For future reference, I would call the pharmacy next time by noon on Friday and make them TRACK IT DOWN for you. Our pharmacy sent Tobi and made it signature required and I wasn't home. They tracked down UPS and made it Saturday delivery as well as giving me the Pharmacists personal cell phone in case anything happened and it didn't get here.
You might have to be pushy to make a pharmacy do it YOUR way. But, you can do it. Our Hemophilia Pharmacy is top-notch. They will do anything I ask of them. Our mail based CF Pharmacy is not nearly so top notch. I find myself often having to get behind their rumps and push them to be proactive, especially when a mistake has been made. This is part of why we use a local pharmacy for everything we can, because we get VERY personal attention. But, I have successfully gotten our mail order pharmacy to understand what my expectations are and that I WILL keep bugging them until they comply with my expectations.
The pulmozyme should be okay if it was packaged properly. But, if it happens again, do NOT accept a hands off approach from your pharmacy again. Demand they track it down, they get it delivered or they switch it to a Saturday delivery if its can't be saved for that day. Your child NEEDS that medicine and NEEDS assurances that its not being spoiled because of sloppy delivery practices. And, if UPS is messing it up, then insist that the pharmacy send it FexEx in the future. You'd be surprised how much say YOU have in how its shipping to you.