Proud to announce... I'm pregnant!


New member
After years of planning and only one short month of trying my husband and I are expecting a baby this summer!! My husband has tested as a non-carrier for the cf gene mutations.

We are thrilled and still in shock that it happened this fast. We have been together for 9 years so it wasn't fast in that sense. We knew we always wanted to try for a baby if my health allowed. When I brought it up a year ago to my new doctor they told me I wasn't getting any younger and with the natural progression of cf it was best to get pregnant sooner than later if I was set on getting pregnant at all. They said this was especially true with my current FEV1, much lower and they would have actively advised against it for my safety.

My doctors (I've been to 8 CF clinics through the years and have relationships with many of them) suggested many things for my husband and I to discuss in private such as was he prepared to be a single parent (many cf doctors are also pediatricians so they have the unique perspective of doing what is in the best interest for not only their patient but also the child). The question that was the kicker for us was this one. It was a difficult one to ask because we are both very optimistic people ultimately leaving what if'ing about mine (or his for that matter) longevity up to God's plan and interestingly my husband has a PhD in organic chemistry so he knows damn well what's going on with me and all my medicine.

I asked my husband, "If it is so that I will not be around as long as you. Would you rather be footloose and fancy free to mourn/grieve in your own way and move on from your past and start a new, fresh life or would you rather forever have a link to your past (me) that will weigh you down requiring your love and attention for possibly many more years?" He was quite taken aback because I had to pretty much have an out of body experience to say something like this, he said, "Well I guess if you put it that way, I'd rather have a reminder of you than nothing at all. Furthermore, I really want to be the father to your child." I left him to stew on it for a week when we returned to the conversation his opinion hadn't wavered. He turned the tables on me and told me that he was happy to adopt if I didn't want to birth because he didn't want to put my health in danger. We learned, as I'm sure most of you know by now, the risk is not so much with pregnancy as it is bringing another living, breathing, germy being into your home. The caring for the child as well. Ultimately though the decision to bring a life into our household was up to him because he ultimately, statistically may have to care for our babe on his own.

My doctor is very pleased with my planning and congratulatory with the news of the pregnancy.

This is week 6 for us. It's hard to believe we're already halfway through our first trimester. I have not had any morning sickness. I have had mild cramping periodically and my #2 bathroom trips have backed off to once a day. I am watching this closely and eating my prunes

We did not use any Robitussin or mucus clearing process. I had been off birth control since March and tracking my cycle for 6 months using various methods (basal temp, cervical mucus viscocity) intermittently until I saw a strong pattern and then confirmed ovulation with a ovulation predictor kit. Particularly we waited to Oct. to start so that I can get short term disability when I take off time for maternity leave because I work at a small company that does not pay for a 6 wk. break. Aflac insurance has a 10 month exclusionary period on covering births.

I will be increasing my cf check ups to everyother month. I'm happy with my high risk OBGYN so far. We have our first exam that will include an ultrasound Nov. 20. I'll try to keep things updated in my blog but please don't ever hesitate to ask me a question.

I am 5'3" and 127 lbs. with Delta F508 and G551D mutations, born in Sept. '78 in NJ and diagnosed at age 2 at St. Vin's.
Gallbladder removed '04.
A stable 61% FEV1 (plateued as the drs. call it)


New member
After years of planning and only one short month of trying my husband and I are expecting a baby this summer!! My husband has tested as a non-carrier for the cf gene mutations.

We are thrilled and still in shock that it happened this fast. We have been together for 9 years so it wasn't fast in that sense. We knew we always wanted to try for a baby if my health allowed. When I brought it up a year ago to my new doctor they told me I wasn't getting any younger and with the natural progression of cf it was best to get pregnant sooner than later if I was set on getting pregnant at all. They said this was especially true with my current FEV1, much lower and they would have actively advised against it for my safety.

My doctors (I've been to 8 CF clinics through the years and have relationships with many of them) suggested many things for my husband and I to discuss in private such as was he prepared to be a single parent (many cf doctors are also pediatricians so they have the unique perspective of doing what is in the best interest for not only their patient but also the child). The question that was the kicker for us was this one. It was a difficult one to ask because we are both very optimistic people ultimately leaving what if'ing about mine (or his for that matter) longevity up to God's plan and interestingly my husband has a PhD in organic chemistry so he knows damn well what's going on with me and all my medicine.

