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I have a question for those who have children that have cultured psudomonas without many symptoms or only a non-productive cough. Could you please tell me more? My son Justin (9) has had some problem since last Feb. From Feb to June he had a drop in his small airways (25-75) from a high of 90 on oral steroids (I was told this is his new baseline) to a low of 55%. His daughter in the end of June ran another course of antibiotics to kick it out of him. He had been on several over this time. Over the summer he got a foot infections and was treated for MRSA and Pseudo. Our (wonderful) CF doc thinks he MAY have had psuedo in his lower lungs (where he tends to get infections) and they just didn't show up in culture. His early Oct appointment (right after the foot treatment) rebounded almost to baseline. Since June we have added another inhaled steroid (Qvar) to his Symbicort. He is now back to dry cough on exertion and when he first goes to lie down. He is fine once he falls asleep. We go to the Center in two weeks due to rescheduling because of ice and snow. He also stretches his neck to get a breath when he has this cough or has to sit up from lying down in bed. Not sure if this is asthma or an infection. He had no baseline until 1 year ago now he has this cough again all of the time. Thanks!!
I have a question for those who have children that have cultured psudomonas without many symptoms or only a non-productive cough. Could you please tell me more? My son Justin (9) has had some problem since last Feb. From Feb to June he had a drop in his small airways (25-75) from a high of 90 on oral steroids (I was told this is his new baseline) to a low of 55%. His daughter in the end of June ran another course of antibiotics to kick it out of him. He had been on several over this time. Over the summer he got a foot infections and was treated for MRSA and Pseudo. Our (wonderful) CF doc thinks he MAY have had psuedo in his lower lungs (where he tends to get infections) and they just didn't show up in culture. His early Oct appointment (right after the foot treatment) rebounded almost to baseline. Since June we have added another inhaled steroid (Qvar) to his Symbicort. He is now back to dry cough on exertion and when he first goes to lie down. He is fine once he falls asleep. We go to the Center in two weeks due to rescheduling because of ice and snow. He also stretches his neck to get a breath when he has this cough or has to sit up from lying down in bed. Not sure if this is asthma or an infection. He had no baseline until 1 year ago now he has this cough again all of the time. Thanks!!