Pulmonary Rehab Questions


New member
Hi all -

Just have a few questions for everyone regarding pulmonary rehab. I'm just wondering if your pulmonary rehab was in a large setting, such as 10 or more in a group. Did your fear of germs or did the possibility of exposing yourself to more germs guide your decision to participate or not in pulmonary rehab? Wondering what everyone's experience with pulmonary rehab is, i.e. large or small groups, etc. Back to lurkerdom for me!

Be Well,



New member
Hi all -

Just have a few questions for everyone regarding pulmonary rehab. I'm just wondering if your pulmonary rehab was in a large setting, such as 10 or more in a group. Did your fear of germs or did the possibility of exposing yourself to more germs guide your decision to participate or not in pulmonary rehab? Wondering what everyone's experience with pulmonary rehab is, i.e. large or small groups, etc. Back to lurkerdom for me!

Be Well,



New member
Hi all -
<br />
<br />Just have a few questions for everyone regarding pulmonary rehab. I'm just wondering if your pulmonary rehab was in a large setting, such as 10 or more in a group. Did your fear of germs or did the possibility of exposing yourself to more germs guide your decision to participate or not in pulmonary rehab? Wondering what everyone's experience with pulmonary rehab is, i.e. large or small groups, etc. Back to lurkerdom for me!
<br />
<br />Be Well,
<br />
<br />Loredana


New member
They wouldn't (nor would I) allow a group rehab for me. CF'ers have to be separated from the general population. I hope your rehab center knows this....and if not, I would recommend finding a center that is used to dealing with CF.

My rehab therapist would bathe the treadmill and nustep with lysol wipes before and after I used it, encouraged purell throughout, and was very much aware of germs. We should all have someone that paranoid helping us out.


New member
They wouldn't (nor would I) allow a group rehab for me. CF'ers have to be separated from the general population. I hope your rehab center knows this....and if not, I would recommend finding a center that is used to dealing with CF.

My rehab therapist would bathe the treadmill and nustep with lysol wipes before and after I used it, encouraged purell throughout, and was very much aware of germs. We should all have someone that paranoid helping us out.


New member
They wouldn't (nor would I) allow a group rehab for me. CF'ers have to be separated from the general population. I hope your rehab center knows this....and if not, I would recommend finding a center that is used to dealing with CF.
<br />
<br />My rehab therapist would bathe the treadmill and nustep with lysol wipes before and after I used it, encouraged purell throughout, and was very much aware of germs. We should all have someone that paranoid helping us out.


New member
My group consisted if me and 3 senior citizens there for mostly cardio-pulmonary reasons. I never enough thought about germs or catching anything, they were probably more worried about catching something from me the way I cough.


New member
My group consisted if me and 3 senior citizens there for mostly cardio-pulmonary reasons. I never enough thought about germs or catching anything, they were probably more worried about catching something from me the way I cough.


New member
My group consisted if me and 3 senior citizens there for mostly cardio-pulmonary reasons. I never enough thought about germs or catching anything, they were probably more worried about catching something from me the way I cough.


New member
I am going to be starting pulmonary rehab soon. I don't know the details of where I will be etc. I am allowed to be around other CFers so I guess that won't matter.


New member
I am going to be starting pulmonary rehab soon. I don't know the details of where I will be etc. I am allowed to be around other CFers so I guess that won't matter.


New member
I am going to be starting pulmonary rehab soon. I don't know the details of where I will be etc. I am allowed to be around other CFers so I guess that won't matter.


Digital opinion leader
We had our PT from clinic set up the eval, so she described the boys' needs for cf specific exercises and germ control etc. and they were ready for them. She also said a group setting would be uncomfortable and unhealthy, so they got their own time slot.


Digital opinion leader
We had our PT from clinic set up the eval, so she described the boys' needs for cf specific exercises and germ control etc. and they were ready for them. She also said a group setting would be uncomfortable and unhealthy, so they got their own time slot.


Digital opinion leader
We had our PT from clinic set up the eval, so she described the boys' needs for cf specific exercises and germ control etc. and they were ready for them. She also said a group setting would be uncomfortable and unhealthy, so they got their own time slot.


New member
I've been involved in this group for the past year, been apart of several groups. A few of them consisted of more than 6. The last one before christmas had about 11 in it.


New member
I've been involved in this group for the past year, been apart of several groups. A few of them consisted of more than 6. The last one before christmas had about 11 in it.


New member
I've been involved in this group for the past year, been apart of several groups. A few of them consisted of more than 6. The last one before christmas had about 11 in it.