Question about TOBI(tobramycin)


New member
<span style="font-family: comic sans ms,sans-serif; font-size: medium;"><span style="color: #800080;">hello <span style="font-family: comic sans ms,sans-serif; font-size: medium;"><span style="color: #800080;">My daughter (8months) got pseudomonas aeruginosa and doctor suggested Nebcin Tobramycin Sulphate (also called Tobi) 20mg with 2cc normal saline to be nabulized 2 times a day for 1 week.Here Tobi comes in 80mg/2ml bottle and once it is opened it can't be reused i dont know why.I only need 20 mg and have to throw the rest.One bottle of 80 mg cost me Rs 180 appx. 2dollars and i need 14 bottles for a week which i cant afford.Anyone here any ideas or tips if the remaining medicine can be stored after opening and reused.How do u guys use Tobi plz help<span style="font-family: comic sans ms,sans-serif; font-size: medium;"><span style="color: #800080;">thanks


Super Moderator
We don't use Tobi, so I'm not sure if this is possible. Can the solution be drawn from the bottle with a sterile needle? That way it remains unopened and "sterile" and should be able to be used again. Just use a new sterile needle every time. Like I said we don't use Tobi, so I don't know how it is packaged. Does it have a rubber stopper in the cap? If it does, then it is designed to be used with a needle.


New member
Its comes in glass bottle as the solution of the injection comes and the top of the glass bottle must be broken with something as doctors break the injection bottle then take solution in the syringe.


Staff member
I wonder the same thing as Teri, if it's sterile like a vial of insulin and kept in the fridge wouldn't still be okay?

We use prepackaged tobi vials. Get a box of 56 vials for 28 days, twice a day. And it's VERY expensive. I have friends who used to use tobramycin before tobi got approved in the form, so hopefully someone here will have an answer for you.


Super Moderator
Like I said, I don't know how it is packaged, but I have experience with vancomycin. That is packaged in vials (small glass bottles) that have a rubber stopper, a metal ring around the top, and a plastic cap. If we were using the whole vial, we could remove the metal ring with pliers. This removes the rubber stopper also and completely opens the bottle. But since we don't use the whole bottle, we simply remove the plastic cap and expose the rubber stopper. The rubber stopper is still held in place by the metal ring. We are then able to use a syringe with a needle to draw out the amount of medicine we need. If your bottle isn't designed the same way, I don't know what the solution would be.


New member
It's an ampule. Personally, I wouldn't risk trying to save the unused medication. The only thing you could do, would be to break the ampule and draw the entire contents into a sterile syringe. Refrigerate the syringe and then dose 20mg at a time. You risk contaminating the medication doing this and also risk the medication going bad if you don't do it properly. One person died from misusing amikacin, I think it was.


New member
I have also heard that TOBI is not for children too if anyone here could tell how old you were when u got your first Tobi therapy or how much old your child was when he needed Tobi


New member
how long should tobi course be continued if it is started once? it is said to continue the medicine if the bacterias r dead and even if you feel ok.I am a mother and my daughter is 7 months old so she can't tell how is she feeling after taking Tobi


New member
According to the prescribing information, safety and efficacy have not been established in children under 6 years of age. Doctors regularly circumvent normal prescribing information, however. I don't have the time at the moment to look for any studies on the lowest appropriate age. I would think it would be difficult to do TOBI treatment in a child so young.