Question about school lunches and enzymes for school



Ben is not old enough for school yet but since I'm a teacher I thought I would respond about the water bottle. I would not have her leave it at school. It is scary the way the kids throw around their water bottles at school. In my classroom I tell the kids to write their initials on the bottles so they know which one belongs to them. Just an idea... You could send in a case of bottle water every month for the teacher to hold and give to her one at the beginning of every day. I would also maybe let her pick out a special pack of stickers so she could place it on her water bottle or bottle cap to know which one is hers. I hope this helps!


Ben is not old enough for school yet but since I'm a teacher I thought I would respond about the water bottle. I would not have her leave it at school. It is scary the way the kids throw around their water bottles at school. In my classroom I tell the kids to write their initials on the bottles so they know which one belongs to them. Just an idea... You could send in a case of bottle water every month for the teacher to hold and give to her one at the beginning of every day. I would also maybe let her pick out a special pack of stickers so she could place it on her water bottle or bottle cap to know which one is hers. I hope this helps!


Ben is not old enough for school yet but since I'm a teacher I thought I would respond about the water bottle. I would not have her leave it at school. It is scary the way the kids throw around their water bottles at school. In my classroom I tell the kids to write their initials on the bottles so they know which one belongs to them. Just an idea... You could send in a case of bottle water every month for the teacher to hold and give to her one at the beginning of every day. I would also maybe let her pick out a special pack of stickers so she could place it on her water bottle or bottle cap to know which one is hers. I hope this helps!


Ben is not old enough for school yet but since I'm a teacher I thought I would respond about the water bottle. I would not have her leave it at school. It is scary the way the kids throw around their water bottles at school. In my classroom I tell the kids to write their initials on the bottles so they know which one belongs to them. Just an idea... You could send in a case of bottle water every month for the teacher to hold and give to her one at the beginning of every day. I would also maybe let her pick out a special pack of stickers so she could place it on her water bottle or bottle cap to know which one is hers. I hope this helps!


Ben is not old enough for school yet but since I'm a teacher I thought I would respond about the water bottle. I would not have her leave it at school. It is scary the way the kids throw around their water bottles at school. In my classroom I tell the kids to write their initials on the bottles so they know which one belongs to them. Just an idea... You could send in a case of bottle water every month for the teacher to hold and give to her one at the beginning of every day. I would also maybe let her pick out a special pack of stickers so she could place it on her water bottle or bottle cap to know which one is hers. I hope this helps!
<br />~Andrea


New member
Leila was in kindergarten last year. I typed up a small form on my computer that I printed out and would send a new form each day with the enzyme count for her snack and lunch. I also count fat grams for everything she eats and compute it for the nurse. For snack she would always eat one of those Stonyfield Farm's Yo-baby yogurt drinks and then either a slice of cheese or one serving of pringles (her favorite). I had the school's dietician give me the fat content information of the food served at her school for lunch. She brought her lunch from home half the time and bought her lunch the other half. For lunches brought from home I would give pretty much the full enzyme dose for the food I packed. For lunches bought at school I would give a little less because she wouldn't normally finish. The nurses had my cell phone number and would call any time a party or snack came up that wasn't pre-planned. I tried to be at all the class parties, because those are the toughest to dose! Also, my daughter loves her bento lunch box (I bought one at This lets me pack lots of little things I know she'll eat like nuts, olives, cheese bites, grape tomatos, etc. Her bento box also came with a water bottle she would bring home and I washed each day. Leila was allowed to keep her water at her desk. Maybe just ask the teacher about this. Navigating the system at school went more smoothly then I thought. I hope it goes well for you too. Good luck!


