Question about your future


New member
NO doctory can tell you when you are going to die! Thats retarted and stupid. They do not know what God has instore for us! You can def shourten your life if you do not take care of yourself, and any one can, not just people with CF!
Take it day by day and take care of yourself and live life to the fullest...which that is what everyone one should do even if they are 100 % healthy....


New member
NO doctory can tell you when you are going to die! Thats retarted and stupid. They do not know what God has instore for us! You can def shourten your life if you do not take care of yourself, and any one can, not just people with CF!
Take it day by day and take care of yourself and live life to the fullest...which that is what everyone one should do even if they are 100 % healthy....


New member
NO doctory can tell you when you are going to die! Thats retarted and stupid. They do not know what God has instore for us! You can def shourten your life if you do not take care of yourself, and any one can, not just people with CF!
Take it day by day and take care of yourself and live life to the fullest...which that is what everyone one should do even if they are 100 % healthy....


New member
NO doctory can tell you when you are going to die! Thats retarted and stupid. They do not know what God has instore for us! You can def shourten your life if you do not take care of yourself, and any one can, not just people with CF!
Take it day by day and take care of yourself and live life to the fullest...which that is what everyone one should do even if they are 100 % healthy....


New member
NO doctory can tell you when you are going to die! Thats retarted and stupid. They do not know what God has instore for us! You can def shourten your life if you do not take care of yourself, and any one can, not just people with CF!
<br />Take it day by day and take care of yourself and live life to the fullest...which that is what everyone one should do even if they are 100 % healthy....


New member
Megs, you have to find another word than "retarded" girlie... it makes my heart hurt when I even read it in that contact... Like using the "n" word, just not a good word... sorry just had to write that!!!<img src="i/expressions/hugging.gif" border="0">

I agree with what Meg wrote... NO ONE knows ever!!! and even with all the stats and stuff out there... you create it, hate to say it, but that is how I feel... If you have it in your head that you have 10 years left... You will start the "countdown" and you will die... For all my life I thought I was going to die when I was 31... For some reason, that was my number... amazing thing, I was supposed to die when I was 31... I drank to much water one night and my sodium dropped 4 points below fatal... Doctors have no idea why I am still here... I am here because I make the choice every morning to get out of bed and go kick CF in the balls!!! This disease ain't got nothing on me... lmao... don't I sound tough??? I remember lying in the ER screaming at the top of my lungs that I didn't want to die... I was hallucinateing and all the doctors and nurses looked so scared to me (because they were sure I was going to die) and then Dana walked in... I am sure she is the angel God sent to me... She told me it wasn't my time, I still had stuff to do here... and then she said "turn it over to God"... and I did... I laid back in the bed and I told God I wasn't ready but it was on him now... I woke up the next evening with my doctor poking and prodding me... He shoook his head and explained with my Sodium where it was I should have died, or at least been a complete vegetable...

So that is my story... You make your own, don't write the end before you write the middle!!!

Sarah Jean


New member
Megs, you have to find another word than "retarded" girlie... it makes my heart hurt when I even read it in that contact... Like using the "n" word, just not a good word... sorry just had to write that!!!<img src="i/expressions/hugging.gif" border="0">

I agree with what Meg wrote... NO ONE knows ever!!! and even with all the stats and stuff out there... you create it, hate to say it, but that is how I feel... If you have it in your head that you have 10 years left... You will start the "countdown" and you will die... For all my life I thought I was going to die when I was 31... For some reason, that was my number... amazing thing, I was supposed to die when I was 31... I drank to much water one night and my sodium dropped 4 points below fatal... Doctors have no idea why I am still here... I am here because I make the choice every morning to get out of bed and go kick CF in the balls!!! This disease ain't got nothing on me... lmao... don't I sound tough??? I remember lying in the ER screaming at the top of my lungs that I didn't want to die... I was hallucinateing and all the doctors and nurses looked so scared to me (because they were sure I was going to die) and then Dana walked in... I am sure she is the angel God sent to me... She told me it wasn't my time, I still had stuff to do here... and then she said "turn it over to God"... and I did... I laid back in the bed and I told God I wasn't ready but it was on him now... I woke up the next evening with my doctor poking and prodding me... He shoook his head and explained with my Sodium where it was I should have died, or at least been a complete vegetable...

So that is my story... You make your own, don't write the end before you write the middle!!!

