Question about symptom my step-son is having


New member
How do you have four computers & get food stamps & in the navy?
I'm just curious. Maybe you should sell some computers and pay the government back some of that money


New member
Excuse you?

I will not even justify my 4 computers to somebody like you.
I get food stamps because I qualify.
And what does being in the Navy have anything to do with anything?
Pay the government back what money?

Maybe you ought to find your rude self onto another board.

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
Lets get real people. It is not for us to know why she has 4 comps who cares or even how much or how little she makes. Getting food stamps doesn't go on how many comps you have it only has to do with your income. And calling her a know it all how rude can you possiably be. You say your 37 act your age then. They say maturity is in the eye of the beholder and right now there is a lot of babies on here lately. Treat people with the same restect you want to be treated ok.


New member
I do know how I qualify, and if you want to know you can have a little respect and ask me nicely. Ask anybody on this board, I am willing to share if it will help somebody else. I am not willing to JUSTIFY anything that I do in my life to somebody I don't know or that doesn't have balls to sign their name.

Plus, did I say I PURCHASED any of those 4 computers, Nope, NO I sure didn't say that. So don't ASSume because it just makes an A*s out of you.

And I try to stay away from being judgmental or anything like that, but when people are trying to attack me, it all goes out the window. If you are going to post on this board LEARN HOW TO WRITE ENGLISH so it can be understood. <i>You should go find a know more than anybody else board</i>, I have no clue what you are trying to say??????????????????????????????

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
No, food stamps don't go on how many computers you have. BUT I think the idea the poster was trying to get across was that IF she can afford 4 computers, then how could she qualify for food stamps? There are a lot of people who actually need food stamps that can't get them because they don't qualify. In my state it is difficult to get them unless you have children. Besides, if she is in the Navy she makes decent money. I know a lot of people who make it fine on military income. Also, maybe she shouldn't have called the poster rude. Maybe they really wanted to know how she could get food stamps. I saw in another post that she went to several amuzement parks recently. Those are not cheap. People who generally need and get food stamps can't usually afford such things! She wants to brag about things, and then gets mad when someone questions her about her statements. I think she is the immature one. 24 trying to act like an expert on CF and every other subject she talks about or replies to.


New member
OK I think we have all missed the point on this thread. This is supposed to be about Jen's step-son. how about we find out how he is doing instead of like julie said making an A's out of yuorself. After a while if everyone keeps jumping down each others throats the mod.. is going to lock this whole site and noone will be able to get on. So get on with your life and leave everybody else's business to themselves.


New member
What the devil is going on here? Just for the record people get gifts (computers etc) from others, might make a "decent" living on paper, but vs the debts (medical expenses) it doesnt balance & whatever else you might think. Contrary to popular opinion people can have a "life" & still need assistance. I am not referring to the people that drive cadillacs. Although I know some who do & guess what just because they drive them doesnt mean they own them. Never, never judge someone unless you know the WHOLE story!


New member
Ok, to clear up this whole mess.... not that I owe ANYBODY an explanation but just to get the jerks to shut up.

1. 3 of our 4 computers were purchased over 3 years ago when Mark and I both worked and made a decent living. One of them my parents bought for me when I graduated highschool over 5 years ago (laptop) and it won't go online with our current internet provider. The most recent laptop was purchased by Mark's grandfather because he needed it for school as he is an online student exclusively.

2. My SISTER and her BF are in town and are treating us to all the amusement parks. You are right, they are expensive so we are PACKING OUR LUNCHES and bringing in our own drinks. Don't ASSume I bought the tickets because I certainly can't afford it. You just look like an A*s when you do.

3. A Navy "salary" isn't always a decent living, it depends on your dependents, pay grade, time in the service and area where you live.

4. I am entitled to food stamps based on my excess shelter costs, out of pocket expenses for medical that THE MILITARY DOES NOT COVER and extra food to keep my husbands weight above the average, it keeps him healthier.
If you, or someone else was truely interested in finding out how to qualify, you would ask like a decent human being, just as the other 25+ people I have helped, have asked me. I don't mind sharing what worked, or even providing copies of the court cases so other people can get the same deductions in their state-but don't ask like a dumba*s either.

And yes, we are off topic this post is about Jen and her son so I am very sorry I got off track-I take full accountability for that, but I do REFUSE to let people make unfounded accusations of me or assumptions where I am involved and they are incorrect.