New member
Leila was in kindergarten last year. I typed up a small form on my computer that I printed out and would send a new form each day with the enzyme count for her snack and lunch. I also count fat grams for everything she eats and compute it for the nurse. For snack she would always eat one of those Stonyfield Farm's Yo-baby yogurt drinks and then either a slice of cheese or one serving of pringles (her favorite). I had the school's dietician give me the fat content information of the food served at her school for lunch. She brought her lunch from home half the time and bought her lunch the other half. For lunches brought from home I would give pretty much the full enzyme dose for the food I packed. For lunches bought at school I would give a little less because she wouldn't normally finish. The nurses had my cell phone number and would call any time a party or snack came up that wasn't pre-planned. I tried to be at all the class parties, because those are the toughest to dose! Also, my daughter loves her bento lunch box (I bought one at This lets me pack lots of little things I know she'll eat like nuts, olives, cheese bites, grape tomatos, etc. Her bento box also came with a water bottle she would bring home and I washed each day. Leila was allowed to keep her water at her desk. Maybe just ask the teacher about this. Navigating the system at school went more smoothly then I thought. I hope it goes well for you too. Good luck!


New member
Leila was in kindergarten last year. I typed up a small form on my computer that I printed out and would send a new form each day with the enzyme count for her snack and lunch. I also count fat grams for everything she eats and compute it for the nurse. For snack she would always eat one of those Stonyfield Farm's Yo-baby yogurt drinks and then either a slice of cheese or one serving of pringles (her favorite). I had the school's dietician give me the fat content information of the food served at her school for lunch. She brought her lunch from home half the time and bought her lunch the other half. For lunches brought from home I would give pretty much the full enzyme dose for the food I packed. For lunches bought at school I would give a little less because she wouldn't normally finish. The nurses had my cell phone number and would call any time a party or snack came up that wasn't pre-planned. I tried to be at all the class parties, because those are the toughest to dose! Also, my daughter loves her bento lunch box (I bought one at This lets me pack lots of little things I know she'll eat like nuts, olives, cheese bites, grape tomatos, etc. Her bento box also came with a water bottle she would bring home and I washed each day. Leila was allowed to keep her water at her desk. Maybe just ask the teacher about this. Navigating the system at school went more smoothly then I thought. I hope it goes well for you too. Good luck!


New member
Leila was in kindergarten last year. I typed up a small form on my computer that I printed out and would send a new form each day with the enzyme count for her snack and lunch. I also count fat grams for everything she eats and compute it for the nurse. For snack she would always eat one of those Stonyfield Farm's Yo-baby yogurt drinks and then either a slice of cheese or one serving of pringles (her favorite). I had the school's dietician give me the fat content information of the food served at her school for lunch. She brought her lunch from home half the time and bought her lunch the other half. For lunches brought from home I would give pretty much the full enzyme dose for the food I packed. For lunches bought at school I would give a little less because she wouldn't normally finish. The nurses had my cell phone number and would call any time a party or snack came up that wasn't pre-planned. I tried to be at all the class parties, because those are the toughest to dose! Also, my daughter loves her bento lunch box (I bought one at This lets me pack lots of little things I know she'll eat like nuts, olives, cheese bites, grape tomatos, etc. Her bento box also came with a water bottle she would bring home and I washed each day. Leila was allowed to keep her water at her desk. Maybe just ask the teacher about this. Navigating the system at school went more smoothly then I thought. I hope it goes well for you too. Good luck!


New member
Leila was in kindergarten last year. I typed up a small form on my computer that I printed out and would send a new form each day with the enzyme count for her snack and lunch. I also count fat grams for everything she eats and compute it for the nurse. For snack she would always eat one of those Stonyfield Farm's Yo-baby yogurt drinks and then either a slice of cheese or one serving of pringles (her favorite). I had the school's dietician give me the fat content information of the food served at her school for lunch. She brought her lunch from home half the time and bought her lunch the other half. For lunches brought from home I would give pretty much the full enzyme dose for the food I packed. For lunches bought at school I would give a little less because she wouldn't normally finish. The nurses had my cell phone number and would call any time a party or snack came up that wasn't pre-planned. I tried to be at all the class parties, because those are the toughest to dose! Also, my daughter loves her bento lunch box (I bought one at This lets me pack lots of little things I know she'll eat like nuts, olives, cheese bites, grape tomatos, etc. Her bento box also came with a water bottle she would bring home and I washed each day. Leila was allowed to keep her water at her desk. Maybe just ask the teacher about this. Navigating the system at school went more smoothly then I thought. I hope it goes well for you too. Good luck!


New member
When I was still in school, I just had a set amount 4 w/meals and 2 w/snacks. My meds were all at the nurses office and I had to go there to get them. I never had any problems with it.

