

I think you need to worry about people with compromised immune systems/defenses: AIDs, chemotherapy, immune-deficiencies, taking immune suppressants, COPD/PCD/bronch, and sometimes the elderly too.
I have coughed a variety of bacteria (PA, Steno, Strep...etc.) all over my house, kids and 82-year-old mother who I recently learned has fibrosis in her lungs--and no one has ever gotten an infection from it.

(I do try to be neat, don't get me wrong, but realistically speaking, you don't cough this much and actually keep it contained.)


Oh, wait. There is yeast infection, which is not specific to CF but plagues people who use a lot of antibiotics. It's not a common occurrence and when it does happen, it usually originates from the woman, but then it can go back and forth.