

New member
Our DD has just cultured PA for the second time in a row. She had NO symptoms the first time and still has no symptoms. I was just wondering how common it is for them to have no symptoms and if any of you could shed some light on the subject.
The first culture was done in July (took until mid August to let us know though - That's a whole other story!)
Started TOBI and Cipro mid August. Did another culture when they were done, that one was tested for the wrong thing, told us they could still do the CF panel on the same culture, then the lab said there was no record of the culture being sent. (It obviously was b/c you ran the wrong test on it the first time) So then, we did another culture and just got the result yesterday that she's still growing PA: Non-mucoid.
What symptoms do you or your children have when you or they culture PA?
Our DD has a mild case of CF, just severe pancreatic insufficiency. Little to no lung involvement (except PA now). Gets the common cold every once in a while, but always resolves on its own.
Okay, just hoping for some input. I still feel like a newbie and look forward to your help and support! Thanks!


New member
Our DD has just cultured PA for the second time in a row. She had NO symptoms the first time and still has no symptoms. I was just wondering how common it is for them to have no symptoms and if any of you could shed some light on the subject.
The first culture was done in July (took until mid August to let us know though - That's a whole other story!)
Started TOBI and Cipro mid August. Did another culture when they were done, that one was tested for the wrong thing, told us they could still do the CF panel on the same culture, then the lab said there was no record of the culture being sent. (It obviously was b/c you ran the wrong test on it the first time) So then, we did another culture and just got the result yesterday that she's still growing PA: Non-mucoid.
What symptoms do you or your children have when you or they culture PA?
Our DD has a mild case of CF, just severe pancreatic insufficiency. Little to no lung involvement (except PA now). Gets the common cold every once in a while, but always resolves on its own.
Okay, just hoping for some input. I still feel like a newbie and look forward to your help and support! Thanks!


New member
Our DD has just cultured PA for the second time in a row. She had NO symptoms the first time and still has no symptoms. I was just wondering how common it is for them to have no symptoms and if any of you could shed some light on the subject.
The first culture was done in July (took until mid August to let us know though - That's a whole other story!)
Started TOBI and Cipro mid August. Did another culture when they were done, that one was tested for the wrong thing, told us they could still do the CF panel on the same culture, then the lab said there was no record of the culture being sent. (It obviously was b/c you ran the wrong test on it the first time) So then, we did another culture and just got the result yesterday that she's still growing PA: Non-mucoid.
What symptoms do you or your children have when you or they culture PA?
Our DD has a mild case of CF, just severe pancreatic insufficiency. Little to no lung involvement (except PA now). Gets the common cold every once in a while, but always resolves on its own.
Okay, just hoping for some input. I still feel like a newbie and look forward to your help and support! Thanks!


New member
Our DD has just cultured PA for the second time in a row. She had NO symptoms the first time and still has no symptoms. I was just wondering how common it is for them to have no symptoms and if any of you could shed some light on the subject.
The first culture was done in July (took until mid August to let us know though - That's a whole other story!)
Started TOBI and Cipro mid August. Did another culture when they were done, that one was tested for the wrong thing, told us they could still do the CF panel on the same culture, then the lab said there was no record of the culture being sent. (It obviously was b/c you ran the wrong test on it the first time) So then, we did another culture and just got the result yesterday that she's still growing PA: Non-mucoid.
What symptoms do you or your children have when you or they culture PA?
Our DD has a mild case of CF, just severe pancreatic insufficiency. Little to no lung involvement (except PA now). Gets the common cold every once in a while, but always resolves on its own.
Okay, just hoping for some input. I still feel like a newbie and look forward to your help and support! Thanks!


New member
Our DD has just cultured PA for the second time in a row. She had NO symptoms the first time and still has no symptoms. I was just wondering how common it is for them to have no symptoms and if any of you could shed some light on the subject.
<br />The first culture was done in July (took until mid August to let us know though - That's a whole other story!)
<br />Started TOBI and Cipro mid August. Did another culture when they were done, that one was tested for the wrong thing, told us they could still do the CF panel on the same culture, then the lab said there was no record of the culture being sent. (It obviously was b/c you ran the wrong test on it the first time) So then, we did another culture and just got the result yesterday that she's still growing PA: Non-mucoid.
<br />What symptoms do you or your children have when you or they culture PA?
<br />Our DD has a mild case of CF, just severe pancreatic insufficiency. Little to no lung involvement (except PA now). Gets the common cold every once in a while, but always resolves on its own.
<br />Okay, just hoping for some input. I still feel like a newbie and look forward to your help and support! Thanks!
<br />Carrie


my daughter first cultured pa we she was about 2, no symptoms she's now 14, and sometimes has a flair up, sometimes we have to treat for pa and sometimes for staph but they can go long periods with no symptoms although it is in there. ashley rain always had more problems with digestion than with lungs. at 14 she does have some trouble in her right upper lobe, but still has normal lung functions and does great. she's been in for a tune up once when she was 11. dont know if you needed all of that info but I know that it always helped to talked to someone with an older child with cf. (keeps me motivated) anytime u want to private message, let me know.