The only problem that I had was that they wouldn't let me carry my inhaler. I was told that I had to go to the nurses office to get it. I thought that was an aweful idea!! How was I going to get to the nurses office if I was having a hard time breathing. I ended up just taking a spare one to school and not telling them that I had it and then I took it when I needed to.


New member
When I was still in school, I just had a set amount 4 w/meals and 2 w/snacks. My meds were all at the nurses office and I had to go there to get them. I never had any problems with it.

The only problem that I had was that they wouldn't let me carry my inhaler. I was told that I had to go to the nurses office to get it. I thought that was an aweful idea!! How was I going to get to the nurses office if I was having a hard time breathing. I ended up just taking a spare one to school and not telling them that I had it and then I took it when I needed to.


New member
When I was still in school, I just had a set amount 4 w/meals and 2 w/snacks. My meds were all at the nurses office and I had to go there to get them. I never had any problems with it.

The only problem that I had was that they wouldn't let me carry my inhaler. I was told that I had to go to the nurses office to get it. I thought that was an aweful idea!! How was I going to get to the nurses office if I was having a hard time breathing. I ended up just taking a spare one to school and not telling them that I had it and then I took it when I needed to.


New member
When I was still in school, I just had a set amount 4 w/meals and 2 w/snacks. My meds were all at the nurses office and I had to go there to get them. I never had any problems with it.

The only problem that I had was that they wouldn't let me carry my inhaler. I was told that I had to go to the nurses office to get it. I thought that was an aweful idea!! How was I going to get to the nurses office if I was having a hard time breathing. I ended up just taking a spare one to school and not telling them that I had it and then I took it when I needed to.


New member
When I was still in school, I just had a set amount 4 w/meals and 2 w/snacks. My meds were all at the nurses office and I had to go there to get them. I never had any problems with it.
<br />
<br />The only problem that I had was that they wouldn't let me carry my inhaler. I was told that I had to go to the nurses office to get it. I thought that was an aweful idea!! How was I going to get to the nurses office if I was having a hard time breathing. I ended up just taking a spare one to school and not telling them that I had it and then I took it when I needed to.


Super Moderator
Thank you so much for your replies. I just want to make things as simple as possible. I think having a set amount of enzymes is the way to go, and explain to Maggie what she should eat for lunch and her 2 snacks. I also will send a clean water bottle every day. Next week I am having a meeting with her kindergarten teacher, to go over the enymes, and specific things helpful for Maggie. We'll see how it goes; I am way more anxious about kindergarten than Maggie.


Super Moderator
Thank you so much for your replies. I just want to make things as simple as possible. I think having a set amount of enzymes is the way to go, and explain to Maggie what she should eat for lunch and her 2 snacks. I also will send a clean water bottle every day. Next week I am having a meeting with her kindergarten teacher, to go over the enymes, and specific things helpful for Maggie. We'll see how it goes; I am way more anxious about kindergarten than Maggie.


Super Moderator
Thank you so much for your replies. I just want to make things as simple as possible. I think having a set amount of enzymes is the way to go, and explain to Maggie what she should eat for lunch and her 2 snacks. I also will send a clean water bottle every day. Next week I am having a meeting with her kindergarten teacher, to go over the enymes, and specific things helpful for Maggie. We'll see how it goes; I am way more anxious about kindergarten than Maggie.


Super Moderator
Thank you so much for your replies. I just want to make things as simple as possible. I think having a set amount of enzymes is the way to go, and explain to Maggie what she should eat for lunch and her 2 snacks. I also will send a clean water bottle every day. Next week I am having a meeting with her kindergarten teacher, to go over the enymes, and specific things helpful for Maggie. We'll see how it goes; I am way more anxious about kindergarten than Maggie.


Super Moderator
Thank you so much for your replies. I just want to make things as simple as possible. I think having a set amount of enzymes is the way to go, and explain to Maggie what she should eat for lunch and her 2 snacks. I also will send a clean water bottle every day. Next week I am having a meeting with her kindergarten teacher, to go over the enymes, and specific things helpful for Maggie. We'll see how it goes; I am way more anxious about kindergarten than Maggie.