And just for the record, not that 3 years makes a difference, NOR am I an immature person (you try graduating at 16, moving out and making it on your own) but I am 21. In case you can't read, my husband is 24. But that's the problem with a lot of people on this site, they DON'T READ EVERYTHING and then they jump to conclusions.

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
We live in New York and we have 3 kids 1 with cf and wy husband brings home 850 every 2 weeks and I make 240 every other week and we don't qualify. That is just how some States regulations are. We owning our own home even though we have 9 years left to pay on it and own 2 vehicles one that is payed off and one we owe 4 years on. We have things that we could get rid of that would give us extra money.This is just how it works. Anyways it is knowbodies buisness who is on foodstamps or not. If someone can get them good for them they qualify!!!!


New member
Wanted to give a cyber hug to Julie( I mean Jen! Sorry! But a hug to Julie too as the WIFE to a CFer - I always tease my daughte rshe will have to marry a sailor to keep her tricare). I'm a fellow military mom with a child that has CF and I am a step-parent. (I'm AD Navy, DH is retired USN)

My daughter is 8 and we are having talks about the Mickey or g-tube. My daughter is a step-child to my DH and her bio-father has NOTHING to do with us. We are struggling with the fight for nutrition and balancing being on her butt to being supportive/warm fuzzy. It's an either or with her. She's a tough girl.


New member

I would like to chat more with you about your elgibility for foodstamps if you are interested. Based on what you described, YOU DO qualify for foodstamps and the income guidelines are the same for all states except Alaska and Hawaii where the income you can make and still qualify is even higher. Contrary to the words you have seen me post here, I do care and I do want to help others. Mark and I have been through all sorts of appeals to get FS and Medicaid benefits for him as well as win his social security case. If you want some guidance, I would be more than happy to let you know what worked for us.

For a family of 5 your can make $2,387 without ANY deductions and qualify. If you have a "disabled" member in the family (a child or adult recieving medicaid or on SSI/SSDI) all you have to meet is the Gross income test, which is set at $1,836 for a family of 5.

The $1,836 is the income after all deductions including a 20% deduction from EARNED income, a $147 deduction for a family of 5, a dependent care deduction for children or disabaled persons "not more than $200 for each child under age 2 and not more than $175 for each other dependent", and Excess shelter costs that are more than half of the household's income AFTER the other deductions. Allowable costs include the cost of fuel to heat and cook with, electricity, water, the basic fee for one telephone, rent or mortgage payments and taxes on the home. (Some States allow a set amount for utility costs instead of actual costs.) The amount of the shelter deduction cannot be more than $388 UNLESS one person in the household is elderly or disabled. Then additionally, you are entitled to excess medical deductions if they are over $35 for the "disabled" family member.

The ONLY thing that should vary state to state is how they define somebody with a disability.
Not to be nosey but according to the info you provided, your family makes about $2200 a month. According to that, you should meet the Gross Monthly income limits. In case you are over just a bit, if you deduct the 20%, the $147 standard deduction for your family, and if you have dependent care expenses, I calculate you are WAY under the NET income test. I am not trying to invade here, just to help.

And for the record, to the person who stated it seems I think I know everything; I don't think I know it all. I have been through a lot though and I was raised that we all have something to offer in life and we all have something to learn. These types of things (information on food stamps, SSI, medicaid and RIGHTS in general) seem to be what I have to offer. Take it or leave it. I have learned a lot from people on this board and I ask my own slough of questions periodically, so don't think for a moment I don't come here for help.

And hello renfestMom, I am not sure if I have ever talked to you on this board, but I do appreciate the cyber hug.

Katina, if you are interested please do email me at
I just have to comment. You have no reason to justify yourself to anyone. It is nobody's business. Good for you for doing so much research and being able to take control of you and your husbands situation. I have to say that I am very impressed with the knowledge that you have. You really should go into law. Good luck to your husband and yourself. I have to comment that I am really tired of people trying to start an argument when there just isn't any reason for it. I am rather new to this forum and I have seen multiple threads full of negativity. I thought this was a place for discussion and to help others not a bashing session. Can't we all just get along<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">

Emilee with 2 E's


New member
I do appreciate that emilee, thank you for your kind words. For some reason or another I really enjoy all the research and finding ways to make the rules and regulations fit to every persons need. Some people really loathe that kind of searching and piecing together but I am rather odd because I thoroughly enjoy it. Thank you again,


New member
I think you've done a wonderful job of answering questions, etc on this site.
I hope that negative things that are said on this thread do not discourage you whatsoever from offering help/advice. Keep it up!
I'm pretty impressed. I think you know more about CF than I did at 21 and I have CF!