

New member

My daughter also cultered them at 6 months. They had not colonized in her lungs yet, and her doctor was very aggressive and admitted her for a week on IV Tobi and Cipro, followed by two weeks at home. She is now two and has had clear cultures ever since. I still worry every time they swab her throat, but I am very grateful for having such an aggressive CF doctor.

Zoe, Mom to Kate wCF


New member

My daughter also cultered them at 6 months. They had not colonized in her lungs yet, and her doctor was very aggressive and admitted her for a week on IV Tobi and Cipro, followed by two weeks at home. She is now two and has had clear cultures ever since. I still worry every time they swab her throat, but I am very grateful for having such an aggressive CF doctor.

Zoe, Mom to Kate wCF


New member

My daughter also cultered them at 6 months. They had not colonized in her lungs yet, and her doctor was very aggressive and admitted her for a week on IV Tobi and Cipro, followed by two weeks at home. She is now two and has had clear cultures ever since. I still worry every time they swab her throat, but I am very grateful for having such an aggressive CF doctor.

Zoe, Mom to Kate wCF


New member

My daughter also cultered them at 6 months. They had not colonized in her lungs yet, and her doctor was very aggressive and admitted her for a week on IV Tobi and Cipro, followed by two weeks at home. She is now two and has had clear cultures ever since. I still worry every time they swab her throat, but I am very grateful for having such an aggressive CF doctor.

Zoe, Mom to Kate wCF


New member

My daughter also cultered them at 6 months. They had not colonized in her lungs yet, and her doctor was very aggressive and admitted her for a week on IV Tobi and Cipro, followed by two weeks at home. She is now two and has had clear cultures ever since. I still worry every time they swab her throat, but I am very grateful for having such an aggressive CF doctor.

Zoe, Mom to Kate wCF


Staff member
DS was in the NICU for 6 weeks, cultured it at 3 months and was put on Tobi. We were told that after a year if he had a clear culture -- clinic appointments were every 3-4 months, he could stop.


Staff member
DS was in the NICU for 6 weeks, cultured it at 3 months and was put on Tobi. We were told that after a year if he had a clear culture -- clinic appointments were every 3-4 months, he could stop.


Staff member
DS was in the NICU for 6 weeks, cultured it at 3 months and was put on Tobi. We were told that after a year if he had a clear culture -- clinic appointments were every 3-4 months, he could stop.


Staff member
DS was in the NICU for 6 weeks, cultured it at 3 months and was put on Tobi. We were told that after a year if he had a clear culture -- clinic appointments were every 3-4 months, he could stop.


Staff member
DS was in the NICU for 6 weeks, cultured it at 3 months and was put on Tobi. We were told that after a year if he had a clear culture -- clinic appointments were every 3-4 months, he could stop.


New member
My daughter cultured PA at 15mo. old. She did 1 mo. of Tobi and 2 wks of Cipro or Placebo. She has finished the EPIC study and we are waiting to see which oral she was given. That was the only culture she had positive with PA. She will be 3 in January!


New member
My daughter cultured PA at 15mo. old. She did 1 mo. of Tobi and 2 wks of Cipro or Placebo. She has finished the EPIC study and we are waiting to see which oral she was given. That was the only culture she had positive with PA. She will be 3 in January!


New member
My daughter cultured PA at 15mo. old. She did 1 mo. of Tobi and 2 wks of Cipro or Placebo. She has finished the EPIC study and we are waiting to see which oral she was given. That was the only culture she had positive with PA. She will be 3 in January!


New member
My daughter cultured PA at 15mo. old. She did 1 mo. of Tobi and 2 wks of Cipro or Placebo. She has finished the EPIC study and we are waiting to see which oral she was given. That was the only culture she had positive with PA. She will be 3 in January!


New member
My daughter cultured PA at 15mo. old. She did 1 mo. of Tobi and 2 wks of Cipro or Placebo. She has finished the EPIC study and we are waiting to see which oral she was given. That was the only culture she had positive with PA. She will be 3 in January!


New member
Katy cultured PA at diagnosis, when she was 3 years old. We were put on 3 months of TOBI and Cipro, and have been on TOBI 28 on/off since. We have also had CLEAR cultures since! This is a scorched earth policy, to do like other posters have said, which is to nip it in the bud now and keep if from going mucoid and/or colonizing.

I might also add this - as you probably know PA is everywhere, in tap water, soil, etc. So I think sterilizing and drying nebs (<i>not</i> air drying them) helps to keep it off of those. But then again I may not know what I'm talking about. At any rate, good luck and I hope you guys get it cleared out this first time.


New member
Katy cultured PA at diagnosis, when she was 3 years old. We were put on 3 months of TOBI and Cipro, and have been on TOBI 28 on/off since. We have also had CLEAR cultures since! This is a scorched earth policy, to do like other posters have said, which is to nip it in the bud now and keep if from going mucoid and/or colonizing.

I might also add this - as you probably know PA is everywhere, in tap water, soil, etc. So I think sterilizing and drying nebs (<i>not</i> air drying them) helps to keep it off of those. But then again I may not know what I'm talking about. At any rate, good luck and I hope you guys get it cleared out this first time.


New member
Katy cultured PA at diagnosis, when she was 3 years old. We were put on 3 months of TOBI and Cipro, and have been on TOBI 28 on/off since. We have also had CLEAR cultures since! This is a scorched earth policy, to do like other posters have said, which is to nip it in the bud now and keep if from going mucoid and/or colonizing.

I might also add this - as you probably know PA is everywhere, in tap water, soil, etc. So I think sterilizing and drying nebs (<i>not</i> air drying them) helps to keep it off of those. But then again I may not know what I'm talking about. At any rate, good luck and I hope you guys get it cleared out this first time.


New member
Katy cultured PA at diagnosis, when she was 3 years old. We were put on 3 months of TOBI and Cipro, and have been on TOBI 28 on/off since. We have also had CLEAR cultures since! This is a scorched earth policy, to do like other posters have said, which is to nip it in the bud now and keep if from going mucoid and/or colonizing.

I might also add this - as you probably know PA is everywhere, in tap water, soil, etc. So I think sterilizing and drying nebs (<i>not</i> air drying them) helps to keep it off of those. But then again I may not know what I'm talking about. At any rate, good luck and I hope you guys get it cleared out this first time.


New member
Katy cultured PA at diagnosis, when she was 3 years old. We were put on 3 months of TOBI and Cipro, and have been on TOBI 28 on/off since. We have also had CLEAR cultures since! This is a scorched earth policy, to do like other posters have said, which is to nip it in the bud now and keep if from going mucoid and/or colonizing.

I might also add this - as you probably know PA is everywhere, in tap water, soil, etc. So I think sterilizing and drying nebs (<i>not</i> air drying them) helps to keep it off of those. But then again I may not know what I'm talking about. At any rate, good luck and I hope you guys get it cleared out this first time.