pseudomonas diagnosis


New member
He looks so sweet and I love his hair. My daughter is
thirteen months and has no where near this much hair! lol

Mariah cultured PA when she was 9 months old and I felt like I got her diagnosis all over again, but after reading what other people have experienced, it made me feel so much better. There are so many new medicines that can help our babies and some natural meds to support them as well. Garlic is something I give my daughter daily in a tincture form. I have given it to her since her PA was found. I believe with both that and the Tobi, she is doing great. I honestly would never have known she had it because she was symptomless. Keep your chin up. :)


New member
He looks so sweet and I love his hair. My daughter is
thirteen months and has no where near this much hair! lol

Mariah cultured PA when she was 9 months old and I felt like I got her diagnosis all over again, but after reading what other people have experienced, it made me feel so much better. There are so many new medicines that can help our babies and some natural meds to support them as well. Garlic is something I give my daughter daily in a tincture form. I have given it to her since her PA was found. I believe with both that and the Tobi, she is doing great. I honestly would never have known she had it because she was symptomless. Keep your chin up. :)


New member
He looks so sweet and I love his hair. My daughter is
thirteen months and has no where near this much hair! lol

Mariah cultured PA when she was 9 months old and I felt like I got her diagnosis all over again, but after reading what other people have experienced, it made me feel so much better. There are so many new medicines that can help our babies and some natural meds to support them as well. Garlic is something I give my daughter daily in a tincture form. I have given it to her since her PA was found. I believe with both that and the Tobi, she is doing great. I honestly would never have known she had it because she was symptomless. Keep your chin up. :)


New member
He looks so sweet and I love his hair. My daughter is
thirteen months and has no where near this much hair! lol

Mariah cultured PA when she was 9 months old and I felt like I got her diagnosis all over again, but after reading what other people have experienced, it made me feel so much better. There are so many new medicines that can help our babies and some natural meds to support them as well. Garlic is something I give my daughter daily in a tincture form. I have given it to her since her PA was found. I believe with both that and the Tobi, she is doing great. I honestly would never have known she had it because she was symptomless. Keep your chin up. :)


New member
He looks so sweet and I love his hair. My daughter is
<br />thirteen months and has no where near this much hair! lol
<br />
<br />Mariah cultured PA when she was 9 months old and I felt like I got her diagnosis all over again, but after reading what other people have experienced, it made me feel so much better. There are so many new medicines that can help our babies and some natural meds to support them as well. Garlic is something I give my daughter daily in a tincture form. I have given it to her since her PA was found. I believe with both that and the Tobi, she is doing great. I honestly would never have known she had it because she was symptomless. Keep your chin up. :)


Super Moderator
I don't remember a time when I haven't cultured PA. obviously there was a time but i've been culturing it for the majority of my life. About 2 years ago I started the whole one month on/one month off tobra (compounded for the eflow) routine because my particular strains (i culture 2) were no longer responsive to cipro and a couple other oral abx so i needed to stay on top of flare ups by other means. Some times the tobra just doesn't cut it and so i will then do IV abx for a few weeks. I'd say overall that it has not caused a dramatic sudden decline in my health but catching it early on with all of the available treatments now is definitely a hopeful sign!


Super Moderator
I don't remember a time when I haven't cultured PA. obviously there was a time but i've been culturing it for the majority of my life. About 2 years ago I started the whole one month on/one month off tobra (compounded for the eflow) routine because my particular strains (i culture 2) were no longer responsive to cipro and a couple other oral abx so i needed to stay on top of flare ups by other means. Some times the tobra just doesn't cut it and so i will then do IV abx for a few weeks. I'd say overall that it has not caused a dramatic sudden decline in my health but catching it early on with all of the available treatments now is definitely a hopeful sign!


Super Moderator
I don't remember a time when I haven't cultured PA. obviously there was a time but i've been culturing it for the majority of my life. About 2 years ago I started the whole one month on/one month off tobra (compounded for the eflow) routine because my particular strains (i culture 2) were no longer responsive to cipro and a couple other oral abx so i needed to stay on top of flare ups by other means. Some times the tobra just doesn't cut it and so i will then do IV abx for a few weeks. I'd say overall that it has not caused a dramatic sudden decline in my health but catching it early on with all of the available treatments now is definitely a hopeful sign!


Super Moderator
I don't remember a time when I haven't cultured PA. obviously there was a time but i've been culturing it for the majority of my life. About 2 years ago I started the whole one month on/one month off tobra (compounded for the eflow) routine because my particular strains (i culture 2) were no longer responsive to cipro and a couple other oral abx so i needed to stay on top of flare ups by other means. Some times the tobra just doesn't cut it and so i will then do IV abx for a few weeks. I'd say overall that it has not caused a dramatic sudden decline in my health but catching it early on with all of the available treatments now is definitely a hopeful sign!


Super Moderator
I don't remember a time when I haven't cultured PA. obviously there was a time but i've been culturing it for the majority of my life. About 2 years ago I started the whole one month on/one month off tobra (compounded for the eflow) routine because my particular strains (i culture 2) were no longer responsive to cipro and a couple other oral abx so i needed to stay on top of flare ups by other means. Some times the tobra just doesn't cut it and so i will then do IV abx for a few weeks. I'd say overall that it has not caused a dramatic sudden decline in my health but catching it early on with all of the available treatments now is definitely a hopeful sign!


New member
My daughter was positive for PA before she was 3 months old & has not been positive again (knock on wood). We did 28 days of TOBI. I had no idea at the time what that meant, it was just another treatment to add to all the other new ones we were getting. I think if I knew more then, I would have been more worried. She is very healthy at almost 10 months old, with no other problems or complications.


New member
My daughter was positive for PA before she was 3 months old & has not been positive again (knock on wood). We did 28 days of TOBI. I had no idea at the time what that meant, it was just another treatment to add to all the other new ones we were getting. I think if I knew more then, I would have been more worried. She is very healthy at almost 10 months old, with no other problems or complications.


New member
My daughter was positive for PA before she was 3 months old & has not been positive again (knock on wood). We did 28 days of TOBI. I had no idea at the time what that meant, it was just another treatment to add to all the other new ones we were getting. I think if I knew more then, I would have been more worried. She is very healthy at almost 10 months old, with no other problems or complications.


New member
My daughter was positive for PA before she was 3 months old & has not been positive again (knock on wood). We did 28 days of TOBI. I had no idea at the time what that meant, it was just another treatment to add to all the other new ones we were getting. I think if I knew more then, I would have been more worried. She is very healthy at almost 10 months old, with no other problems or complications.


New member
My daughter was positive for PA before she was 3 months old & has not been positive again (knock on wood). We did 28 days of TOBI. I had no idea at the time what that meant, it was just another treatment to add to all the other new ones we were getting. I think if I knew more then, I would have been more worried. She is very healthy at almost 10 months old, with no other problems or complications.