my daughter first cultured pa we she was about 2, no symptoms she's now 14, and sometimes has a flair up, sometimes we have to treat for pa and sometimes for staph but they can go long periods with no symptoms although it is in there. ashley rain always had more problems with digestion than with lungs. at 14 she does have some trouble in her right upper lobe, but still has normal lung functions and does great. she's been in for a tune up once when she was 11. dont know if you needed all of that info but I know that it always helped to talked to someone with an older child with cf. (keeps me motivated) anytime u want to private message, let me know.


my daughter first cultured pa we she was about 2, no symptoms she's now 14, and sometimes has a flair up, sometimes we have to treat for pa and sometimes for staph but they can go long periods with no symptoms although it is in there. ashley rain always had more problems with digestion than with lungs. at 14 she does have some trouble in her right upper lobe, but still has normal lung functions and does great. she's been in for a tune up once when she was 11. dont know if you needed all of that info but I know that it always helped to talked to someone with an older child with cf. (keeps me motivated) anytime u want to private message, let me know.


my daughter first cultured pa we she was about 2, no symptoms she's now 14, and sometimes has a flair up, sometimes we have to treat for pa and sometimes for staph but they can go long periods with no symptoms although it is in there. ashley rain always had more problems with digestion than with lungs. at 14 she does have some trouble in her right upper lobe, but still has normal lung functions and does great. she's been in for a tune up once when she was 11. dont know if you needed all of that info but I know that it always helped to talked to someone with an older child with cf. (keeps me motivated) anytime u want to private message, let me know.


my daughter first cultured pa we she was about 2, no symptoms she's now 14, and sometimes has a flair up, sometimes we have to treat for pa and sometimes for staph but they can go long periods with no symptoms although it is in there. ashley rain always had more problems with digestion than with lungs. at 14 she does have some trouble in her right upper lobe, but still has normal lung functions and does great. she's been in for a tune up once when she was 11. dont know if you needed all of that info but I know that it always helped to talked to someone with an older child with cf. (keeps me motivated) anytime u want to private message, let me know.


Staff member
Similar to your child DS has never had symptoms when he's cultured nonmucoid pseudo. He's been on tobi nebs every other month for several years. We want to keep DS lungs as healthy as possible, so we do cpt/vest 3 times a day.


Staff member
Similar to your child DS has never had symptoms when he's cultured nonmucoid pseudo. He's been on tobi nebs every other month for several years. We want to keep DS lungs as healthy as possible, so we do cpt/vest 3 times a day.


Staff member
Similar to your child DS has never had symptoms when he's cultured nonmucoid pseudo. He's been on tobi nebs every other month for several years. We want to keep DS lungs as healthy as possible, so we do cpt/vest 3 times a day.


Staff member
Similar to your child DS has never had symptoms when he's cultured nonmucoid pseudo. He's been on tobi nebs every other month for several years. We want to keep DS lungs as healthy as possible, so we do cpt/vest 3 times a day.


Staff member
Similar to your child DS has never had symptoms when he's cultured nonmucoid pseudo. He's been on tobi nebs every other month for several years. We want to keep DS lungs as healthy as possible, so we do cpt/vest 3 times a day.


New member
my daughter cultured pa in the past. Once with symptons and others w/o. Once they treated it with cipro and tobi and once they didn't. The docs told me sometimes if there isn't symptoms they won't treat. They also told me even if grayson doesnt culture pa now, it don't mean its not still there. You can't always get a good throat culture everytime they swab. So far she has been healthy and we havn't needed antibiotics for pa or staph.


New member
my daughter cultured pa in the past. Once with symptons and others w/o. Once they treated it with cipro and tobi and once they didn't. The docs told me sometimes if there isn't symptoms they won't treat. They also told me even if grayson doesnt culture pa now, it don't mean its not still there. You can't always get a good throat culture everytime they swab. So far she has been healthy and we havn't needed antibiotics for pa or staph.


New member
my daughter cultured pa in the past. Once with symptons and others w/o. Once they treated it with cipro and tobi and once they didn't. The docs told me sometimes if there isn't symptoms they won't treat. They also told me even if grayson doesnt culture pa now, it don't mean its not still there. You can't always get a good throat culture everytime they swab. So far she has been healthy and we havn't needed antibiotics for pa or staph.


New member
my daughter cultured pa in the past. Once with symptons and others w/o. Once they treated it with cipro and tobi and once they didn't. The docs told me sometimes if there isn't symptoms they won't treat. They also told me even if grayson doesnt culture pa now, it don't mean its not still there. You can't always get a good throat culture everytime they swab. So far she has been healthy and we havn't needed antibiotics for pa or staph.


New member
my daughter cultured pa in the past. Once with symptons and others w/o. Once they treated it with cipro and tobi and once they didn't. The docs told me sometimes if there isn't symptoms they won't treat. They also told me even if grayson doesnt culture pa now, it don't mean its not still there. You can't always get a good throat culture everytime they swab. So far she has been healthy and we havn't needed antibiotics for pa or staph.