

New member
I have read on this forum not to use the same neb. cup for pulmozyme as other medications. I also told my clinic I used the same neb. cup and they said that is not recommended but didn't say why. Does any one know why? I have been doing it for years and years. I will change my ways if I know why.


Staff member
I have always used the paris for ds. When we were first told at the clinic he was going to be on pulmozyme the respiratory therapist told us he was going to have to send us the neb cups that they recommend using with it because they were all out of them. Just gave us a bunch of paris to use along with a mask with a tube attached to it. When I asked at our last clinic appointment if we needed to be using something else, he told us it didn't matter. I tried finding the neb cups the drug literature suggested, but haven't been able to locate any. So we're continuing to use the paris also. L


New member
I have made this mistake. The Pulmozyme is a protein based - mucus thinning med, right? I used the same neb as Xopenex - a derivative of Albuterol an airway opening med, right? So for 2 weeks I had to whisper - lost my voice (yep, for 2 weeks). Anyway, my doc told me that the effects of the Pulmozyme are cancelled (to some extent) if you have any residual medication in the nebulizer. So now I play it safe and every medication goes in seperate nebulizers.


New member
It won't hurt to use separt neb. cups. It is just one more thing to clean. I guess I start in the morning. I would love to hear what others know about this. Amy...I know you are always a good person to respond to medication questions.


New member
When I was inthe hospital I asked my doc to clarify this one for me because some of the respirator therapists were mixing my pulmozyme with albuterol. The answer I got was this. The recommend that patients not mix pulmozyme with anything because the meds we get can differ from the meds given in the hospitals. Meaning there can be additives and things in other aerosolized meds that will counteract the affects of pulmozyme.
I also thought that pulmozyme crystalized for some reason - I may be wrong on that. I thought that was the case though and that was part of the reason not to mix with other meds and to clean the nebs frequently.

Not so sure about the last portion, but the first paragraph was what my doc told me just a few weeks ago.



New member
I have heard that we should all label our neb cubs to make sure we use just one neb with one type of med and so on.

I think it's bogus, though, as long as you thoroughly wash your meds. THis means, get out a tooth brush, scrub your neb everywhere with soap. Then boil for 10 minutes. Do this after EVERY use.

I guess there could be residual meds still left over, but I highly doubt it.


Staff member
I was wondering if we're using the correct neb cup for pulmozyme. We use separate nebs for each medication, although last weekend I accidentally mixed up ds's vials of atrovent and pulmozyme and was mortified to find out I had mixed it with his albuterol. Had them both sitting on the counter while I was getting his nebs ready and Grrr! L


New member
I use a sidestream neb for pulmozyme, and a acorn neb for the tobi. I hated the pari's . They made me feel like i was suffocating because that little blue flap closes when you inhale, and i hated that. I cut them or pulled them off and then asked for different nebulizers. The reason for differennt nebulizers is because of particle size ( off hand i cant remember the correct term) . Pulmozyme has to be used with a neb that allows a certain particle size and the same with tobi. Aparently the particle size recommended is different for both, thats why you are supposed to use different nebs for both.