I asked my husband, "If it is so that I will not be around as long as you. Would you rather be footloose and fancy free to mourn/grieve in your own way and move on from your past and start a new, fresh life or would you rather forever have a link to your past (me) that will weigh you down requiring your love and attention for possibly many more years?" He was quite taken aback because I had to pretty much have an out of body experience to say something like this, he said, "Well I guess if you put it that way, I'd rather have a reminder of you than nothing at all. Furthermore, I really want to be the father to your child." I left him to stew on it for a week when we returned to the conversation his opinion hadn't wavered. He turned the tables on me and told me that he was happy to adopt if I didn't want to birth because he didn't want to put my health in danger. We learned, as I'm sure most of you know by now, the risk is not so much with pregnancy as it is bringing another living, breathing, germy being into your home. The caring for the child as well. Ultimately though the decision to bring a life into our household was up to him because he ultimately, statistically may have to care for our babe on his own.

My doctor is very pleased with my planning and congratulatory with the news of the pregnancy.

This is week 6 for us. It's hard to believe we're already halfway through our first trimester. I have not had any morning sickness. I have had mild cramping periodically and my #2 bathroom trips have backed off to once a day. I am watching this closely and eating my prunes

We did not use any Robitussin or mucus clearing process. I had been off birth control since March and tracking my cycle for 6 months using various methods (basal temp, cervical mucus viscocity) intermittently until I saw a strong pattern and then confirmed ovulation with a ovulation predictor kit. Particularly we waited to Oct. to start so that I can get short term disability when I take off time for maternity leave because I work at a small company that does not pay for a 6 wk. break. Aflac insurance has a 10 month exclusionary period on covering births.

I will be increasing my cf check ups to everyother month. I'm happy with my high risk OBGYN so far. We have our first exam that will include an ultrasound Nov. 20. I'll try to keep things updated in my blog but please don't ever hesitate to ask me a question.

I am 5'3" and 127 lbs. with Delta F508 and G551D mutations, born in Sept. '78 in NJ and diagnosed at age 2 at St. Vin's.
Gallbladder removed '04.
A stable 61% FEV1 (plateued as the drs. call it)


New member
After years of planning and only one short month of trying my husband and I are expecting a baby this summer!! My husband has tested as a non-carrier for the cf gene mutations.

We are thrilled and still in shock that it happened this fast. We have been together for 9 years so it wasn't fast in that sense. We knew we always wanted to try for a baby if my health allowed. When I brought it up a year ago to my new doctor they told me I wasn't getting any younger and with the natural progression of cf it was best to get pregnant sooner than later if I was set on getting pregnant at all. They said this was especially true with my current FEV1, much lower and they would have actively advised against it for my safety.

My doctors (I've been to 8 CF clinics through the years and have relationships with many of them) suggested many things for my husband and I to discuss in private such as was he prepared to be a single parent (many cf doctors are also pediatricians so they have the unique perspective of doing what is in the best interest for not only their patient but also the child). The question that was the kicker for us was this one. It was a difficult one to ask because we are both very optimistic people ultimately leaving what if'ing about mine (or his for that matter) longevity up to God's plan and interestingly my husband has a PhD in organic chemistry so he knows damn well what's going on with me and all my medicine.

I asked my husband, "If it is so that I will not be around as long as you. Would you rather be footloose and fancy free to mourn/grieve in your own way and move on from your past and start a new, fresh life or would you rather forever have a link to your past (me) that will weigh you down requiring your love and attention for possibly many more years?" He was quite taken aback because I had to pretty much have an out of body experience to say something like this, he said, "Well I guess if you put it that way, I'd rather have a reminder of you than nothing at all. Furthermore, I really want to be the father to your child." I left him to stew on it for a week when we returned to the conversation his opinion hadn't wavered. He turned the tables on me and told me that he was happy to adopt if I didn't want to birth because he didn't want to put my health in danger. We learned, as I'm sure most of you know by now, the risk is not so much with pregnancy as it is bringing another living, breathing, germy being into your home. The caring for the child as well. Ultimately though the decision to bring a life into our household was up to him because he ultimately, statistically may have to care for our babe on his own.

My doctor is very pleased with my planning and congratulatory with the news of the pregnancy.

This is week 6 for us. It's hard to believe we're already halfway through our first trimester. I have not had any morning sickness. I have had mild cramping periodically and my #2 bathroom trips have backed off to once a day. I am watching this closely and eating my prunes

We did not use any Robitussin or mucus clearing process. I had been off birth control since March and tracking my cycle for 6 months using various methods (basal temp, cervical mucus viscocity) intermittently until I saw a strong pattern and then confirmed ovulation with a ovulation predictor kit. Particularly we waited to Oct. to start so that I can get short term disability when I take off time for maternity leave because I work at a small company that does not pay for a 6 wk. break. Aflac insurance has a 10 month exclusionary period on covering births.

