Question about poo..


New member
Okay, so my daughter, 12 yrs. old, sinus probs, pneumonia, asthma(?), tons of resp. infections, reflux, etc.. had sweat test of 31. Last week had a bron-scope & cultures and an esopho-scope with biopsy. No results yet. Pushing for genetic tests now. We just hear, "sweat test is gold standard", "if it's cf, it's just a mild case", etc. Blah, blah. Eleven years of fighting with docs. Anyway, some of you may remember my story and everyone has been soooo helpful.

Well, I had a baby boy in march. The last two months I was pregnant I had to have a sonogram and 3 non-stress tests every week because they were concerned about his size. They said he was too small. He was born healthy. Had jaundice and needed phototherapy, but healthy. He was a little small. 6 lbs and 1 oz., but is growing very well. He's made it from the 5th percentile at birth, to the 50th percentile at 7 months. He's 18 pounds now. Obviously no failure to thrive! Here's my concern:

His poo smells unlike anything I've ever smelled in my life! It stinks up my whole house! He's my third baby and I have nieces and nephews and I can't remember any of them having poo like this. It is not poo texture. I know you all are familiar with gross details, so here goes... It is loose, always coming out the back and side. I have to change his clothes after every poo. It 's not like diarhea, but it's moist and kind of greasy. And, the thing that weirds me out, is there are light yellow/ white stringy things all through it. Not just a couple. They're there in every poo. Quite a lot of it. My husband calls them "fibers". I don't think they look like mucus. Just medium-thick stringy things. Weird. Anyone have any ideas? Anyone ever seen this before? My doctor ran a stool test to look for parasites and it was normal. She did not look at it herself, so I saved his last diaper and will call again today.

I feel like our ped thinks I'm nuts and overreacting, but the way we were put off so long with my daughter, I'm learning to be more persistent and if something doesn't feel right, it may not be! Sorry so long. Any input would be appreciated! Thanks


New member
Okay, so my daughter, 12 yrs. old, sinus probs, pneumonia, asthma(?), tons of resp. infections, reflux, etc.. had sweat test of 31. Last week had a bron-scope & cultures and an esopho-scope with biopsy. No results yet. Pushing for genetic tests now. We just hear, "sweat test is gold standard", "if it's cf, it's just a mild case", etc. Blah, blah. Eleven years of fighting with docs. Anyway, some of you may remember my story and everyone has been soooo helpful.

Well, I had a baby boy in march. The last two months I was pregnant I had to have a sonogram and 3 non-stress tests every week because they were concerned about his size. They said he was too small. He was born healthy. Had jaundice and needed phototherapy, but healthy. He was a little small. 6 lbs and 1 oz., but is growing very well. He's made it from the 5th percentile at birth, to the 50th percentile at 7 months. He's 18 pounds now. Obviously no failure to thrive! Here's my concern:

His poo smells unlike anything I've ever smelled in my life! It stinks up my whole house! He's my third baby and I have nieces and nephews and I can't remember any of them having poo like this. It is not poo texture. I know you all are familiar with gross details, so here goes... It is loose, always coming out the back and side. I have to change his clothes after every poo. It 's not like diarhea, but it's moist and kind of greasy. And, the thing that weirds me out, is there are light yellow/ white stringy things all through it. Not just a couple. They're there in every poo. Quite a lot of it. My husband calls them "fibers". I don't think they look like mucus. Just medium-thick stringy things. Weird. Anyone have any ideas? Anyone ever seen this before? My doctor ran a stool test to look for parasites and it was normal. She did not look at it herself, so I saved his last diaper and will call again today.

I feel like our ped thinks I'm nuts and overreacting, but the way we were put off so long with my daughter, I'm learning to be more persistent and if something doesn't feel right, it may not be! Sorry so long. Any input would be appreciated! Thanks


New member
Okay, so my daughter, 12 yrs. old, sinus probs, pneumonia, asthma(?), tons of resp. infections, reflux, etc.. had sweat test of 31. Last week had a bron-scope & cultures and an esopho-scope with biopsy. No results yet. Pushing for genetic tests now. We just hear, "sweat test is gold standard", "if it's cf, it's just a mild case", etc. Blah, blah. Eleven years of fighting with docs. Anyway, some of you may remember my story and everyone has been soooo helpful.

