question about courtney


New member
<FONT color=#008000 size=4><STRONG>Every time Courtney has blown her nose for the past two days she is blowing out snot and blood mixed.  This has never happened before.  Should I be worried about this??  What does it mean??Thanks in advance for any help!!Seana</STRONG></FONT>


New member
<FONT color=#008000 size=4><STRONG>Every time Courtney has blown her nose for the past two days she is blowing out snot and blood mixed.  This has never happened before.  Should I be worried about this??  What does it mean??Thanks in advance for any help!!Seana</STRONG></FONT>


New member
hi Seana,

Is Courtney coughing alot? Does she have an active infection? When my daughter was coughing alot she had "bloody boogers". I think perhaps it was broken blood vessles . She happened to be quite sick at this time and ended up getting IV's and cleanout. As soon as she stopped coughing and was on the antibiotics it stopped.

That's what happened with us. Could it be the air is dried out from the heating system?(if she doesn't seem sick)

Maybe someone else would know more.

Rebecca(mom to sammy 7 no cf Maggie 3 with CF)


New member
hi Seana,

Is Courtney coughing alot? Does she have an active infection? When my daughter was coughing alot she had "bloody boogers". I think perhaps it was broken blood vessles . She happened to be quite sick at this time and ended up getting IV's and cleanout. As soon as she stopped coughing and was on the antibiotics it stopped.

That's what happened with us. Could it be the air is dried out from the heating system?(if she doesn't seem sick)

Maybe someone else would know more.

Rebecca(mom to sammy 7 no cf Maggie 3 with CF)


New member
I also thought of something. Is she on an antiinflammatory , like ibuprofen, or something like aspirin... that could make it easier for you to bleed as well.



New member
I also thought of something. Is she on an antiinflammatory , like ibuprofen, or something like aspirin... that could make it easier for you to bleed as well.



New member
yeh broken blood vessels.
i pass an N-G tube for feeds a night and i blow blood, due to breakin blood vessels. ive been told the ones in ur nose are very fragile. i dnt think its anything to owrry about. but if you think its excessive then speak to her doc bout it


New member
yeh broken blood vessels.
i pass an N-G tube for feeds a night and i blow blood, due to breakin blood vessels. ive been told the ones in ur nose are very fragile. i dnt think its anything to owrry about. but if you think its excessive then speak to her doc bout it


New member
My daughter (no CF) has bad nighttime nose bleeds. It usually starts when the heat gets turned on for the winter. She also has allergies so I dont know how bad they would be without the allergies. I have changed many sheets & pajamas from the bleeds. My daughter using Nasacort for her allergies & I had to start using a cool mist humidifier to keep the air moist enough. That gets to be challenging since it gets dirty & gross very easily. I have to change the filters frequently (its like a dirt magnant), take it apart & wipe it down as well as use the disinfectant available to put in the water. When my daughter is at her worst I have used regular saline nose sprays that are over the counter just to ease the dryness. I try not to do that because she hates it!


New member
My daughter (no CF) has bad nighttime nose bleeds. It usually starts when the heat gets turned on for the winter. She also has allergies so I dont know how bad they would be without the allergies. I have changed many sheets & pajamas from the bleeds. My daughter using Nasacort for her allergies & I had to start using a cool mist humidifier to keep the air moist enough. That gets to be challenging since it gets dirty & gross very easily. I have to change the filters frequently (its like a dirt magnant), take it apart & wipe it down as well as use the disinfectant available to put in the water. When my daughter is at her worst I have used regular saline nose sprays that are over the counter just to ease the dryness. I try not to do that because she hates it!