating with an exacerbation. I take Naproxen when it happens, but it goes away after a couple days with or without drugs.
I know this doesn't sound like your daughter's situation, and I hope this was a one-time thing for her. I just wanted to tell you my experience, and let you know about CF arthropathy.


New member
There are certain joint/bone issues associated with CF. I have had bouts of achy joints accompanied by a red, raised, painful rash since I was about 12. It has improved over time (less frequency), but seems to come about during stressful times, perhaps correlating with an exacerbation. I take Naproxen when it happens, but it goes away after a couple days with or without drugs.
I know this doesn't sound like your daughter's situation, and I hope this was a one-time thing for her. I just wanted to tell you my experience, and let you know about CF arthropathy.


New member
There are certain joint/bone issues associated with CF. I have had bouts of achy joints accompanied by a red, raised, painful rash since I was about 12. It has improved over time (less frequency), but seems to come about during stressful times, perhaps correlating with an exacerbation. I take Naproxen when it happens, but it goes away after a couple days with or without drugs.
<br />I know this doesn't sound like your daughter's situation, and I hope this was a one-time thing for her. I just wanted to tell you my experience, and let you know about CF arthropathy.
<br />Kelly