hmm really? I have noticed with my decreased lung function that HTS is harder to tolerate now... then again I am on 7% still but I had read about it on here that HTS can become more of an irritant than airway clearer once you do start getting into lower and lower functions... and/or asthma becomes an issue...
About a week ago, I had to switch too pulmozyme in the mornings and nights alone, and then for my middle treatment HTS... I was constantly wheezing and like you, felt worse after vest and HTS than before as far as the airways feeling closed up.
It didnt help that for about 3 weeks I was doing HTS 4 x a day so I think that was the triggger factor for me... I have felt a TON better on my new routine with pulmozyme twice a day again... I was hesistant to do it b/c I used to feel like HTS worked so much better than pulmozyem (and I was doing them both in one treatment) but then I read that pulmozyme is actually supposed to work longer and that pulmozyme is so sensative that any salt will denature it and make it useless.
I have found that on my new schedule, I do feel like my mucus is thin for most of the day and night, and like I said, no more wheezing... the one HTS treatments seems to be doing the trick for me.