Well, I had a baby boy in march. The last two months I was pregnant I had to have a sonogram and 3 non-stress tests every week because they were concerned about his size. They said he was too small. He was born healthy. Had jaundice and needed phototherapy, but healthy. He was a little small. 6 lbs and 1 oz., but is growing very well. He's made it from the 5th percentile at birth, to the 50th percentile at 7 months. He's 18 pounds now. Obviously no failure to thrive! Here's my concern:

His poo smells unlike anything I've ever smelled in my life! It stinks up my whole house! He's my third baby and I have nieces and nephews and I can't remember any of them having poo like this. It is not poo texture. I know you all are familiar with gross details, so here goes... It is loose, always coming out the back and side. I have to change his clothes after every poo. It 's not like diarhea, but it's moist and kind of greasy. And, the thing that weirds me out, is there are light yellow/ white stringy things all through it. Not just a couple. They're there in every poo. Quite a lot of it. My husband calls them "fibers". I don't think they look like mucus. Just medium-thick stringy things. Weird. Anyone have any ideas? Anyone ever seen this before? My doctor ran a stool test to look for parasites and it was normal. She did not look at it herself, so I saved his last diaper and will call again today.

I feel like our ped thinks I'm nuts and overreacting, but the way we were put off so long with my daughter, I'm learning to be more persistent and if something doesn't feel right, it may not be! Sorry so long. Any input would be appreciated! Thanks


New member
Okay, so my daughter, 12 yrs. old, sinus probs, pneumonia, asthma(?), tons of resp. infections, reflux, etc.. had sweat test of 31. Last week had a bron-scope & cultures and an esopho-scope with biopsy. No results yet. Pushing for genetic tests now. We just hear, "sweat test is gold standard", "if it's cf, it's just a mild case", etc. Blah, blah. Eleven years of fighting with docs. Anyway, some of you may remember my story and everyone has been soooo helpful.

Well, I had a baby boy in march. The last two months I was pregnant I had to have a sonogram and 3 non-stress tests every week because they were concerned about his size. They said he was too small. He was born healthy. Had jaundice and needed phototherapy, but healthy. He was a little small. 6 lbs and 1 oz., but is growing very well. He's made it from the 5th percentile at birth, to the 50th percentile at 7 months. He's 18 pounds now. Obviously no failure to thrive! Here's my concern:

His poo smells unlike anything I've ever smelled in my life! It stinks up my whole house! He's my third baby and I have nieces and nephews and I can't remember any of them having poo like this. It is not poo texture. I know you all are familiar with gross details, so here goes... It is loose, always coming out the back and side. I have to change his clothes after every poo. It 's not like diarhea, but it's moist and kind of greasy. And, the thing that weirds me out, is there are light yellow/ white stringy things all through it. Not just a couple. They're there in every poo. Quite a lot of it. My husband calls them "fibers". I don't think they look like mucus. Just medium-thick stringy things. Weird. Anyone have any ideas? Anyone ever seen this before? My doctor ran a stool test to look for parasites and it was normal. She did not look at it herself, so I saved his last diaper and will call again today.

I feel like our ped thinks I'm nuts and overreacting, but the way we were put off so long with my daughter, I'm learning to be more persistent and if something doesn't feel right, it may not be! Sorry so long. Any input would be appreciated! Thanks


New member
Okay, so my daughter, 12 yrs. old, sinus probs, pneumonia, asthma(?), tons of resp. infections, reflux, etc.. had sweat test of 31. Last week had a bron-scope & cultures and an esopho-scope with biopsy. No results yet. Pushing for genetic tests now. We just hear, "sweat test is gold standard", "if it's cf, it's just a mild case", etc. Blah, blah. Eleven years of fighting with docs. Anyway, some of you may remember my story and everyone has been soooo helpful.

