question about pseudomonas


New member
I also agree with Lynda. I have had psuedo since I was 8 and have been alive and kicking the whole time. It is kind of inevitable that many people get it and if you do your meds it can be easier to live with. Good luck!


New member
I also agree with Lynda. I have had psuedo since I was 8 and have been alive and kicking the whole time. It is kind of inevitable that many people get it and if you do your meds it can be easier to live with. Good luck!


New member
Ok I am waiting to see what Breanna has, they caultured her in the ER by the Plam. on call Doc. How bad is PA. Breanna has never had bacturia till possibuly now at 11 months old is this something that can be treated and what will the lasting effects be if she has it?
dose everyone carry staph normally?


New member
Ok I am waiting to see what Breanna has, they caultured her in the ER by the Plam. on call Doc. How bad is PA. Breanna has never had bacturia till possibuly now at 11 months old is this something that can be treated and what will the lasting effects be if she has it?
dose everyone carry staph normally?


New member
Ok I am waiting to see what Breanna has, they caultured her in the ER by the Plam. on call Doc. How bad is PA. Breanna has never had bacturia till possibuly now at 11 months old is this something that can be treated and what will the lasting effects be if she has it?
dose everyone carry staph normally?