I will be increasing my cf check ups to everyother month. I'm happy with my high risk OBGYN so far. We have our first exam that will include an ultrasound Nov. 20. I'll try to keep things updated in my blog but please don't ever hesitate to ask me a question.

I am 5'3" and 127 lbs. with Delta F508 and G551D mutations, born in Sept. '78 in NJ and diagnosed at age 2 at St. Vin's.
Gallbladder removed '04.
A stable 61% FEV1 (plateued as the drs. call it)


New member
Congrats! I am proud to see so many others that are pregnant or becoming pregnant on this site.

I just entered 12 weeks and also feeling good- I am due in May.

I wish you the best!


New member
Congrats! I am proud to see so many others that are pregnant or becoming pregnant on this site.

I just entered 12 weeks and also feeling good- I am due in May.

I wish you the best!


New member
Congrats! I am proud to see so many others that are pregnant or becoming pregnant on this site.

I just entered 12 weeks and also feeling good- I am due in May.

I wish you the best!


New member
Wow, what good news! From both of you! What a hard decision, possibly the hardest decision in your life. I hope you both have a wonderful pregnancy! I look forward to hearing about this new journey you are embarking on.Congats to you and your husband, he is also making a courageous decision.. Happy new baby to you---and to boxer13.


New member
Wow, what good news! From both of you! What a hard decision, possibly the hardest decision in your life. I hope you both have a wonderful pregnancy! I look forward to hearing about this new journey you are embarking on.Congats to you and your husband, he is also making a courageous decision.. Happy new baby to you---and to boxer13.


New member
Wow, what good news! From both of you! What a hard decision, possibly the hardest decision in your life. I hope you both have a wonderful pregnancy! I look forward to hearing about this new journey you are embarking on.Congats to you and your husband, he is also making a courageous decision.. Happy new baby to you---and to boxer13.


New member

You have weighed the pros and cons thoroughly and have prepared everything to the best of your ability. Your openess with your husband is admirable-you guys seem solid. You will be a great mom!-You already are b/c you're doing so much already to plan and prepare for this child.

Enjoy! Keep us updated!
<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

-Congrats to Boxer too! Hope all goes well with you!


New member

You have weighed the pros and cons thoroughly and have prepared everything to the best of your ability. Your openess with your husband is admirable-you guys seem solid. You will be a great mom!-You already are b/c you're doing so much already to plan and prepare for this child.

Enjoy! Keep us updated!
<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

-Congrats to Boxer too! Hope all goes well with you!


New member

You have weighed the pros and cons thoroughly and have prepared everything to the best of your ability. Your openess with your husband is admirable-you guys seem solid. You will be a great mom!-You already are b/c you're doing so much already to plan and prepare for this child.

Enjoy! Keep us updated!
<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

-Congrats to Boxer too! Hope all goes well with you!


New member
That is so exciting to hear! I love to hear about everyone getting pregnant because I hope to try in a couple years myself. I'm getting married next month so we have talked about kids and know we want to have them it's just a matter of when for us. I wish you the best of luck and congrats!


New member
That is so exciting to hear! I love to hear about everyone getting pregnant because I hope to try in a couple years myself. I'm getting married next month so we have talked about kids and know we want to have them it's just a matter of when for us. I wish you the best of luck and congrats!


New member
That is so exciting to hear! I love to hear about everyone getting pregnant because I hope to try in a couple years myself. I'm getting married next month so we have talked about kids and know we want to have them it's just a matter of when for us. I wish you the best of luck and congrats!


Digital opinion leader
A baby!!!! Such good news Lauren. Congratulations to you and hubby.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


Digital opinion leader
A baby!!!! Such good news Lauren. Congratulations to you and hubby.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


Digital opinion leader
A baby!!!! Such good news Lauren. Congratulations to you and hubby.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you!! I wish you an easy pregnancy and birth!!

It really gives me hope for my daughter and her life to see your story and others on this site. Sounds like you are entering into this process with your eyes wide open, and your hearts ready for your bundle of joy!!!


CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you!! I wish you an easy pregnancy and birth!!

It really gives me hope for my daughter and her life to see your story and others on this site. Sounds like you are entering into this process with your eyes wide open, and your hearts ready for your bundle of joy!!!