Well, I had a baby boy in march. The last two months I was pregnant I had to have a sonogram and 3 non-stress tests every week because they were concerned about his size. They said he was too small. He was born healthy. Had jaundice and needed phototherapy, but healthy. He was a little small. 6 lbs and 1 oz., but is growing very well. He's made it from the 5th percentile at birth, to the 50th percentile at 7 months. He's 18 pounds now. Obviously no failure to thrive! Here's my concern:

His poo smells unlike anything I've ever smelled in my life! It stinks up my whole house! He's my third baby and I have nieces and nephews and I can't remember any of them having poo like this. It is not poo texture. I know you all are familiar with gross details, so here goes... It is loose, always coming out the back and side. I have to change his clothes after every poo. It 's not like diarhea, but it's moist and kind of greasy. And, the thing that weirds me out, is there are light yellow/ white stringy things all through it. Not just a couple. They're there in every poo. Quite a lot of it. My husband calls them "fibers". I don't think they look like mucus. Just medium-thick stringy things. Weird. Anyone have any ideas? Anyone ever seen this before? My doctor ran a stool test to look for parasites and it was normal. She did not look at it herself, so I saved his last diaper and will call again today.

I feel like our ped thinks I'm nuts and overreacting, but the way we were put off so long with my daughter, I'm learning to be more persistent and if something doesn't feel right, it may not be! Sorry so long. Any input would be appreciated! Thanks


Staff member
IMO, have him tested for CF. DS was diagnosed at birth due to a bowel obstruction from meconium illeus. His poos were similar when we didn't give him enough enzymes. I was forever cleaning up "Poop up the back". Bleah! And it was a pain to clean off of his skin. Couldn't get it off sometimes with wipes, needed to bath him because it was so "waterproof".

He also got a normal 32 on his "gold standard" sweat test.


Staff member
IMO, have him tested for CF. DS was diagnosed at birth due to a bowel obstruction from meconium illeus. His poos were similar when we didn't give him enough enzymes. I was forever cleaning up "Poop up the back". Bleah! And it was a pain to clean off of his skin. Couldn't get it off sometimes with wipes, needed to bath him because it was so "waterproof".

He also got a normal 32 on his "gold standard" sweat test.


Staff member
IMO, have him tested for CF. DS was diagnosed at birth due to a bowel obstruction from meconium illeus. His poos were similar when we didn't give him enough enzymes. I was forever cleaning up "Poop up the back". Bleah! And it was a pain to clean off of his skin. Couldn't get it off sometimes with wipes, needed to bath him because it was so "waterproof".

He also got a normal 32 on his "gold standard" sweat test.


Staff member
IMO, have him tested for CF. DS was diagnosed at birth due to a bowel obstruction from meconium illeus. His poos were similar when we didn't give him enough enzymes. I was forever cleaning up "Poop up the back". Bleah! And it was a pain to clean off of his skin. Couldn't get it off sometimes with wipes, needed to bath him because it was so "waterproof".

He also got a normal 32 on his "gold standard" sweat test.


Staff member
IMO, have him tested for CF. DS was diagnosed at birth due to a bowel obstruction from meconium illeus. His poos were similar when we didn't give him enough enzymes. I was forever cleaning up "Poop up the back". Bleah! And it was a pain to clean off of his skin. Couldn't get it off sometimes with wipes, needed to bath him because it was so "waterproof".

He also got a normal 32 on his "gold standard" sweat test.


New member
Well, I took my sons poo diaper to his ped. She pretty much said that she had never seen anything like it. She does think that it is mucousy and greasy and has no idea what those "stringy things" are. I think that when she opened the ziploc bag that the diaper was in, the smell was not exactly what she expected! Lol! Anyway, she wants another sample to test for fecal fat and ordered a sweat test. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
I am glad that they are doing tests, instead of neglecting things so long like they did with my daughter. My son is gaining weight very well., and that's good news. Also, I may be able to get a refferal for genetic tests for my daughter now because of my sons current situation. Oh, my son was also put on reflex med a couple of months ago, too. I left that out in the original post.
I am becoming overwhelmed with all of this! I need a shot and a vacation. This sight has become a good place for me. Thanks to everyone! T


