Question about when to give vitamins with Cipro


Super Moderator
When do you give your child their CF vitamin and antacid, like prevacid when on Cipro?

The instructions say not to give 2 hours before or 6 hours after; I am a little confused when to give prevacid and the CF vitamins


Super Moderator
When do you give your child their CF vitamin and antacid, like prevacid when on Cipro?

The instructions say not to give 2 hours before or 6 hours after; I am a little confused when to give prevacid and the CF vitamins


Super Moderator
When do you give your child their CF vitamin and antacid, like prevacid when on Cipro?
<br />
<br />The instructions say not to give 2 hours before or 6 hours after; I am a little confused when to give prevacid and the CF vitamins


New member
This is a great question and I am curious to see how other people answer. We are dealing with this right now and I am giving my son his cipro in the morning with breakfast, then the prevacid and vitamins at lunch, cipro dinner, and vitamins again before bed. He is supposed to get prevacid twice a day but for now I am not doing that. It also says no cipro with milk and he has milk at breakfast ( cream cheese on bagel and scandishake) and dinner so I just let him have it. Not sure if that is right or not but I figure we can only do our best.



New member
This is a great question and I am curious to see how other people answer. We are dealing with this right now and I am giving my son his cipro in the morning with breakfast, then the prevacid and vitamins at lunch, cipro dinner, and vitamins again before bed. He is supposed to get prevacid twice a day but for now I am not doing that. It also says no cipro with milk and he has milk at breakfast ( cream cheese on bagel and scandishake) and dinner so I just let him have it. Not sure if that is right or not but I figure we can only do our best.



New member
This is a great question and I am curious to see how other people answer. We are dealing with this right now and I am giving my son his cipro in the morning with breakfast, then the prevacid and vitamins at lunch, cipro dinner, and vitamins again before bed. He is supposed to get prevacid twice a day but for now I am not doing that. It also says no cipro with milk and he has milk at breakfast ( cream cheese on bagel and scandishake) and dinner so I just let him have it. Not sure if that is right or not but I figure we can only do our best.
<br />
<br />Tara


Super Moderator
I called the pharmacist and he said not to worry about the Prevacid and Cipro interacting. I think when they say antacid they mean TUMS or Maalox , that my guess, since the pharmacist said not to worry about the Prevacid. The problem with the vitamin is it can affect the absorption of Cipro so he said you would not want to give them together.

I plan on giving Maggie the Cipro with breakfast , vitamin at lunch and Cipro before bed(with a snack).

Calcium from milk also binds with Cipro, but she usually does not drink milk in the morning anyway. She does have milk at dinnertime, though.


Super Moderator
I called the pharmacist and he said not to worry about the Prevacid and Cipro interacting. I think when they say antacid they mean TUMS or Maalox , that my guess, since the pharmacist said not to worry about the Prevacid. The problem with the vitamin is it can affect the absorption of Cipro so he said you would not want to give them together.

I plan on giving Maggie the Cipro with breakfast , vitamin at lunch and Cipro before bed(with a snack).

Calcium from milk also binds with Cipro, but she usually does not drink milk in the morning anyway. She does have milk at dinnertime, though.


Super Moderator
I called the pharmacist and he said not to worry about the Prevacid and Cipro interacting. I think when they say antacid they mean TUMS or Maalox , that my guess, since the pharmacist said not to worry about the Prevacid. The problem with the vitamin is it can affect the absorption of Cipro so he said you would not want to give them together.
<br />
<br />I plan on giving Maggie the Cipro with breakfast , vitamin at lunch and Cipro before bed(with a snack).
<br />
<br />Calcium from milk also binds with Cipro, but she usually does not drink milk in the morning anyway. She does have milk at dinnertime, though.


New member
Yes- it is other antacids. Emily was just on Levaquin, which is closely related to Cipro and I had the same concerns. When I looked into the antacid concerns I found it was not the PPI's that are the issue, it was the more typical ones that contain calcium ingredients (which interact with many medications.)

Vitamins are an issue. However, Levaquin is once a day so that was morning and we did the vitamin at night during that time.


New member
Yes- it is other antacids. Emily was just on Levaquin, which is closely related to Cipro and I had the same concerns. When I looked into the antacid concerns I found it was not the PPI's that are the issue, it was the more typical ones that contain calcium ingredients (which interact with many medications.)

Vitamins are an issue. However, Levaquin is once a day so that was morning and we did the vitamin at night during that time.


New member
Yes- it is other antacids. Emily was just on Levaquin, which is closely related to Cipro and I had the same concerns. When I looked into the antacid concerns I found it was not the PPI's that are the issue, it was the more typical ones that contain calcium ingredients (which interact with many medications.)
<br />
<br />Vitamins are an issue. However, Levaquin is once a day so that was morning and we did the vitamin at night during that time.


New member
hi there,
my son just cultured nm pseudomonas for the first time and we are just finishing up the first round of tobi. i did ask the question about cipro - it would have been impossible to coordinate it with everything else taken in the course of a day. my son took no vitamins while on cipro, per his cf clinic.


New member
hi there,
my son just cultured nm pseudomonas for the first time and we are just finishing up the first round of tobi. i did ask the question about cipro - it would have been impossible to coordinate it with everything else taken in the course of a day. my son took no vitamins while on cipro, per his cf clinic.


New member
hi there,
<br />my son just cultured nm pseudomonas for the first time and we are just finishing up the first round of tobi. i did ask the question about cipro - it would have been impossible to coordinate it with everything else taken in the course of a day. my son took no vitamins while on cipro, per his cf clinic.
<br />hth,
<br />kathy


New member
I think the problem is can interact with the antibiotic and make it less effective..
we just make sure that the boys take their magnesium 4 hours after their antibiotics.
don't forget that about the probiotics too. The antibiotics will kill the probiotics and make them useless.



New member
I think the problem is can interact with the antibiotic and make it less effective..
we just make sure that the boys take their magnesium 4 hours after their antibiotics.
don't forget that about the probiotics too. The antibiotics will kill the probiotics and make them useless.
