I think we all here have the same solution. An ice pak. You can purchase really small ones, like for the kids lunch box. Depending on how much you are needing to take with you, a few days or a whole box? If you are taking a cooler along just stick it in there, it'll be just fine. If you are not taking a cooler, then either purchasing a small cooler, lunch box size is good enough for an entire box. Way back when... when we got Anna's very first shipment of Pulmozyme they also sent us one of those lunchmate playmate coolers. We're talking back in like Mmmm 95'! The other type of cooler that works really good is a small styrofoam bait cooler. As long as it doesn't rub up against something and drive you nuts with the squeekyness of styrofoam. When we travel and are just taking three or four days worth, I just double baggie it, put in some ice cubes and use the little (again way back when) juice box holder from the girls lunch box. Have a great trip.