New member
Well, I took my sons poo diaper to his ped. She pretty much said that she had never seen anything like it. She does think that it is mucousy and greasy and has no idea what those "stringy things" are. I think that when she opened the ziploc bag that the diaper was in, the smell was not exactly what she expected! Lol! Anyway, she wants another sample to test for fecal fat and ordered a sweat test. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
I am glad that they are doing tests, instead of neglecting things so long like they did with my daughter. My son is gaining weight very well., and that's good news. Also, I may be able to get a refferal for genetic tests for my daughter now because of my sons current situation. Oh, my son was also put on reflex med a couple of months ago, too. I left that out in the original post.
I am becoming overwhelmed with all of this! I need a shot and a vacation. This sight has become a good place for me. Thanks to everyone! T


New member
Well, I took my sons poo diaper to his ped. She pretty much said that she had never seen anything like it. She does think that it is mucousy and greasy and has no idea what those "stringy things" are. I think that when she opened the ziploc bag that the diaper was in, the smell was not exactly what she expected! Lol! Anyway, she wants another sample to test for fecal fat and ordered a sweat test. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
I am glad that they are doing tests, instead of neglecting things so long like they did with my daughter. My son is gaining weight very well., and that's good news. Also, I may be able to get a refferal for genetic tests for my daughter now because of my sons current situation. Oh, my son was also put on reflex med a couple of months ago, too. I left that out in the original post.
I am becoming overwhelmed with all of this! I need a shot and a vacation. This sight has become a good place for me. Thanks to everyone! T


New member
Well, I took my sons poo diaper to his ped. She pretty much said that she had never seen anything like it. She does think that it is mucousy and greasy and has no idea what those "stringy things" are. I think that when she opened the ziploc bag that the diaper was in, the smell was not exactly what she expected! Lol! Anyway, she wants another sample to test for fecal fat and ordered a sweat test. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
I am glad that they are doing tests, instead of neglecting things so long like they did with my daughter. My son is gaining weight very well., and that's good news. Also, I may be able to get a refferal for genetic tests for my daughter now because of my sons current situation. Oh, my son was also put on reflex med a couple of months ago, too. I left that out in the original post.
I am becoming overwhelmed with all of this! I need a shot and a vacation. This sight has become a good place for me. Thanks to everyone! T


New member
Well, I took my sons poo diaper to his ped. She pretty much said that she had never seen anything like it. She does think that it is mucousy and greasy and has no idea what those "stringy things" are. I think that when she opened the ziploc bag that the diaper was in, the smell was not exactly what she expected! Lol! Anyway, she wants another sample to test for fecal fat and ordered a sweat test. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
I am glad that they are doing tests, instead of neglecting things so long like they did with my daughter. My son is gaining weight very well., and that's good news. Also, I may be able to get a refferal for genetic tests for my daughter now because of my sons current situation. Oh, my son was also put on reflex med a couple of months ago, too. I left that out in the original post.
I am becoming overwhelmed with all of this! I need a shot and a vacation. This sight has become a good place for me. Thanks to everyone! T


Staff member
I seem to recall sometimes ds's stools had stringy stuff, sometimes it almost looked as if it was encased in "sausage" casings. Glad your doctor is proceeding with testing.


Staff member
I seem to recall sometimes ds's stools had stringy stuff, sometimes it almost looked as if it was encased in "sausage" casings. Glad your doctor is proceeding with testing.


Staff member
I seem to recall sometimes ds's stools had stringy stuff, sometimes it almost looked as if it was encased in "sausage" casings. Glad your doctor is proceeding with testing.


Staff member
I seem to recall sometimes ds's stools had stringy stuff, sometimes it almost looked as if it was encased in "sausage" casings. Glad your doctor is proceeding with testing.


Staff member
I seem to recall sometimes ds's stools had stringy stuff, sometimes it almost looked as if it was encased in "sausage" casings. Glad your doctor is proceeding with testing.