Prunning up fast


New member
YES, YES, & YES!!!! Reeces' fingertips & bottoms of his feet peel!! His palms have alot more lines on them!!! CF thing again? Good to know he's not the only one. Although this is not that big of deal. LOL<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
YES,YES & YES!!!! Reeces' feet & fingertips peel! He also has many more lines then average! Just thought it was him.....good to hear he's not alone. "Another CF thing?"<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Well, I checked it out, and after about an hour swimming in the lake the other day, neither my hands nor my sons were particularily pruney, so I guess this possible Cf side effect has eluded me...but now I am wondering if different waters might make a difference - lake water vs pool water vs salt water? I'll have to continue my perusal into this phenomenon!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I dont have the option of swimming in the ocean so my exposure is lakes, pools, rivers & of course the bath/shower....I prune up in all of them!


New member
I have hyperlineated palms!
I HATE it because I feel my palms and feet are odd looking. I didn't know it was CF related. I feel a little better<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>sue35</b></i>

I have hyperlineated palms!

I HATE it because I feel my palms and feet are odd looking. I didn't know it was CF related. I feel a little better<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"></end quote></div>

I didnt know there was such a name? lol! Learn something new!


New member
OMG!!! Yes, Sean prunes up like you wouldn't believe. I'm not sure about the time it takes but he is so much more "pruney" than anyone I have ever seen.


New member
I just had to reply this this thread. I have two children with
variant cf are seen in a cf center and are being treated for cf. My
son always  pruned up super fast and so his sister.The oldest
one does not have cf and does not have this problem. I have and
always had  hyperlineated palms and so does my son and Hannah
does a little bit. I do not prune up to fast like I did when I was
a child because the skin is now to thick. But when I was little I
used to hide my hand because  people called me old lady hands.
They wear so ugly for a child. I also had  other cf  like
problems  but have not yet been tested. My son cries later
after being in the pool and says his skin burns I wonder if for the
same reason?  Very interesting, Kathy


New member
Just wanted to say that these little "symptoms" of CF are so subjective. I know lots of people who prune up in 5-10 minutes or less who don't have CF at all! Same with the "salty sweat" symptom. I would think that it would apply more to Cf'ers if they prune up instantly (like in seconds or one minute or something).


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>izemmom</b></i>

I thought anonymous posters were not allowed anymore???</end quote></div>

I am "assuming" that they registered using Anonymous because the other day when I was looking at who was online there was ANONYOUS among the other user names. The actual anonymous feature is disabled!


New member
Is it just me or does anyone else find it annoying that someome feels compelled to get around the "rules" this way? I hope that in the furture this "anonymous" poster will keep their posts to the teen/young people fourm since he/she exhibits such childish behavior. On second thought, many of the posters to that section are actually quite mature - more so than our anony. friend, anyway.


New member
I am shocked that my "anonymous" posting was such a big deal. I apologize that I have offended some of you. I am relatively new here and originally registered under that name some time ago. I was not trying to "get around the rules". I had no idea that we weren't supposed to use that name (it was mispelled in error). I simply wanted to share my experiences. Please do not be so quick to judge in the future.


New member
Hi! Had to reply, I noticed when Zoe was a baby, I would give her a
bath, short bath, and when I dried her, her hands and feet were
extremely pruned!! She is my 8th child and NONE of the other ones
prune in just a couple of minutes, and a ton of wrinkles! I've also
noticed since she was born that I can see through her skin on the
tops of her fingers, you can see the little purple veins across her
knuckles. Interesting, huh? Also, she hates to wear shoes! Her feet
and hands are always warm.<br>


New member
To the annoymous poster: You're right. I did jump to conclusions about the reason you were posting as anonymous. There has been so much trouble stirred up recently by people who donb't use their sign-in names. Trouble can start with a seemingly innocous comment, but then people end up getting insulted or belittled or worse. I truly thought that's what was happening. Unfortunately and unwittingly, I sank to t he level of those people with my response. I apologize.