I am confused ... After an exacerbation with Pseudos and 14 days of Levaquin and Cayston, I am still spitting green mid-day ... Should it be white ? Will it get white after some time just on Cayston/Colymycin ? I feel generally better, less sputum altogether, but it is still green mid-day. I'm wondering if this will be enough for the PA to become dormant or should I call my lung specialist and ask for IVs ... Any advice ???
I am confused ... After an exacerbation with Pseudos and 14 days of Levaquin and Cayston, I am still spitting green mid-day ... Should it be white ? Will it get white after some time just on Cayston/Colymycin ? I feel generally better, less sputum altogether, but it is still green mid-day. I'm wondering if this will be enough for the PA to become dormant or should I call my lung specialist and ask for IVs ... Any advice ???