Question about cultures


New member
Hi everyone... I know this is a strange question, but I have to ask it. How long can a mucus sample be outside the body and still be culturable? I mean, do the bacteria die once they leave the body or will they still live? The reason I ask is because my daughter has been having so many sinus infections and we can't figure out what to do for her. She just had surgery a few weeks ago and has already had 2 more infections and is working on one now. When she goes to clinic they can never get a mucus sample for culturing, neither from her lungs or her sinuses. But when we do nasal washes here we get huge chunks of stuff out. I was wondering if it would be possible to actually save one and bring it to clinic or if the bacteria would be dead by then and it would be pointless... Sorry if this sounds really strange... I feel kind of dumb asking, but I am not sure what I should do. Thanks.

Oh, by the way, when I say they can't ever get a sample I mean an actual mucus sample she coughs up...they still do throat cultures but they'd prefer to actually have something she coughs up, but she isn't able to do that just yet. Thanks again!


New member
They gave us a sterile cup and told us if she coughs up mucus within four hours of clinic and we keep it refrigerated , it would be good. Different docs may disagree with this but this is what we were told.


New member
Hi - Check with the clinic and see if you could do the nasal wash at the clinic and they could probably then take the sample at that time. Jo Ann - Mom of Jason (w/cf) and Tom (carrier)


New member
I never cough up anything at clinic either. I was given a sterile cup, already labeled and told to bring it in later, keep it refrigerated if I could get back that day or freeze it otherwise.


New member
We are always given a cup and told if he can cough something up then put it in the refrigerator and bring it the next day or so.

I agree with doing the sinus rinse at the office...

Also just a thought, but perhaps it is time for IV antibiotics to get rid of the infection or longer use of the orals... or perhaps combining two orals to see if that would help. Or even tobramycin in a nose spray. Is the ENT that sees your daughter familiar with CF patients? Does he/she work with the CF clinic that your daughter attends?

Could there be something she is allergic to that is causing problems?

Prayers for the best outcome


New member
Our mucus cultures can be incubated in the lab for WEEKS before they grow anything, but usually stuff pops up soon b/c we have so much in there.

Are you being seen at an acredited CF Clinic? There are guidelines for how samples are handeled, but I would insist that a mucus culture be taken at the next visit. When you walk in, ask for a steril recepticle right away so your daughter will have the whole visit to cough something up. (Some of us get preformance anxiety <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">) Just be aware that it will take a little while for results.

24 w/ CF


Most lab standards require that specimens can only be left out <2 hours and can only be kept refrigerated <24hrs before they are "bad". As far as incubation in the lab, the specimens are placed in dishes with specific "gels" that encourage growth and are fine to be kept in that manner for extended periods of time. Of course, keep in mind early morning specimens are always the best ones.



New member
Hmmm...I have often taken the cups home to get my morning sputum but no one told me to refrigerate it. Sometimes it's 3+ hours before I take it in. I wonder if that makes a huge difference or not?


New member

Would a test done on a "bad" sample (one that was too old) result in some strains not showing up?

Just curious- thanks, Kathy


New member
Thanks for all the info everyone. We just got back from clinic yesterday (we live far away so it's a mini-vacation for us when we go). We ended up not taking anything (sample wise) with us but did ask the dr. She said not to leave it out more than 4 hours. Problem is, like I said, we live so far away. Of course we could do the nasal wash in the hotel room and take it from there. She was more concerned with cross contamination than anything. Once it leaves the body it can become exposed to things that will effect the results.

The visit went very well though. Another sinus infection is starting, which I already knew. She ordered Biaxin for it this time. That's a new one for Kacie. I'm pretty sure she's never been on that one before. Otherwise things were great. Now it's just a wait and see game to find out what shows up in the throat cultures, then we'll know if we're clear for the next three months.

Thanks again! It was nice to get all the responses and learn new info.


New member
Opps, sorry... That was me (Renee) of course... I am rushing out the door to go to work and forgot to sign in...


Mom of 3 boys no CF

and 2 girls with CF


Many times it takes several days for the bacteria to grow even on the best "mediums". So... yes it will prevent strains from growing because they would "die" before put in a "healthy" environment.