Sarah Jean


New member
Megs, you have to find another word than "retarded" girlie... it makes my heart hurt when I even read it in that contact... Like using the "n" word, just not a good word... sorry just had to write that!!!<img src="i/expressions/hugging.gif" border="0">

I agree with what Meg wrote... NO ONE knows ever!!! and even with all the stats and stuff out there... you create it, hate to say it, but that is how I feel... If you have it in your head that you have 10 years left... You will start the "countdown" and you will die... For all my life I thought I was going to die when I was 31... For some reason, that was my number... amazing thing, I was supposed to die when I was 31... I drank to much water one night and my sodium dropped 4 points below fatal... Doctors have no idea why I am still here... I am here because I make the choice every morning to get out of bed and go kick CF in the balls!!! This disease ain't got nothing on me... lmao... don't I sound tough??? I remember lying in the ER screaming at the top of my lungs that I didn't want to die... I was hallucinateing and all the doctors and nurses looked so scared to me (because they were sure I was going to die) and then Dana walked in... I am sure she is the angel God sent to me... She told me it wasn't my time, I still had stuff to do here... and then she said "turn it over to God"... and I did... I laid back in the bed and I told God I wasn't ready but it was on him now... I woke up the next evening with my doctor poking and prodding me... He shoook his head and explained with my Sodium where it was I should have died, or at least been a complete vegetable...

So that is my story... You make your own, don't write the end before you write the middle!!!

Sarah Jean


New member
Megs, you have to find another word than "retarded" girlie... it makes my heart hurt when I even read it in that contact... Like using the "n" word, just not a good word... sorry just had to write that!!!<img src="i/expressions/hugging.gif" border="0">

I agree with what Meg wrote... NO ONE knows ever!!! and even with all the stats and stuff out there... you create it, hate to say it, but that is how I feel... If you have it in your head that you have 10 years left... You will start the "countdown" and you will die... For all my life I thought I was going to die when I was 31... For some reason, that was my number... amazing thing, I was supposed to die when I was 31... I drank to much water one night and my sodium dropped 4 points below fatal... Doctors have no idea why I am still here... I am here because I make the choice every morning to get out of bed and go kick CF in the balls!!! This disease ain't got nothing on me... lmao... don't I sound tough??? I remember lying in the ER screaming at the top of my lungs that I didn't want to die... I was hallucinateing and all the doctors and nurses looked so scared to me (because they were sure I was going to die) and then Dana walked in... I am sure she is the angel God sent to me... She told me it wasn't my time, I still had stuff to do here... and then she said "turn it over to God"... and I did... I laid back in the bed and I told God I wasn't ready but it was on him now... I woke up the next evening with my doctor poking and prodding me... He shoook his head and explained with my Sodium where it was I should have died, or at least been a complete vegetable...

So that is my story... You make your own, don't write the end before you write the middle!!!

Sarah Jean


New member
Megs, you have to find another word than "retarded" girlie... it makes my heart hurt when I even read it in that contact... Like using the "n" word, just not a good word... sorry just had to write that!!!<img src="i/expressions/hugging.gif" border="0">
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<br />I agree with what Meg wrote... NO ONE knows ever!!! and even with all the stats and stuff out there... you create it, hate to say it, but that is how I feel... If you have it in your head that you have 10 years left... You will start the "countdown" and you will die... For all my life I thought I was going to die when I was 31... For some reason, that was my number... amazing thing, I was supposed to die when I was 31... I drank to much water one night and my sodium dropped 4 points below fatal... Doctors have no idea why I am still here... I am here because I make the choice every morning to get out of bed and go kick CF in the balls!!! This disease ain't got nothing on me... lmao... don't I sound tough??? I remember lying in the ER screaming at the top of my lungs that I didn't want to die... I was hallucinateing and all the doctors and nurses looked so scared to me (because they were sure I was going to die) and then Dana walked in... I am sure she is the angel God sent to me... She told me it wasn't my time, I still had stuff to do here... and then she said "turn it over to God"... and I did... I laid back in the bed and I told God I wasn't ready but it was on him now... I woke up the next evening with my doctor poking and prodding me... He shoook his head and explained with my Sodium where it was I should have died, or at least been a complete vegetable...
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<br />So that is my story... You make your own, don't write the end before you write the middle!!!
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<br />xoxo
<br />Sarah Jean