psuedomonas symptoms?


New member
Hi everybody,

I literally rely on this site SO MUCH!

I am curious about psuedomonas infection, I haven't cultured PA for the last year,only staph, but know I am getting hit hard and seems like unbearable ear pain. Has anyone ever heard of that?

Is there any way to know if this is a PA outburst?

Thanks for your time!



New member
Hi everybody,

I literally rely on this site SO MUCH!

I am curious about psuedomonas infection, I haven't cultured PA for the last year,only staph, but know I am getting hit hard and seems like unbearable ear pain. Has anyone ever heard of that?

Is there any way to know if this is a PA outburst?

Thanks for your time!



New member
Hi everybody,

I literally rely on this site SO MUCH!

I am curious about psuedomonas infection, I haven't cultured PA for the last year,only staph, but know I am getting hit hard and seems like unbearable ear pain. Has anyone ever heard of that?

Is there any way to know if this is a PA outburst?

Thanks for your time!



New member
Hi everybody,

I literally rely on this site SO MUCH!

I am curious about psuedomonas infection, I haven't cultured PA for the last year,only staph, but know I am getting hit hard and seems like unbearable ear pain. Has anyone ever heard of that?

Is there any way to know if this is a PA outburst?

Thanks for your time!



New member
Hi everybody,

I literally rely on this site SO MUCH!

I am curious about psuedomonas infection, I haven't cultured PA for the last year,only staph, but know I am getting hit hard and seems like unbearable ear pain. Has anyone ever heard of that?

Is there any way to know if this is a PA outburst?

Thanks for your time!



New member
Hi everybody,

I literally rely on this site SO MUCH!

I am curious about psuedomonas infection, I haven't cultured PA for the last year,only staph, but know I am getting hit hard and seems like unbearable ear pain. Has anyone ever heard of that?

Is there any way to know if this is a PA outburst?

Thanks for your time!



New member
Have you cultured PA in the past? Just because you haven't cultured it <i> recently </i> doesn't mean it's gone. You just might not be coughing up sputum from the area of your lungs where the PA is lurking, so it's not showing up in your sputum culture.

In terms of ear pain - since the PA is in your lungs, I'm going to go with no on the PA-related ear pain. Go to an ENT though if you are struggling with the ear pain. They specialize in ears! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

But if your lungs aren't feeling too hot, you might want to talk to the doc.


New member
Have you cultured PA in the past? Just because you haven't cultured it <i> recently </i> doesn't mean it's gone. You just might not be coughing up sputum from the area of your lungs where the PA is lurking, so it's not showing up in your sputum culture.

In terms of ear pain - since the PA is in your lungs, I'm going to go with no on the PA-related ear pain. Go to an ENT though if you are struggling with the ear pain. They specialize in ears! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

But if your lungs aren't feeling too hot, you might want to talk to the doc.


New member
Have you cultured PA in the past? Just because you haven't cultured it <i> recently </i> doesn't mean it's gone. You just might not be coughing up sputum from the area of your lungs where the PA is lurking, so it's not showing up in your sputum culture.

In terms of ear pain - since the PA is in your lungs, I'm going to go with no on the PA-related ear pain. Go to an ENT though if you are struggling with the ear pain. They specialize in ears! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

But if your lungs aren't feeling too hot, you might want to talk to the doc.


New member
Have you cultured PA in the past? Just because you haven't cultured it <i> recently </i> doesn't mean it's gone. You just might not be coughing up sputum from the area of your lungs where the PA is lurking, so it's not showing up in your sputum culture.

In terms of ear pain - since the PA is in your lungs, I'm going to go with no on the PA-related ear pain. Go to an ENT though if you are struggling with the ear pain. They specialize in ears! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

But if your lungs aren't feeling too hot, you might want to talk to the doc.


New member
Have you cultured PA in the past? Just because you haven't cultured it <i> recently </i> doesn't mean it's gone. You just might not be coughing up sputum from the area of your lungs where the PA is lurking, so it's not showing up in your sputum culture.

In terms of ear pain - since the PA is in your lungs, I'm going to go with no on the PA-related ear pain. Go to an ENT though if you are struggling with the ear pain. They specialize in ears! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

But if your lungs aren't feeling too hot, you might want to talk to the doc.


New member
Have you cultured PA in the past? Just because you haven't cultured it <i> recently </i> doesn't mean it's gone. You just might not be coughing up sputum from the area of your lungs where the PA is lurking, so it's not showing up in your sputum culture.

In terms of ear pain - since the PA is in your lungs, I'm going to go with no on the PA-related ear pain. Go to an ENT though if you are struggling with the ear pain. They specialize in ears! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

But if your lungs aren't feeling too hot, you might want to talk to the doc.


New member
Definitely see someone about the ear pain. I have lost a great deal of my hearing due to perforating my eardrum (several times). My doc explained to me that because of lousy sinuses, I am more prone to eustacian tube disfunction and all that pressure can cause serious ear pain and sometimes eventual eardrum perforation. So totally not fun!


New member
Definitely see someone about the ear pain. I have lost a great deal of my hearing due to perforating my eardrum (several times). My doc explained to me that because of lousy sinuses, I am more prone to eustacian tube disfunction and all that pressure can cause serious ear pain and sometimes eventual eardrum perforation. So totally not fun!


New member
Definitely see someone about the ear pain. I have lost a great deal of my hearing due to perforating my eardrum (several times). My doc explained to me that because of lousy sinuses, I am more prone to eustacian tube disfunction and all that pressure can cause serious ear pain and sometimes eventual eardrum perforation. So totally not fun!


New member
Definitely see someone about the ear pain. I have lost a great deal of my hearing due to perforating my eardrum (several times). My doc explained to me that because of lousy sinuses, I am more prone to eustacian tube disfunction and all that pressure can cause serious ear pain and sometimes eventual eardrum perforation. So totally not fun!


New member
Definitely see someone about the ear pain. I have lost a great deal of my hearing due to perforating my eardrum (several times). My doc explained to me that because of lousy sinuses, I am more prone to eustacian tube disfunction and all that pressure can cause serious ear pain and sometimes eventual eardrum perforation. So totally not fun!


New member
Definitely see someone about the ear pain. I have lost a great deal of my hearing due to perforating my eardrum (several times). My doc explained to me that because of lousy sinuses, I am more prone to eustacian tube disfunction and all that pressure can cause serious ear pain and sometimes eventual eardrum perforation. So totally not fun!


New member
And in the mean time, try sleeping on your side with your painful ear up- will help the crud drain and make it feel better if that is what it is <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .


New member
And in the mean time, try sleeping on your side with your painful ear up- will help the crud drain and make it feel better if that is what it is <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> .