question about your late/wrong diagnosis


New member
After read the thread about when you (or your child or loved one) was diagnosed, I am enraged to see how many were diagnosed late. This seems to have often happened after months or years of being told things were "normal" or nothing was wrong.

Has anyone sought legal action against the doctors who steered you in the wrong direction or ignored your concerns? Or at least, have you reported them to the medical board?

I know you probably aren't interested in money from the doctors, but you may want to have something on the doctor's record that may help other patients avoid the same problems in the future.

Just my opinion.



New member
Even though I did almost die, people do make mistakes. Cf isn't a rare disease, but there are always going to be peopel who don't totally understand. Also I live in Canada you can't just sue over everything..


New member
It was a battle to find out what my son had.We went through 20 diapers a day he was losing lots of weight. We took him home 1/2 an ounce over 10% less then he was at birth. He went from 7lbs4.5ozs to 4lbs8ozs. They told me I wasn't feeding him enough my diet wasn't right(breastfeeding) had me foumula feed and give baby food by 2months while still breastfeeding. At 5 months after they told me to stop nursing. I was at dr every day for wht checks for almost half a year. I called and set apt at differnt hospital and guess what 2 days later we had our answer. Sometimes I get mad I had asked the first hopstial about genetic problems. I went back and told the drs what my son had one told me well we couldn't have tested for that any way. Just goes to show nobody is prefect not even a dr. Thankfully we found the dr that probably saved my sons life. I just wish I hadn't put so much trust in the first hospital. That just goes to show noboby is perfect not even a mother.


New member
Suing never crossed my mind, but I have a letter in my head that I am going to write and send to one of the Drs and to the sweat test administrator. They probably have no idea they must be doing the test wrong, because her comment when doing the test, was that 'these always come back negative.' Hmmmmmm.....I was just thankful I didn't take their word for it and trusted my gut and insisted on going to a CF Clinic. But my son did get pretty sick before we ever made it there.


New member
I never though about a lawsuit because when my twin brother was 6 he had pneumonia and was tested and it came back negative. I also live in Canada it's not that easy to sue a doctor over here.

Dave 30 w/cf


New member
I thought about it but only for a minute. My symptoms so closely relate to asthma, alergies with sinus. I had no symptoms in the belly or intestines until after I was diagnost. So I can understand why I was mis-diagnosed time after time. I didn't have my first exasperation until after my diagnosis either. Eva 35 w/cf dignosed at 30.