


I have heard that psuedomomas comes from dirt. If that is true how many of you let your kids play in the mud? I can remember making mud pies as a kid and loved it! I haven't let my daughter play in the dirt or mud, because I didn't know if it would hurt her. I was just wondering what everyone else does when the kids want to play in the dirt/mud.


New member
I just read that last night on a cf website. Sorry i don't know
which one. I'm pretty sure it can be anywhere warm and moist.
Should Vin stay out of the mud, or do I just let boys be boys? I
know its notorious in hot tubs. Even though he never goes in ours,
can I bring something in to him if I go in it? Is it just in the
water, or all around the whole spa?


New member
Reece plays in the dirt.... AND he DOES culture positive for PA. Not sure that had anything to do with it. What about rain water along the curbs? My brothers ALWAYS played in that w/ their toy boats. One time our street flooded up over the curbs and the sidewalk was about 3~4in deep. Reece walked around in that. So I guess Im saying I let Reece be a boy....PA is not the end of the world...but dont get me wrong....before I let him do all that I had NO idea where PA came I prolly wouldnt have let him do it. Although now that he IS positive for it, I still let him play in the dirt.


New member
This can be a controversial topic. You cant completely avoid PA especially as a CFer where it loves us......I grew up playing in mud, rivers etc. I have cultured PA for years & it might have been from my environment or it might have been something else. All I know is that I enjoyed my childhood & I think that is just as if not more important. Its one of those things especially since a majority of CFers will culture PA at some point!


New member
Our CF clinic has made it very clear that our daughter (6 yrs old) is not to play in the mud, do gardening etc for this very reason. She has cultured in the past but has been clean for a long time now and recently came off tobramycin.
Yes, I agree that I want my child to have fun but there is always something else more entertaining she can do if I think hard enough :)


New member
Some of you may have seen these sorry to repeat...says it all. Ben cultured pseudo once and was treated. We freaked out at first but he hasn't culture since (we also do GSH supplements and feel this helps protect his lungs). I just can't keep him from mud quite frankly and I just couldn't suppress such a natural curiousity. Honestly, it is everywhere even in water...I just can't think about it or I would go mad. Jody


New member
...oh I forgot that we do watch he doesn't put hand in mouth and that we wash his hands really well after playing outside.


New member
I played in the mud, dirt, gardens, anywhere I please, and though I do have PA, I only got it in the last few years and I am not yet colonized, so it goes away (and comes back!). Point being, he may get it, he may not, he may get it from dirt, he might not get it until he is 27, like I was...why keep him from having fun for a "might" situation - chances are, unfortunately, that he will get it at some point anyway, but since you won't know when, where, or how, you could spend a lot of time trying to shield him unnnecessarily.


New member
hi pa does like/thrives in warm most enviroments etc where possible
use chlorine to kill it (it will).so soil can have pa.<br>
at times i played in mud/dirt for years and only have had pa a few
times in adult life,gone now! ( not colinising it yet). dont want
to alarm your but farmers spray a form of pa on crops (so called
organic) so be aware!<br>
next their is ment 2b a immunisation injection soon from what i
have read it will be available? in 3yrs time hopefully sooner.<br>
many companies around the world are working on it, in the uk there
r several already doing  trials, ( not cf trials).


Staff member
First time DS cultured pseudo he was 4 months old. Wasn't playing in the dirt yet. Pseudo is in the dirt, water, can live on surfaces for a long time.

One of our doctors has warned us about keeping him away from excavation sites -- and I thought that was more because of the potential for fungus or mold. A few years ago someone in our town picked up some nasty fungus/mold from his garden. May have been too wet or the use of composte. Who knows.

We really haven't let max play in the mud -- he does like to jump in puddles and run thru the neighbor's sprinklers -- it's been really dry here, so mud hasn't been an issue. He has "helped" me water the garden, but he has a fear of bugs and worms, so I'm not too concerned about him digging in our garden. He does spend a lot of time on the preschool playground playing in the sandbox. I am a little concerned with stagnant water.

As far as farmers using pa, I think it's cepacia that some use to prevent rot. I've heard it's used in the sugar beet industry, which makes me a little edgy, but it's not as if we hang around any beet farms or drive the countryside during planting or harvest.


New member
my son is a typical boy and now he is older i give him a LOT more freedom, we live somewhere safe and we want him to enjoy life while he is here<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> the only thing i try to keep him away from is stagnant water ie ponds etc. even though our cf dr. has only said to keep him away from saunas or jaccusies (spelling???? bloody hell my mind has gone completely blank!!!!!!!) he was on colomycin for three months at the end of last year. it does scare me this one!!!